List of Articles classroom environment Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - Investigation the relationship between beliefs and components of constructivism in mathematics classroom environment Fatemeh Ahmadpour Mobarakeh Mohammad Reza Fadaee Abolfazl Rafeipour Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Assessing the Classroom Socio-Psychological Environment in order to Identify School Internal Structure and its Relation with Student’s Creativity Hamed Khani Hasan Fazeli Yousef Karimi Mousa Bandak Nasibeh Pargari Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - The causal model of academic achievement based on the hardiness and perception of the classroom environment with the mediation of academic engagement Fozieh Elhampour hamzeh Ganji Kadije Abolmaali Alhosani Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - Relationship between Perception of classroom environment and academic avoidance: The mediating role of self- perception samira saleh farhad khormaei 10.30495/jinev.2020.673921 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 5 - Study of relationship between personal characteristics and test anxiety and perception of the classroom environment of female High School students sevda fazlizade mohammad sahebalzamani ladan Fatah moghadam Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 6 - Structural model of the relationship between academic meaning, family flexibility, academic support and perception of the classroom environment with academic buoyancy with the mediating role of academic flourishing in 12th grade female students in Shiraz S.F. ravavi Motlagh فرح Naderi fatemeh sadat marashian فریبا زرگر شیرازی 10.30495/jpmm.2022.29307.3535 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 7 - Investigating the mediating role of basic psychological needs in the relationship between the dimensions of family communication patterns and perception of the classroom environment with academic self-regulation in students Morvarid Bozorgpouri Azarmidokht Rezaei Maryam Kouroshnia soltanali kazemi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 8 - The Effectiveness of Teachers’ Traininig in Effective Classroom Management on Cognitive Outcomes :perceptions of classroom environment and time on task Tahere Heidarilaghab ali akbar aminbeidokhti siavash talepasand 10.30495/jedu.2021.24268.4874 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 9 - The Relationship Between the Perception of the Classroom Environment with Boredom and Academic Incivility: The Mediating Role of Academic Hope عسکر آتش افروز ََMajid Jafari علیرضا حاجی یخچالی