• List of Articles رؤیا

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Functions of 'A'yān-i Thabita and Archetypes in the Thought of Ibn Arabi and Jung: Comparative Study
        Roshanak Jahani Ali Sanaee Azim Hamzeian Habibollah Naderi
        "A'yān-i-Thābita" ("the Eternal Essences of Things") and "archetypes" are two fundamental terms in two different intellectual systems. Ibn Al-Arabi by a mystical approach and Jung by an analytical approach use the terms "A'yān-i-Thabita" and "archetypes" and attribute s More
        "A'yān-i-Thābita" ("the Eternal Essences of Things") and "archetypes" are two fundamental terms in two different intellectual systems. Ibn Al-Arabi by a mystical approach and Jung by an analytical approach use the terms "A'yān-i-Thabita" and "archetypes" and attribute some characteristics and functions to them. This article tries to find an answer to the question about the differences and similarities between the characteristics and functions of "A'yān-i-Thabita" and "archetypes" in the viewpoint of Ibn Al-Arabi and Jung. This study shows that both thinkers believe in the existence of the basic ideas in cognition and do not consider the soul/psyche empty. Ibn Al-Arabi considers these ideas as the eternal essences of things, rationales in divine knowledge, which have existential ability manifested by the creative imagination. But Jung considers archetypes, for example the archetype of self or God, as the primary images emerge from human instinct reflected in religious and mythical symbols. Consequently, Ibn Al-Arabi deals with "God" but Jung studies "the idea of God". Manuscript profile
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        2 - Nature and Function of Dreams in the Classical Sufi Works
        Vahid Mahmoodi Amir Ali Mazandarani
        Sufis considered dreams to be one of the means of communication with the unseen realm, and they were thus highly valued. They examined the effects and goals of the dream experience in spiritual life and presented various viewpoints on the origins of dreams. This article More
        Sufis considered dreams to be one of the means of communication with the unseen realm, and they were thus highly valued. They examined the effects and goals of the dream experience in spiritual life and presented various viewpoints on the origins of dreams. This article explored the nature and function of dreams in Sufism by carefully studying 34 mystical texts from the 4th to 9th AH and assessing the contents of 387 dream accounts in these works. Dreams, according to mystics, are tied to either external circumstances or people's mental processes. Some mystics consider angels and others consider human waking behaviour, speech, and thought as the sources of dreams. Finally, others see the connection of man's encompassed imagination (khayal muttasil) to the absolute imagination (khayal mutlaq) as the source of dreams. Analysis of the content of dream reports in mystical works shows that dreams had three main functions for mystics: 1. a way for communicating with the unseen and gaining knowledge; 2. An approving proof for their doctrines; 3. A mirror that shows the people destiny and the outputs of their deeds. The present study can provide a coherent framework for understanding the nature and function of dreams from the perspective of Islamic mysticism. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Comparative study of cryptography and Telisman-opening of the beginning of feasts in Shahnameh and Haft Peykar
        Leila Saei Nasser Naseri Tazeh Shahri Shahriar Hassanzadeh
        One of the outstanding features of all fictional works with mental themes is their cryptic nature, so that this feature has a special effect and prominence in "Shahnameh" and "Haft Peykar", since elders and heroes to unravel complex codes and telismans with the help of More
        One of the outstanding features of all fictional works with mental themes is their cryptic nature, so that this feature has a special effect and prominence in "Shahnameh" and "Haft Peykar", since elders and heroes to unravel complex codes and telismans with the help of Ahuras force and rationalists fought against the demonic forces, and sometimes resorted to cryptic acts to untie closed and difficult knots, and they rejoiced and feasted. The protagonists of the stories speak of tools such as astronomy and prediction of divine destiny, and consult with priests, clerics and dreamers to unravel the mysteries and secrets, and sometimes turn to astrology and knowledge of the misfortunes of Sepehri astronomers in order to achieve victory. In this article, scientific causation has been done in a descriptive-analytical and comparative way and the research results show that most of the celebrations have had roots in unlocking codes and telismans. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Comparative study of sleeping and dreaming in Quranic considerations and “Ma’thanvi” by Mowlana
        Muhammad Reza Asaad
        Sleeping and dreaming is a divine blessing which is always kept a secret and has made human mind busy. This phenomenon has been perplexing and surprising and at times this surprise has made us to know the unique God. Each group has taken this phenomenon i More
        Sleeping and dreaming is a divine blessing which is always kept a secret and has made human mind busy. This phenomenon has been perplexing and surprising and at times this surprise has made us to know the unique God. Each group has taken this phenomenon into consideration from its own ideological point of view and formulated its own theories in answer to its questions. Thus from any point of view there is a different definition and the definition of dream is not the same for different religions, psychologists, philosophers and mystics andthey haven’t agreed pon the nature of dreaming and they might never  do. Answering questions about the nature of dreaming is a very difficult thing. The phenomenon of dreaming has been used in the works of Iranian philosophers. The present research tries to compare the Quranic considerations of dream with the thoughts of Mowlana in the book “Mathnawi Ma’anavi”. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Study and Comparison of the Two Jewish and Zoroastrian Spiritual Journeys to the Post Mortal World
        Gordafarin Muhammadi Mehdi Momtahen
        The present article analyses the quality and nature of two Jewish and Zoroastrian journeys of the afterlife namely “Book of Ardaviraf” and “Dream of Enokh” while expressing their similarities and differences. The main characters of both works (V More
        The present article analyses the quality and nature of two Jewish and Zoroastrian journeys of the afterlife namely “Book of Ardaviraf” and “Dream of Enokh” while expressing their similarities and differences. The main characters of both works (Viraf&Enokh) are great men of their nation who experience this spiritual journey and visit heaven and hell and walk with creator of the universe and finally they come back to their people with great experiences and instructions. They inform people of what they have observed. In the “Dream of Enokh” the way the universe was created and how it works systematically is also explained but this article mainly focuses on the differences of Heaven and hell in these works. Manuscript profile
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        6 - A Study on Application of Color in Yadollah Royaee Based on Max Lüscher
        Hoda Pezhhan
        Psychological attitude to the color and a study on its effect on human's spirit and spirit is one of the modern psychology branches which is paid a lot of attention by psychology and physiology. Color psychology of Max Lüscher is a new method in which the huma More
        Psychological attitude to the color and a study on its effect on human's spirit and spirit is one of the modern psychology branches which is paid a lot of attention by psychology and physiology. Color psychology of Max Lüscher is a new method in which the human psycho would be analyzed based on the color selection test. Yadollah Royaee is one of the contemporary poets who enjoys the colors in creating poetic images and dreams. The present paper attempts to represent an image of Max Lüscher's thoughts and attitudes scientifically and applicable by enjoying his color psychology theory. Manuscript profile
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        7 - An Inter - Religious critical Study on Dreamy Language Claim of Holy Quran
        Ali Ghazanfari Reihaneh Pour Khalili
        If the researches in Quranic issues and studies are done delicately, it could be resulted out that the source of most studies which focus on Quran reveal in order to prove the divine issues were Holy Quran. The present paper which is done in analytical – descripti More
        If the researches in Quranic issues and studies are done delicately, it could be resulted out that the source of most studies which focus on Quran reveal in order to prove the divine issues were Holy Quran. The present paper which is done in analytical – descriptive method, designates the question below to prove the reality of Holy Quran and criticizes and analyzes it to verify the claim on the dreamy language of Quran. The question is: how is the transfer of the meanings in Quran and How does Allah talk to his people in Holy Quran?    Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Re-reading the types of revelation
        Nahla Gharavi Naeini
        The word revelation in the Holy Quran is mentioned in more than 75 verses in various forms and derivatives. From the Amir Al-Momenin (pbuh) - the first commentator and explainer of the sciences of the Qur'an after the Prophet- an expression has been received in the mean More
        The word revelation in the Holy Quran is mentioned in more than 75 verses in various forms and derivatives. From the Amir Al-Momenin (pbuh) - the first commentator and explainer of the sciences of the Qur'an after the Prophet- an expression has been received in the meanings of various revelations. After that, Islamic scholars such as lexicographers, commentators and scholars of Quranic sciences have mentioned its meanings and considered types and varieties to it. There is homogeneity and inhomogeneity between these definitions. The common result of these definitions and categories is that each revelation in meaning of a secret message or reference has a source of issuance and a recipient. Carefully in all the verses of the Holy Quran that contain the word revelation, it can be said that the source that issued the revelation- in the literal sense i,e symbolic message- are God Almighty, man, angel, and Satan. Using the lexical and idiomatic meaning of revelation and with the help of the verses of Qur'an, this article examines the types of revelation on human beings and divides it into apostolic and non-apostolic revelation and divides the method of apostolic revelation into non-mediatory and mediatory revelation. He has criticized some definitions of Quranic scholars and believes that the word revelation is different from inspiration and dreams about chosen human beings and prophets.   Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Comparison of Hassan Vahid Dastgerdi and Yadollah Royaei 's Views on the elements of contemporary poetry
        Gholamreza Khanmohammadi Ali Sabbaghi Hassan Heidari Tahereh Mirhashemi
        There has been an old and new confrontation in the field of poetry and speech since very past to the present. The present article intends to compare Hassan Vahid Dastgerdi’s (1258-1321) Viewpoint as a pro-traditional poetry critic and Yadollah Royaei (1311) as a p More
        There has been an old and new confrontation in the field of poetry and speech since very past to the present. The present article intends to compare Hassan Vahid Dastgerdi’s (1258-1321) Viewpoint as a pro-traditional poetry critic and Yadollah Royaei (1311) as a pro-modernist critic in Persian poetry, about poetry and poesy by applying inductive method and studies Yadollah Royaei and Vahid Dastgerdi’s articles and comments in Armaghan magazine The result of the research shows that Vahid Dastgerdi considers poetry as a medium for conveying high moral and mystical concepts by adhering to traditions. In contrast, Yadollah Royaei emphasizes the intelligent use of image, language and the coherence of poetic elements. For Vahid Dastgerdi, it is important to enjoy rhythm and rhyme, but not for a Royaei; but both poems are considered linguistic art. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - العطار النیسابوری والرؤى السریالیة فی تذکرة الأولیاء
        Fatemeh Emami
        السریالیة (الفوق واقعیة)، هی مدرسة فنیة وأدبیة نشأت فی العقد الثالث من القرن العشرین فی فرنسا. تحمل الرؤى والأفکار اللاشعوریة (اللاوعی) والذاتیة والتجرید والخیال فأصبحت عناصر واقعیة فی ساحة الفن والأدب، کما أنها أمور لها مکانة خاصة وممیزة فی ساحة التصوف. وعلى الرغم من م More
        السریالیة (الفوق واقعیة)، هی مدرسة فنیة وأدبیة نشأت فی العقد الثالث من القرن العشرین فی فرنسا. تحمل الرؤى والأفکار اللاشعوریة (اللاوعی) والذاتیة والتجرید والخیال فأصبحت عناصر واقعیة فی ساحة الفن والأدب، کما أنها أمور لها مکانة خاصة وممیزة فی ساحة التصوف. وعلى الرغم من معرفتنا بأن المبادئ والنماذج التی تتمیز بها الأعمال الأدبیة والصوفیة لدى أدبائنا لا تنطبق تماماً مع السریالیة کمکتب ومذهب، ولکنّ هناک دلالات متقاربة ورموزاً متشابهة لمکوّنات المدرسة السریالیة مثل السخریة، والسحر، والحالات الغریبة، والرؤیا (الحلم)، والکتابة التلقائیة، والجنون والتهور والمصادفة، تُمکّننا من دراسة الرؤیا فی تذکرة الأولیاء للشاعر العطار النیسابوری. ومن هذا المنطلق یقوم البحث على أساس المنهج التحلیلی المقارن. ومن خلال هذه الدراسة، توصّل البحث إلى أن الرؤیا فی تذکرة الأولیاء برزت کأحد الأدوات والوسائل التی استعان بها الشاعر لعرض أفکارٍ استقاها من عالمٍ یتفوق الواقع إلى أبعد الحدود انفتح إلیه من خلال مراتب الشهود الحاصلة لدیه ضمن تجربته الصوفیة.        Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - An analysis of the dream allegory Hassanpour Mansouri and Mahmoud Golab Darei's Novels in "Jasmine's Fragrance" Relying on Gramsci's activist theory
        farzaneh Keikha Farzaneh Ahmad Reza Keikha Farzaneh Mostafa Salari
        The Dream of the Transcendent; The Journey to the Transcendental World; The Return to the Awakening World; On the other hand, it is linked to the concepts of discovery and perfection and to the attainment of spiritual and divine knowledge. In reflection, this literary g More
        The Dream of the Transcendent; The Journey to the Transcendental World; The Return to the Awakening World; On the other hand, it is linked to the concepts of discovery and perfection and to the attainment of spiritual and divine knowledge. In reflection, this literary genre is evoked as a parable of the protagonist or narrative actor to step into the dream world beyond awakening to the truth. And cognition and return to the awakening on the way to return with a profound and meticulous cognition of the opened codes; Travel guide and mentor spiritual "leader and" anti-hero inhibitor and spiritual interests are helpful and appeal. The sharing of structure and homogeneity in the themes of literary allegory formation and the structuralist model of Garmas's activism led to the modeling of this theory to explain the trajectory of the main character of the narratives (Atrgol Yas by Hassanpour Mansouri & Maddar» Mahmoud). Let's go through the valley and analyze the various aspects of the narrative in the three axes of "desire", "transition" and "power" so that the aspects of Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Sleep and Dream, tools for expressing mystical intuition
        Khavar Qorbani Shayesteh Mahmoodi
        This paper, with descriptive – analytic method, has investigated the status and role of intuition in Mystics dreams.In this survey, is based general and specific meaning of intuition, namely the visibility of God and understanding the meanings of this world and other wo More
        This paper, with descriptive – analytic method, has investigated the status and role of intuition in Mystics dreams.In this survey, is based general and specific meaning of intuition, namely the visibility of God and understanding the meanings of this world and other world.To achieve this goal, the dreams of mystics with the theme of intuition are discussed and investigated in two parts:  the solving of mental concerns and problems and the intuition of future events. This study shows that one of the most important functions of dream of mystics has had solving of mental concerns and problems that are in the area of religious and mystical problems. In addition to, They express these problems through dreams, they impact on the audiences too, since these problems has been solved by the language of God, the prophet and elders of Sofia. It can be also viewed the inspired intuitions that informthe events that hadn’t happened in reality yet. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - State of "Sleep": Domination of Imagination or Function of Intellect
        Seddiqeh Soleimani Yusef Aali Abbassabad
        Dream and sleep, always accompanying man, act as a means of empowerment to discover the secrets of the universe or analysis of global affairs. Events that happened in the depths of history and the texts obtained from show that they have long been inherent in human being More
        Dream and sleep, always accompanying man, act as a means of empowerment to discover the secrets of the universe or analysis of global affairs. Events that happened in the depths of history and the texts obtained from show that they have long been inherent in human beings throughout their various civil and individual aspects. According to sociological and tribal regulations, each one of human communities has certain definition of that and on certain situations and circumstances they have enjoyed using that. In theology of human knowledge the word sleep has both independent definitions and special functions. The dream of human life at all ages is a great tool for visualization of human desires and specific language concepts that for any reason he is not able to talk about it clearly. It is surprising that through the concept of dream that itself requires putting into language human beings have committed the conceptualization and illustration. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - An Analysis over Mystical Sleep and Dreams from  Molavi's Point of View
        Hossein Arian Mehdi Reza Kamali Baniyani
        The subliminal meanings that descend from God take the physical form just like the one in our own imagination and then descend to the universe. All kinds of sleeps are related to this universe and the world of sleeping and dreaming is a widespread world full of wonders More
        The subliminal meanings that descend from God take the physical form just like the one in our own imagination and then descend to the universe. All kinds of sleeps are related to this universe and the world of sleeping and dreaming is a widespread world full of wonders and mysteries that occur with a blink of an eye since there is no limitation in the world of imagination and it is a sublimed soul that roams in that universe. The Sleep and dream phenomena exceed the culture of the mass people and received practically a special attention in the word and thought of mystics and Sufis and even poets and writers. Molana together with some great men such as Ibn Arabi and the like has a mindful and divine attitude towards the concept of sleep and dream and sees it as a way to release soul from the body cage linking it to heaven. Based on various usages of dream in Masnavi ma"navi in this article following a short explanation on dream and it's characteristics, we examine dream characteristics in Masnavi poems. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Ibn Arabi's View on the Revelation of the Quran and the Answer to Its Doubts
        Morteza Malekian Abdulreza Mazaheri Kosrow zafarnavaei
        The meanings that come down from the Divine Presence take a physical form like the form of our imagination and then they come down to the realm of the realm.  In this sense, the world of example ( Aalam-e Mothol) is also called "detached imagination".  And all More
        The meanings that come down from the Divine Presence take a physical form like the form of our imagination and then they come down to the realm of the realm.  In this sense, the world of example ( Aalam-e Mothol) is also called "detached imagination".  And all human spirits appear in those forms before they appear in the body, and most of the revelations are in this world, which is called "bound imagination". All kinds of dreams are related to this world, and the interpreter interprets the dream according to this world. Prophet (pbuh) said about two dreams: Yusof (pbuh) when his brothers prostrated before him, he considered the external appearance of the sense to be the truth and said that my dream was interpreted and considered it a fantasy within a fantasy, not a reality, and in the case of Ibrahim (pbuh)  he should interpret his dream, but because the prophets observe things in the world of absolute example, which is in accordance with reality and does not need interpretation, he did not interpret it and proceeded to slaughter his son, and this ransom was related to what was in the mind of Ibrahim (A.S.).  The view of the critics that deals with the phenomenology of the Quran.  It deals with the nature of dreams, Quran and divine revelation.  Therefore, we examine both of these materials.  What's more, we believe that the conflict of opinions not only destroys the stagnation of religious thought, but also causes the growth and advancement of knowledge.  This article is about solving the challenges between the claims of the critics and the criticisms on it, which can achieve a deeper understanding of the important and influential issues in his religious life. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Analysis of Dreams from Ibn Arabi’s and Ala’al-Dawalah Semnani’s Points of View
        azim hamzeian Tannaz Rashidinasab
        Mystics, due to their belief in immediate knowledge and inspiration, have paid great attention to dreams. The present study addresses the views of Ibn Arabi and Ala' al-Dawlah Semnani, two of the most important mystics, about the subject of dream, because on the one han More
        Mystics, due to their belief in immediate knowledge and inspiration, have paid great attention to dreams. The present study addresses the views of Ibn Arabi and Ala' al-Dawlah Semnani, two of the most important mystics, about the subject of dream, because on the one hand, these two mystics have given this issue a special importance. On the other hand, these two are considered to be mystical pioneers, which have focused on the theory of thinking in the important issues of morality. In fact, Ibn Arabi, the discoverer of the universe of imagination, has addressed this issue by connecting the world of Imagination (separate dreams) and dream (connected dreams). Also, Ala' al-Dawlah Semnani, believed in the importance of dreams in conduction and believed in its role and significance of the Sheikh to it, while he also linked the dream, in the context of the facetiae of seven, which was one of the most important issues in his thinking. Therefore, this research is a way of explaining and analyzing the comparison of the views and opinions of these two great Sufi mystics, with the aim of understanding the similarities and differences of their views on the topic of Dreams. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - A Study of Imam Ali’s Karāmāt and His Image in Sufia's Dreams in Mystical Texts
        Vahideh Dadashzade Gholamali Arya Alireza Ebrahim
        In this article, in a descriptive-analytical way Imam Ali’s Karāmāt that have remained in the Sufis’ texts, and it is imagined that a part of his conception of the Prophet was formed on the basis of these virtues, and the image of Imam Ali (a.s.) and his pos More
        In this article, in a descriptive-analytical way Imam Ali’s Karāmāt that have remained in the Sufis’ texts, and it is imagined that a part of his conception of the Prophet was formed on the basis of these virtues, and the image of Imam Ali (a.s.) and his position and The role of sleep and dreams in the discovery and intuition of mystics has been discussed. This study shows that one of the most important functions of mystics' sleep was solving many of their mental problems and concerns, which are mostly in the field of religious and mystical issues. In addition to expressing these issues through sleep, they also added to its impact on the audience; Because the solution of these problems has been done in a dream by the language of God, Prophet (PBUH) and Sufi Sheikhs. In addition to solving problems in the dreams of mystics, there are revelations of the type of inspiration that inform about events that have not yet happened in reality.. Manuscript profile
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        18 - تخیل، رؤیت و رویا در اشعار عارفانه ملک الشعرای بهار
        Hamideh Jamalzehi Behrooz Roomiani Mostafa Salary
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        19 - Analysis Of Jirieh and Katayun Dreams In Shahnameh Based on Jung Theory
        معصومه Ramezani
        The myth is a scared narrative and dream is an unconscious natural phenomenon that appears in conscious. Myth and dream connected to each other ; both benefiting from a symbolic language and needed explanations. The aim of this paper was to review Jrireh and Katayun dre More
        The myth is a scared narrative and dream is an unconscious natural phenomenon that appears in conscious. Myth and dream connected to each other ; both benefiting from a symbolic language and needed explanations. The aim of this paper was to review Jrireh and Katayun dreams in the Ferdowsi Shahnameh based on Jung theory. It was concluded that dreams were considered the inclusion of archetypal image of collective unconscious and had significance role in the development of Shahnameh stories. Jrireh dream was a huge dream regarding its own collective mythological essence consequented by death for the inhabitants of Kalat desert. But big dream of Katayun promised celebration and festival that would occur with the union (marriage) of Katayoun and Goshtasp. Manuscript profile
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        20 - study of contemporary Persian poetry in contemporary Persian poetry (based on the volume of the poet, Yadallah Royaei)
        hojatolah orak Masoud Pakdel Mansoureh Tadayoni Sima Mansoori
         Poets when leaving the conventional norms, innovate weird tricks in the language and content for the resurrection of their word through defamiliarization to create a relationship with their audience in a new abs large spectrum, and change their normal perception a More
         Poets when leaving the conventional norms, innovate weird tricks in the language and content for the resurrection of their word through defamiliarization to create a relationship with their audience in a new abs large spectrum, and change their normal perception and call this art resurrection, literary technique. Norm-evading is among the considerable approaches of transforming language as literary material into a poem that is in the mind of the creative group as long as don’t damage the original expression. Leach, the English linguist, considers norm-evading as the tool of poem creativity. The present article tries to investigate and analyze norm-evading in Yadullah Royaii’s poems based on Leach’s eight patterns (the syntactic, periodic, conceptual, wordily, styling, writing, dialectical, and vocal norm-evading) and with an analytic-descriptive method pays to the norm-evading components of Yadullah Royaii’s poems, the volume-oriented poet. The results show Yadullah Royaii, the contemporary poet and reviewer, has used some methods and tricks in this way which include: Balancing (poem melody): any extra-normative type: the conceptual extra-normative and defamiliarization. The predominant aspect in every collection of Royaii’s poems is different compared with other poem collections, and Royaii has benefited more from a part of those tricks depending on the time of composing the poem and the evolution of his linguistic experiences in each one of his poetic collection. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Dreams in the book of the Safavid Aristocracy
        saeid najafinezhad
        The emergence of the Safavids created an important transformation in historiography. The promotion of the Shi'ism religion and the protection of the Safavids as the passionate promoters of this religion has been the most important issue that historians have emphasized i More
        The emergence of the Safavids created an important transformation in historiography. The promotion of the Shi'ism religion and the protection of the Safavids as the passionate promoters of this religion has been the most important issue that historians have emphasized in this era. These historians have come up with some dreams in their works to show the existence of the link between the Safavid dynasty and the Ahlul-Bayt (PBUH), which generally emphasize the relationship between the Safavid kings and especially Shah Isma'il and Shah Tahmasb with the Imams. One of these historians is the unknown author of the Book of the World of Safavid votes, which is most seen in the book of Safavid dreams. In this research, we will try to use the library data and descriptive-analytical method to understand the dilemma of the historian's dreams in the book of the world of Safavid. In addition, a typology of types of dreams will also be performed to sum up the various dimensions of the topic of dying in this book. It seems that factors such as author's Shiite beliefs, belonging to the character of Shah Isma'il and the cultural conditions of society have affected this subject Manuscript profile
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        22 - Linguistic Revelation and Phenomenology of Revelation Based on the Prophetic Dreams (Arbitration between theories of "revelation of the Qur'anic word" and "revelation dreaming", based on some verses of the Qur'an)
        sakine chamanpima abbas homamy Ebrahim Kalantari
        The Theory of "Revelation of the Qur'anic Rhetoric and Theological Structure" has been the dominant theory among Islamic scholars on the question of what and how the Qur'anic revelation has been since the beginning of revelation and the emergence of Qur'anic commentary More
        The Theory of "Revelation of the Qur'anic Rhetoric and Theological Structure" has been the dominant theory among Islamic scholars on the question of what and how the Qur'anic revelation has been since the beginning of revelation and the emergence of Qur'anic commentary and debate. However, some contemporary writers have, at a rare glance, believed that the Qur'an was a product of the spiritual encounter of Prophet Muhammad in the dream world, in which truths were revealed to him has been released by the Prophet in Arabic rhetoric and structure. This descriptive-analytic library research based on five groups of Qur'anic verses which, in their own words or verses, have considered the Qur'anic rhetoric and theological structure as well as its content from God. It argues that the theory of "revelation of the Qur'anic word" is a solid theory derived from many verses of the Holy Quran, and that the "dreamlike revelation" view is incompatible with a large collection of Quranic verses. Manuscript profile
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        23 - The Archetypal Analysis of Yusuf's Dream Based on Semitic Symbols and Myths
        zahra mohagheghian
        One of the most important analytical areas in the study of the literary text of the Holy Qur'an is Archetypal analysis that interprets and explains the contents and concepts of this sacred text in relation to the psychological and cultural structures of its audience. Th More
        One of the most important analytical areas in the study of the literary text of the Holy Qur'an is Archetypal analysis that interprets and explains the contents and concepts of this sacred text in relation to the psychological and cultural structures of its audience. This approach has been mostly influenced by Karl Gustav Jung's theories of the collective unconscious and archetypes, and is regarded as one of the most important approaches in contemporary literary criticism. The purpose of this study is to explore the dream of Yusuf (AS) with the help of this approach and discuss its archetypal angles. The main question in this study is whether the dream of Yusuf (AS) can be studied from the perspective of analytical psychology and the archetypal critique approach, as mentioned in the Qur'an or not; and whether it can be Interpreted and understood why they have been used or not. It is probable that the prostration of the sun and the moon and the stars have been derived from the central core of archeology that can be seen in mythology. If so, what this verse recounts, though it is a dream, reveals the collective spiritual truth of the people of the time of Yusuf (AS). Manuscript profile
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        24 - تحلیلها از پدیدۀ رؤیا در قرآن کریم و فرهنگ اسلامی
        محمد رضا حاجی اسماعیلی زهرا کریمی
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        25 - The impacts of Donald Trump's policies on the fulfillment of the American Dream in international system
        Mohammadreza Asl Javadian Arsalan Ghorbani Sheikhneshin Seyed Ali Tabatabaei Panah
        Since Donald Trump took office as US president, the American foreign policy experienced a new era and the discourse approach chosen by the US government, according to some pundits, challenged the foundations and structures the US foreign policy had built as a hegemon in More
        Since Donald Trump took office as US president, the American foreign policy experienced a new era and the discourse approach chosen by the US government, according to some pundits, challenged the foundations and structures the US foreign policy had built as a hegemon in the world. This paper tries to explain the repercussions of the Trump administration's measures on the "American Dream" at the global level through an explanatory formative method. The question of the paper focuses on the impacts of Donald Trump's policies on the fulfillment of the "American Dream" in international system. It is hypothesized that by disregarding the multi-polar order which governs the international relations and also the US withdrawal from international treaties and obligations, the "American Dream" is weekend and has diminished US position in the international system. The results show the Trump administration in the dimensions of multilateralism include; Abandoning international law and establishing unilateralism, NAFTA reform, withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, Trans-Pacific Partnership, and JCPA, review of coalitions, alliances and military commitments, disregard for liberal economic values, review of security commitments India and the Pacific, etc., undermined the American dream. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        26 - .
        Zahra dorri
      • Open Access Article

        27 - رتبه‌بندی عوامل شکل‌گیری رؤیاپردازی مطلوب مدیران سازمان‌های ورزشی با استفاده از رویکرد ترکیبی دیمتل و تحلیل شبکه‌ای
        غلامرضا امانی شلمزاری پریوش نوربخش علی زارعی مهوش نوربخش
      • Open Access Article

        28 - Sleep, Dream, and Love from the Perspective of Ibn Arabi
        Seyed Mahdi Mousavi Abdolreza Mazaheri Bakhsh Ali Ghanbari
        In Ibn Arabi's thought, sleep and dream is important. He has distinguished between connected and disconnected imagination and brought the place of dream in the connected imaginary world and revelation in the disconnected imaginary world. He considers the dream’s i More
        In Ibn Arabi's thought, sleep and dream is important. He has distinguished between connected and disconnected imagination and brought the place of dream in the connected imaginary world and revelation in the disconnected imaginary world. He considers the dream’s interpretation to be related to the connected imaginary world. Therefore, Qur'an cannot be just a dream, because it lacks Shari'at and its rules do not have a grammatical aspect. The dream is one of the divine annunciators and the sincere dream is a part of revelation. Ibn Arabi considers the imagination as a force of the heart, and love is the excess of affection whose manifestation is within the heart. The heart has seven stages as seven layers of the sky, which is in one stage, the mine of affection, love, and compassion for the people, and in the higher stage, the mine of love of the divinity, and finally, the mine of the manifestations of the divinity’s attributes. Therefore, by expressing the position of dream and its relation with revelation, we discuss about calling Qur'an a dream letter and the relationship between sleep, dream, and love in order to determine the secret of man's superiority over other creatures. Manuscript profile
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        29 - The Origin of the Dreams of Saints of God in Tazkirat-al-Auliyā
        Isā Najafi Qodratollāh Alireāzee
        Dreaming is one of the puzzles that has preoccupied the mind of man from way back. It has been discussed in many fields such as religions, mythology, psychology, literature and mysticism. Dreams have been categorized into some types like veridical dream, sound dream and More
        Dreaming is one of the puzzles that has preoccupied the mind of man from way back. It has been discussed in many fields such as religions, mythology, psychology, literature and mysticism. Dreams have been categorized into some types like veridical dream, sound dream and so on. As a source of inspiration, mystics and Sufis used dream to solve many of their problems and they had great value for it. Attar of Nishapur has narrated many dreams of Sufis and saints of God in his book, Tazkirat-al-Auliyā. By using descriptive-analytical method, the present article tries to consider the dreams narrated in this book. Also, the characters of the dreams, their subjects and their relationship with facts of life are considered. The results show that many of the dreams are rooted in real life of mystics and Sufis. They intended to express their dreams, because they were considered as part of the Prophecy and messages from the Divine world. Manuscript profile
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        30 - Two mathematical models for studying of brain functions in reconstructing memories,forgetfulness and the role of affects in cognition
        Masoud Norouzian Shademan Shokravi
        This article presents two mathematical models for studying brain functions in memory reconstruction, forgetfulness, and some types of brain malfunctioning such as Alzheimer disease and Schizophrenia. Based on these models, a mechanism is suggested that can explain dream More
        This article presents two mathematical models for studying brain functions in memory reconstruction, forgetfulness, and some types of brain malfunctioning such as Alzheimer disease and Schizophrenia. Based on these models, a mechanism is suggested that can explain dreams. Using these two models, the interaction between emotions and cognition, as suggested by Piaget ), as well as, issues like consciousness and unconsciousness are described. Manuscript profile
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        31 - Artistic and literary analysis of dream in the text and the painting of the tale “Tus sees Siavash in a dream” from the perspective of criticism of imagination devised by Gaston Bachelard
        hamideh hormati Roya Rezapour Mogaddam
        Artistic and literary analysis of dream in the text and the painting of the tale “Tus sees Siavash in a dream” from the perspective of criticism of imagination devised by Gaston Bachelard   *Hamideh Hormati Assistant Professor, Persian Literature, Fa More
        Artistic and literary analysis of dream in the text and the painting of the tale “Tus sees Siavash in a dream” from the perspective of criticism of imagination devised by Gaston Bachelard   *Hamideh Hormati Assistant Professor, Persian Literature, Faculty member, Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran **Roya Rezapour Moghadam Faculty member, Faculty of Islamic Art, Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran Date of reception: 96/8/27 Date of acceptance: 97/10/19 Abstract Gaston Bachelard, epistemologist, critic, philosopher, recognized as the prime structuralists of France had pioneered a new style of criticism based on the analysis and interpretation of artistic and literary images. Having based his criticism on the four elements, he believed a great deal in material imagination of the poet and its connection with the unconscious and phenomenological issues.  From his epistemological perspective, dream and poetic imagination through the four elements and in terms of mythological archetypes for obvious and obscure reasons find material manifestations.  In order to accept the literary role as well as invoking the feelings of the audience dreams appear with dual images. Analysis and interpretation of the material imagination and this duality respectively unravels the mystery of the text.  The tale of “Tus sees Siavash in a dream” is one of the ten narratives in shahnameh which was painted beautifully in Shah Tahmasb’s Shahnameh as a unique example of portraying dream world of the poet be materialized in the Persian painting.  This article is an attempt to represent the ancient connection between literature and art, painting in particular from the view point of material imagination using Bachelard’s ideas regarding poet’s imagination and its correspondence with the painting only to determine the standpoint of four elements in Ferdowsi’s imagination and how they found expression in terms of words and images, also to reveal to what extent they correspond with Bachelard’s criticism of imagination in poetry and painting.  According to the findings it can be said that the poet and the painter had made use of Bachelard’s material imagination and dialectic duality in creation of their works. * . hormati@tabriziau.ac.ir ** . rezapour@tabrizau.ac.ir Manuscript profile
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        32 - The Symbology of Zahhak`s and Afrasyab`s great dream in Shahnameh Ferdowsi
        Masomeh Ramezani
        Abstract   Myth is a narrative which aids people in understanding the current psychological events in life and helps man find ways to improve himself in life`s course. Dream is a natural phenomenon and is a special externalization of the unconscious which is manife More
        Abstract   Myth is a narrative which aids people in understanding the current psychological events in life and helps man find ways to improve himself in life`s course. Dream is a natural phenomenon and is a special externalization of the unconscious which is manifested in the conscious.  Myth and dream have a language that with the knowledge of symbols one can unravel its mysteries.  Based on this research Shahnameh Ferdowsi encompasses dreams containing the collective unconscious myths.Dreams use a symbolic language to warn the dreamer of the events that are likely to happen in the future in order to find a way to prevent their happenings in the conscious world. Zahhak and Afrasyab, two evil kings in Shahnameh both have great dreams that hold collective unconscious archetypal images.  Zahhak’s nightmare predicts his downfall by Feraydun, the hero which is realized by the uprising of Kaveh, the blacksmith and Feraydun by the Sorush’s command imprisons Zahhak in Mount Damavand.  Mysterious dream ofAfrasyab, the vow breaker entails his destruction and death that is after years of combat and bloodshed Kaykhosrow avenges Siavash’s blood and ends the life of this evil vowbreaker.   Manuscript profile