• List of Articles kalam

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        1 - The role of Da'wa institution in the political authority of the Ismaili Imamate
        zohreh alavidaghigh
        وجود یک سازمان تبلیغی- تبشیری با نام «سازمان دعوت»، یکی از عوامل پیش‌رفت و توسعه فرقه اسماعیلیه بود که سرانجام منجر به تأسیس یکی از امپراتوری‌های بزرگ اسلامی به نام فاطمیان در قرن چهارم در مغرب و مصر شد. داعیان ایرانی نهاد دعوت، با تبیین و تحلیل تفکر اسماعیل More
        وجود یک سازمان تبلیغی- تبشیری با نام «سازمان دعوت»، یکی از عوامل پیش‌رفت و توسعه فرقه اسماعیلیه بود که سرانجام منجر به تأسیس یکی از امپراتوری‌های بزرگ اسلامی به نام فاطمیان در قرن چهارم در مغرب و مصر شد. داعیان ایرانی نهاد دعوت، با تبیین و تحلیل تفکر اسماعیلی تلاش نمودند دعوت فاطمی را از طریق مسالمت‌آمیز در داخل و خارج قلمرو فاطمیان نشر دهند. در این راستا یکی از مهم‌ترین راهبردهای فرهنگی داعیان، ارائه استدلال‌های دینی و فلسفی در تبیین مشروعیت دینی و دنیوی ائمه فاطمی بود. بر همین اساس، سوال پژوهش حاضر این است که، داعیان نهاد دعوت چگونه از براهین کلام و فلسفه در تحکیم اقتدار امامت بهره جستند؟ فرضیه مطرح شده آن است که، داعیان با برهان‌های کلامی – فلسفی و مذهبی راه جدیدی برای نگرش به جهان و بیان نقش انسان ارائه دادند تا با تلفیق حقیقت دینی با حقیقت علمی دعوت شبه سیاسی امام فاطمی را نشر دهند. دستاورد این نوشتار که به روش توصیفی ـ تحلیلی سامان یافته این است که تالیفات داعیان در خصوص کلام و فلسفه چه با هدف حفظ موجودیت سیاسی خویشی و چه با انگیزه ترویج فرقه اسماعیلیه تالیف شده باشد، شایسته بازخوانی است و از سوی دیگر نقش تعیین کننده ای در اقتدار امامت امام فاطمی ایفا کرده است. Manuscript profile
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        2 - mountaineer natives of western mazandaran (the Galesh)
        alaedin azare
        In the beginning of third millennium A.D, there are some people and clans living in our ancient country who are mostly dependent on their natural environment and have little tendency to leave it, they live either in the borders of dry deserts, or in mountains, mountains More
        In the beginning of third millennium A.D, there are some people and clans living in our ancient country who are mostly dependent on their natural environment and have little tendency to leave it, they live either in the borders of dry deserts, or in mountains, mountainsides and forests. These people are loyal to their ancestors heritage, and respect the ceremonies, folklore and religions beliefs of them . But, in the course of time, some manifestation of modern civilization has been appeared among them, and they will soon forget whatever obtained from generation to generation, or those beliefs will disappear little by little. And, this is the coercion of history , and maybe the issue of GLOBAL VILLAGE, proposed by marshal mc luhan turns into reality. The galesh are one of the native people of Iran who have already kept most of their ancient ceremonies and beliefs, but their simple life is being quickly developed in the recent decades, and there is the fear that in the near future they will forget their beliefs. The author intends to briefly bring up the Galesh and specifications of their life, converse with them and retell what they remember from their ancestors. Therefore, this is rather a field (practical) research than a library one.   Manuscript profile
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        3 - A Critical Study of the Application of Dhul-Qarnayn to Historical Figures, Based on Dhul-Qarnayn's Personality in Shiite Interpretive Hadiths
        Ataollah Bigdeli
        The Holy Qur'an and Islamic traditions have mentioned Dhul-Qarnayn as a historical figure. Commentators have considered finding the historical example of Dhul-Qarnayn to be useful and a proof of the authenticity of the verses and hadiths. Two adaptations have received a More
        The Holy Qur'an and Islamic traditions have mentioned Dhul-Qarnayn as a historical figure. Commentators have considered finding the historical example of Dhul-Qarnayn to be useful and a proof of the authenticity of the verses and hadiths. Two adaptations have received attention more than other theories: Adaptation to Alexander and Cyrus. The main reason is to pay attention to historical data about the lives of these two characters. The issue of the present research is whether there is evidence for these adaptations in Islamic traditions focusing on Shiite traditions. In the beginning, the historical period of life, name and ancestry, history, extent of power and travels of Dhul-Qarnayn are reported. Then, the opinions of the commentators have been examined according to the historical data and then the traditions about these comparisons. Findings: None of the two comparative theories are compatible with the character introduced by Dhul-Qarnayn. His existence and attributes are among the hidden news in history, which were mentioned by revelation, and there is no need to match them to any of the past kings.     Manuscript profile
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        4 - Mowlānā Jalāl-al Din Balkhi and the Problem of Fate and Freedom
        ناصر نیکوبخت
            The problem of reconciling predestination (jabr) and free will (ekhtiyār) has preoccupied the minds of many Islamic theologians. Shi'ism holds an intermediate position between the Ash'arite and al-Jahmiya predestination and the Mu'tazilite doctrine of fr More
            The problem of reconciling predestination (jabr) and free will (ekhtiyār) has preoccupied the minds of many Islamic theologians. Shi'ism holds an intermediate position between the Ash'arite and al-Jahmiya predestination and the Mu'tazilite doctrine of freedom (tafwid). Mowlānā Jalāl-al Din Balkhi, the Persian mystic, is an Ash'arite himself, yet his deep mystical inclinations give a different color to this central issue of Kalam (Islamic theology). Considering his ideas about "Love", this article studies Mowlānā's method in solving the problem of jabr and ekhtiyar.     Manuscript profile