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        1 - Imam Khomeini’s View Point about the Nature of Religious Rule
        Ahmadreza Tavakoli
        Discussion about the nature of religious rule is from imaginarymanners of principles Knowledge . Differences of attitudesabout the nature of religious rule affect basic orientations indifferent discussions of principles Knowledge .There are tow important attitudes about More
        Discussion about the nature of religious rule is from imaginarymanners of principles Knowledge . Differences of attitudesabout the nature of religious rule affect basic orientations indifferent discussions of principles Knowledge .There are tow important attitudes about rule definition amongprinciples scholars . Some believe rule is a falsified andconventional thing that does not have instance in the realworld and others believe it is a real and incipient thing . Ruledefinition according to principles scholars contain one ofintroductions and different stage of the rule including interestsand mischiefs , creation , volition , legality and accosting .In contrast to some scholars who consider religious rule as areal thing , Imam Khomeini considers rule as a conventionalthing and religious forgery that has just tow degrees ofcreation and reality . He has not accepted the definition of therule in terms of volition , interests and mischiefs and hebelieves these real thing are the introductions of the rule . Hehas refused the division of the volition within religious andincipient volition . He believes the volition of lawgiver aboutreligious things belongs to the fabrication of the law not todoing duty by obligated people . In this thesis , differentdefinitions of the rule and some famous attitudes about thenature of the creation and convention have been investigatedand the attitude of Imam Khomeini about religious rule hasbeen compared with other definitions .Four fold degrees of religious rule have been criticized andfinally , the results of the discussion have been offered . Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Evaluation Susan Haacke's Critique of Popper's Epistemological Anti Justification Votes
        Mahdi Brojerdi Alireza Mansouri Reza Azizi Nezhad
        Critical rationalism is an approach to biological behavior, and especially to science, that has been introduced by Karl Popper. But his views on the rejection of induction and justification have met with opposition from Susan Haacke as a philosopher of logic. In this ar More
        Critical rationalism is an approach to biological behavior, and especially to science, that has been introduced by Karl Popper. But his views on the rejection of induction and justification have met with opposition from Susan Haacke as a philosopher of logic. In this article, we will evaluate Haacke's view of Popper's views as logical negativity, and show that Haacke makes every effort to maintain justification methods in various interpretations and forms, mostly under the shadow of induction. We will also show that Haacke's critique of Popper, due to his tendency to justify, suffers from some psychological and semantic confusion with epistemological issues. In response, we will see that Popper denies the connection between rationality and justification, and essentially considers justification impossible, and proposes a three-step model, including problem-solving, finding innovative solutions to the problem, and eliminating some of which there is no need for justification. And there is no supporting evidence. The product of such an approach would be to present creative conjectures and conjectures that, while accepting the existence of an ideal truth and a reality outside our minds, do not establish any relation of reality or truth to the hypotheses, and as a result We will be safe from the problems of justification. That is why we are always ready to criticize our solutions and take a more modest position on our hypotheses and theories. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Sartre and the Falsification of Meaning: Ontology of being for itself and its Relationship with Concrete Ethics
        Zeynab ArabMistani Seyed Sadegh Zamani seyed rahmatolla mosavimoghadam
        Man is the only creature that needs meaning. He needs meaning as symbolic food as much as he needs food to survive. It is in this context that the meaning of life - one of the most important philosophical, psychological and religious issues - has been investigated from More
        Man is the only creature that needs meaning. He needs meaning as symbolic food as much as he needs food to survive. It is in this context that the meaning of life - one of the most important philosophical, psychological and religious issues - has been investigated from different perspectives and it has been discussed in different areas. In general, there are two views about meaning among thinkers and philosophers. Philosophers who consider meaning as an objective, external and "revealed" thing and philosophers who consider it as an internal, subjective and "unknown" thing that arose from within the human being which is subjective and its source is the will, choices and commitments of the human being. Sartre, too is among the thinkers who consider meaning as an internal and falsifiable matter. In this research, we try to answer the most important problem of today's human beings’ lives through the falsification of meaning by examining the relationship between the ontology of being for itself and concrete ethics in Sartre's philosophy. According to Sartre, a person does not have a predetermined and fixed nature; his nature is constantly being constructed by his choices. Man, as a living being, relying on his freedom, can create moral values approved by himself and his society, and by creating a sense of commitment, he can forge a meaning for life. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Criticism of embezzlement and smuggling of goods as examples of money laundering
        mihammad ali ebrahimzadehmolaei Akbar Fallah Ali Faghihi
        Money laundering is a legitimate and illegal manifestation of illicit and illegal property, and this phenomenon is one of the transnational organized crimes that has harmful effects and effects at the international level and interferes with social, political, economic a More
        Money laundering is a legitimate and illegal manifestation of illicit and illegal property, and this phenomenon is one of the transnational organized crimes that has harmful effects and effects at the international level and interferes with social, political, economic and security issues. It has significant social and political consequences for societies, and to compare it with the crimes of embezzlement and smuggling of goods, the clear jurisprudential principles such as the verses of Akal Mal to Badal, Akl Sahat, narrations and rules of jurisprudence such as the rule of no harm and maintaining order, highlight this phenomenon. It implies that the principles and teachings of the religion of Islam, such as prohibition and prohibition (acquisition of property in vain) and the behavior of the great leaders of Islam regarding money laundering operations, which lead to the use of illicit income, are also taken into account. If the property is invalid) and it is considered a haram act and according to the rule: (Al-Tughrir for the whole of Muharram action) and the rule: (Al-Ta'zir with us for the way of ruling), the Islamic ruler can impose punishment for such forbidden and harmful acts on the interests of the communi Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Comparative Analysis on properties of Induction and Experience in Ibn Sina and Popper’s Philosophies
        Qodrat allah Qorbani
        Experience and induction are of the basic issues of contemporary philosophy of science that have been considered by Ibn Sina and Popper’s philosophies. Ibn Sina by referring to some principles including essential derivation, the accidental rule and the hidden syll More
        Experience and induction are of the basic issues of contemporary philosophy of science that have been considered by Ibn Sina and Popper’s philosophies. Ibn Sina by referring to some principles including essential derivation, the accidental rule and the hidden syllogism, tries to separate experience from induction, and consider for experience a kind of conditioned certainty and universality. Moreover, his division of induction into complete and incomplete ones has its specific significance. Popper, by considering the problem of impossibility to obtain universal inferences through induction, tries to resolve the problem of induction by introducing the principle of transference indicating equality of logical approaching and the principality of psychology. He, then, through theory of Falsification, renders a universal and empirical criterion for testing empirical theories. Popper and Ibn Sina’s resemblance is their critical approach to the problems of experience and induction by struggling for explaining their epistemic aspects in sciences and practical human life. But finally although they both have not restricted scientific method to experience and induction, but some differences can be found among them. Popper, while, has regarded the experience as a criterion for separating science from non-science, but does not consider any authentic base for it. Ibn Sina, however, believes that experience is one of self evidences which played an effective role in growth of human knowledge. In this paper, by comparative explaining and analyzing Ibn Sina and Popper’s viewpoints concerning induction and experience, has been tried to show merits and efficacies of Ibn Sina’s points of view. Manuscript profile