List of Articles The function Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - The formulaic speech of Metonymy in "Charand o' Parand" and its function Saeedeh Birjandi Reza Shajari Alireza Fouladi Amirhosein rasoulnia 10.30495/dk.2022.690476 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Technical Usage of Poem in Fiction; A Case Study of 'Risāla al-ghofrān' Mahin Hajizadeh Mohammad Taher Motahar Kaveh Khezri Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - the validity of absolute conjecture and its function in the new issues in terms of Imamiyah Jurisprudence mohammad etemadi hormoz asadikoohbad Sayyed Hassan Hosseini Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - The Functions of Farr in Mohammadreza Yousefi's Adaptations of Shānāmeh; A Bio-Oriented Approach zahra parsapoor fateme mohamadzade 10.30495/mmlq.2023.706070 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 5 - Assessing the Function of Metropolises in Economic Globalization (Comparative Study of Tehran and Istanbul) jamileye tavakoliniya batool majidi khameneh saeed zargami