List of Articles Pulicaria gnaphalodes Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - The survey of the essential oil composition of Pulicaria gnaphalodes (Vent.) Boiss. from Brzok of Kashan at the first report Hosain Batoli Abdulrasul Haghir-Ebrahimabadi Eman Karimi Asma Mazooch Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Characterization of chemical profiles of essential oils and volatiles of Pulicaria gnaphalodes (Vent.) Boiss. using classical hydrodistillation, classical steam distillation, microwave-assisted hydrodistillation, solvent free microwave extraction, headspace, headspace-solidphase microextraction combined with gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric determination Majid Mohammadhosseini 10.71596/tpr.2024.1187432