Typology of policies of caliphs in falsifying traditions related to the caliphate of the Wahi dynasty - "A case study of the caliphate period of the three caliphs until the beginning of the Umayyads' rise to power"
Subject Areas : Journal of History (Tarikh)
1 - Master of Imamate from the specialized center of Imamate of Ahl al-Bayt (as) in Qom, a level 4 scholar of Imamology at the Ahl al-Bayt Institute of Education in Qom, lecturer and permanent member of the Islamic Theology Association of Qom Seminary
Keywords: The family of revelation, falsification of traditions, character sculpting, assimilation, virtue sculpting, ,
Abstract :
The story of falsification of news is one of the bitter events in the history of Islam, especially when we turn the pages of the ancient sources of Islamic history and come across ridiculous reports and traditions that target the holy place of the Holy Prophet and his family. Narratives that were falsified for specific purposes by the order of the caliphs of the time and due to the circumstances of the hadith, and were later widely transmitted and propagated by some known hadith scholars, knowingly or unknowingly. It seems that the main factor behind the falsification of such news was the attempt to take over the position of the caliphate by removing the Ahl al-Bayt of the Prophet from the context of society and establishing the position of the claimants of the caliphate. What is more, the realization of this important task required detailed, targeted and large-scale planning, which was designed long before the martyrdom of the Messenger of God by the claimants of the caliphate, and for years after that, in the form of falsifying and spreading absurd and offensive news to diminish the position of the family of Revelation and promote its position. The individual and social claimants of the false caliphate were implemented. In this article, we will examine and analyze these policies during the era of the first three caliphs until the beginning of the Umayyad dynasty's rise to power, or the era of Muawiya bin Abis Sufyan's rule.