List of Articles تحلیل رفتگی شغلی Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - ارتباط بین ابعاد شخصیت (مدل 5 عاملی) و تحلیل رفتگی شغلی در کارکنان اداره کل تربیت بدنی آذربایجان غربی مهرداد محرم زاده محسن وحدانی میرحسن سیدعامری Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Relationship of Total Quality Management With Organizational Communications and Employment Attrition of the Staff Working at Youth Affairs and Sports Department (YASD) in Fars SH. A.SH.J A. احمدی K. باقری Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - The effect of employee empathy on job burnout according to the mediating role of job satisfaction and attachment (case study: employees of the General Directorate of Ports and Maritime Affairs of Gilan Province) mehrangiz ebrahimzadeh Mehrdasd Hasangholipour Yasouri