• List of Articles بهبهان

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Karst geomorohology of the Khaviza Anticline (North east of Behbahan)
        M.R Sarvati Gh Oscani
        Idensification of geomorphological characteristics of Karst area which are formedmainly of soluble Carbonate stones such as limestone is form the point of view ofapplication are related to many human activities such as industry and agricultural dueto the water they prov More
        Idensification of geomorphological characteristics of Karst area which are formedmainly of soluble Carbonate stones such as limestone is form the point of view ofapplication are related to many human activities such as industry and agricultural dueto the water they provide for thoese activities. The Khaviz anticline which is located inthe province Khoozestan and in folded Zagros, is studied in this trend. This anticline isdivided by Marun river in two western and eastern parts. The gurpi formation (latecretaceous), pabdeh formation (Eocene), asmari limestone (oligomiocene) andquartaermary alluvial materials are exposed in this anticline. Tectonic movements havecrushed the anticline and caused joint systems and 24 faults. The present climate issemiarid. Despite this climate there are different forms of karst features such as Lapies(german, karren), Dolines, uvalas, and karst vallies. These forms seems to belong tothe paleokarst. Geological structure and conditions of lithologhy has controlled thelater evolution of karst features dominantly. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Analysis of land use in the BEHBAHAN city approach landscape ecology
        Mir Mehrdad Mirsanjari Fatemeh Mohammadyari
        Background and Objective: Land cover changes as a result of complicated interactions of structural and functional factors have extensive effects on the landscape. Therefore, studying the structure of the landscape based on the principles of ecology and landscape metrics More
        Background and Objective: Land cover changes as a result of complicated interactions of structural and functional factors have extensive effects on the landscape. Therefore, studying the structure of the landscape based on the principles of ecology and landscape metrics as its components, is a suitable tool for mapping and quantifying the spatial characteristics of each user.Material and Methodology: In the preset study, following the preparation of land cover maps and extraction of measures at two levels of class and scale, the main components analysis (PCA) was used to select the appropriate measures in the analysis of landscape changes in Behbahan city between years 2002 and 2014.Findings: Class Area (CA), the number of patches (Np), the landscape image (LSI), edge density (ED), percentage landscape (PLAND) and Shannon Diversity Index (SHDI) were selected as the most appropriate measures. The results showed an increase in the area of residential areas (1551 ha), agricultural lands (8036 ha) and irrigated areas (287 ha) and sharp drop in pastures (4560 ha) and city forests (2081 ha).Discussion and Conclusion: By human manipulation, Landscape structure is fine-grained city.  and the number of pieces of man-made and natural half increased. Also, most of the changes were made due to the destruction of the grassland spots among man made crops, especially agricultural land consolidation.  Manuscript profile
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        3 - A comparative study of the "feeling of inferiority" theory and ways to deal with it based on Adler's individualistic psychology In the poems of Iranian and Arab women poets (Simin Behbahani, Ghade Alsman)
        zahra karimi sepideh sepehri arezo shomali oskoei elahe hajiha
        Psychoanalytic criticism is a new and visionary criticism in which the researcher or critic aims to reveal hidden aspects or different behavioral angles and psychological signs in a given work, whether literary or... to analyze the personality of the writer, artist or f More
        Psychoanalytic criticism is a new and visionary criticism in which the researcher or critic aims to reveal hidden aspects or different behavioral angles and psychological signs in a given work, whether literary or... to analyze the personality of the writer, artist or fictional characters.Individualistic psychology was founded by Alfred Adler and one of the theories in this individualistic psychology is the theory of inferiority. In this article, which is done in a descriptive-analytical way based on document analysis and the method of library studies, the poems of two contemporary Iranian and Arab poets (Simin Behbahani, Ghadeh Al-Saman) are analyzed and examined based on the theory of inferiority complex based on Adler's individualistic psychology. Placed. The results of the research show that the feeling of inferiority in the poems of Simin Behbahani and Ghade Alsman was due to gender discrimination in the society, and the most important components and indicators that can be found in the poems based on Alfred Adler's individualistic psychology to deal with the feeling of inferiority These two female poets saw, including the mechanisms of superiority, social interest, despair and loneliness, isolation and withdrawal; Glory and protest and love. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - دراسة مقارنة وانعکاس لمکونات الحداثة فی اشعار سیمین بهبهانی وبشری البستانی
        yahya marof somayeh bahktiary toraj zainivand ali salimi
        الحداثة بمعنى الابتکار والابداع و هی نقیض التقلید. سیمین بهبهانی وبشری البستانی هما من الشعراء الذین یعکسون فی قصائدهم وجهة نظر المجتمع التقلیدی والحدیث لشعبی إیران والعراق. فهما فضلا عن المیل نحو الحداثة، لاتبتعدان عن التقلید بل تهتمان بها بشکل خاص، ویمکن تقییم میلهما More
        الحداثة بمعنى الابتکار والابداع و هی نقیض التقلید. سیمین بهبهانی وبشری البستانی هما من الشعراء الذین یعکسون فی قصائدهم وجهة نظر المجتمع التقلیدی والحدیث لشعبی إیران والعراق. فهما فضلا عن المیل نحو الحداثة، لاتبتعدان عن التقلید بل تهتمان بها بشکل خاص، ویمکن تقییم میلهما فی الانتقال من العصور القدیمة إلى الحداثة على أنهما معتدلتان تماما.یستخدم هذا البحث المنهج الوصفی التحلیلی معتمداً على المدرسة الأمریکیة لدراسة وتحلیل موضوعات التقلید والحداثة فی أعمال شاعرتین. نتج عن هذا البحث تعامل الشاعرتین مع أوزان الشعر التقلیدی، من خلال تجنب الوزن والقافیة، وبما أن عقولهما متورطة بشکل کبیر فی الموضوعات الإنسانیة والاجتماعیة، فقد أصبح ثقل الشعر فی بعض الأحیان ضحیة للمحتوى والموضوع. السمة الممیزة لبهبهانی والبستانی هی الاتجاه نحو الحداثة وعدم الابتعاد عن التقالید، وبشکل عام یمکن اعتبار نهجهما وموقعهما فی استخدام معاییر وأسس التقالید والحداثة موقفاً لا یمکن الاستغناء عنه. لأنهما عانتا نوعا من الانهیار العاطفی فی حیاتهام الشخصیة أو الأسریة، فقد کرستا الکثیر من شعرهما للتعبیر عن المشاکل والقضایا التی تحیط بالمرأة فی مجتمعهما. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - A comparative study of color-words in the poems of "Simin Behbahani" and "Golkhsar Safi Ava
        Tahereh seyedrezai Fereshte Mahjoub
        Colors affect human understanding of the phenomena of existence. The mental tendency towards color and the use of its spectrums is a reflection of various psychological actions. Each color leaves a special effect on the human body and soul, which can be proven by the tw More
        Colors affect human understanding of the phenomena of existence. The mental tendency towards color and the use of its spectrums is a reflection of various psychological actions. Each color leaves a special effect on the human body and soul, which can be proven by the two sciences of physiology and psychology. Poets have a deeper understanding of colors due to their sensual and different view of the world, which is reflected in various ways of illustration, from simile and metaphor to sensibility, defamiliarization and symbolism. The present research has analyzed the poetry of Simin Behbahani and Golrokhsar Safi Ava, two contemporary women poets from Iran and Tajikistan tradition and innovation in their poetry, and many of the deep and incidental images in their poetry have been achieved through the use of color and the creation of innovative words. As a result, both of them have used the color "black" more than any other color in order to overcome, from the perspective of Max Loescher's color theory. Both poets tend to go beyond the sad and hopeless spirit; Nevertheless, in this area, Simin's poems have more frequency, variety of spectrum and more meanings in comparison with Golrokhsar, and its application takes on a realistic and descriptive form. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - A comparative comparison of "personality types" in the poems of Simin Behbahani and Ghada Alsman Based on Karen Horne's theory
        fatemeh zandi sepideh sepehri arezo shomali oskoei elaheh hajiha
        Psychological analysis of character is one of the basic approaches of contemporary literary criticism. Great psychoanalysts such as Freud, Jung and Adler have studied personality psychologically. Karen Horne's opinions and opinions are based on Freud's ideas and expands More
        Psychological analysis of character is one of the basic approaches of contemporary literary criticism. Great psychoanalysts such as Freud, Jung and Adler have studied personality psychologically. Karen Horne's opinions and opinions are based on Freud's ideas and expands these concepts with a little difference that Freud's ideas have in the biological field. In this research, using the descriptive and analytical method, we have compared the poems of Simin Behbahani and Ghade Alsman based on Karen Horne's theory of personality types. This research aims to answer the question that the personality of the two poets in question can be adapted to which personality type of Karen Horne's psychoanalysis according to their poems.The results of the research show that due to the high frequency of the love theme in the poems of these two poets and boredom with society, the personality types of these two poets are loving and solitary. Both poets, in the field of theme, are disgusted by the social stereotypes of the time and the romantic parameters that lead women to monopoly and subjugation, and they consider the surrounding world as unqualified to give authenticity to women's experiences and feelings, so according to Horne's opinions, these atrocities, Oppression and pressure have caused them to take refuge inside, isolation and idealism, and that is why love is considered one of the ideals raised in the poems of two poets. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Comparative study of Ghada al-Samman and Simin Behbahani’s lyric poems
        Mehrali Yazdanpanah Sepideh Motevalli
        In this paper with the title of “Comparative study of Ghada al-Samman and Simin Behbahani’s lyric poems” is trying to answer this question “what differences and similarities are there between Ghada al-Samman and Simin Behbahani&rsq More
        In this paper with the title of “Comparative study of Ghada al-Samman and Simin Behbahani’s lyric poems” is trying to answer this question “what differences and similarities are there between Ghada al-Samman and Simin Behbahani’s lyric poems?” Ghada al-Samman is considered as the perfect representative of the new female  iterature (women’s literature) and its specific type, i.e. feminine lyrical literature in Arabic literature. Simin Behbahani has been also known as one of the representatives of this new flow as well as the lady of the Iranian lyrics. Language and unique feminine feeling are among the most important features of the romances of these two poets.  Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Studying and analyzing the elements of alienation and loneliness and comparing them in the poems of Abd al-Wahhab al-Bayati and Simin Behbehani
        sa sa mahnaz bahrani
        Nostalgia or the feeling of loneliness or sadness resulting from alienation from a psychological point of view is heartbreak and a person's longing for his past. This feeling appears as a manifestation of unconscious human behavior. Nostalgia, or feeling lonely and sad, More
        Nostalgia or the feeling of loneliness or sadness resulting from alienation from a psychological point of view is heartbreak and a person's longing for his past. This feeling appears as a manifestation of unconscious human behavior. Nostalgia, or feeling lonely and sad, manifests itself within the framework of longing for home, lover, family, happy childhood and adolescence, and favorable political, social, economic, and religious conditions in the past. The result of this research shows that Abd al-Wahhab al-Bayati and Simon Behbehani, as followers of the romantic school of contemporary literature (Arabic and Persian), used nostalgia as one of the basic and necessary foundations in their poetry and based on psychological sources and indicators are presented among the poets of nostalgia, although al-Bayati's words and feelings are more attractive and emotional Compared to Simin Behbehani. This research studies the poems of Abd al-Wahhab al-Bayati and Simon Behbehani with an analytical and descriptive approach based on library sources. Its aim is to discover the components of nostalgia and to know the intellectual and poetic lines of these two poets. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - A Comparative Study of the Symbols Used in the Poetry of Simin Behbahani and Nizar Qabbani
        Maryam Arjmandi Mehdi Zarafatkar Zahra Rafeie
        Background and Purpose: Comparative literature is a means of crossing political, ethnic and cultural boundaries, where subjective data find the opportunity to develop and break out of their confines paving the way for getting acquainted with similar works among other et More
        Background and Purpose: Comparative literature is a means of crossing political, ethnic and cultural boundaries, where subjective data find the opportunity to develop and break out of their confines paving the way for getting acquainted with similar works among other ethnic groups. Indeed, the result will be the discovery of commonalities, the study of each can not only reveal the effects and interactions, but also unveil the influence of external and contextual factors in the formation of similar works. Comparative symbolism is beneficial in this framework and can pinpoint the factors influencing the formation of each. Obviously, resorting to symbols is in fact avoiding clarification, which is done due to various reasons. One prominent reason is to multiply the induced image by the number of audiences, and this breadth and multiplicity of the created image is one of the main reasons for durability of symbols in literary works. Methods: This study follows a comparative descriptive approach to investigate the poems of two contemporary Iranian and Arab poets, namely Simin Behbahani and Nizar Qabbani, and the impressionability of each of these two poets in terms of use of symbol. It is obvious that symbols are used to avoid direct perspective was used to investigate the works of two contemporary Iranian and Arab poets, namely Simin Behbahani and Nizar Qabbani, in a library and descriptive manner, with the purpose of pinpointing the influence of symbols on these two poets. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - تبیین عوامل مؤثر بر خلق شهر شاد با رویکرد معادلات ساختاری (مطالعه موردی: شهر بهبهان)
        رحیم بردی آنامرادنژاد عبدالمطلب کریم زاده
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Simin Behbahani's Artistic Connection and Confrontation with Self, Others and the Environment in Modern Nimaian Poems
        Parnia Aman Hadi Heydariania Mahmoud Sadeghzadeh
        Modern sonnet is a new type of lyric with a new look and modern language that has emerged after the spread of modern poetry in the Iranian literary community. Simin Behbahani has introduced herself as one of the diligent pioneers of this poetic form with works such as: More
        Modern sonnet is a new type of lyric with a new look and modern language that has emerged after the spread of modern poetry in the Iranian literary community. Simin Behbahani has introduced herself as one of the diligent pioneers of this poetic form with works such as: "Novelties", "Line of Speed ​​and Fire", "Arjan Plain", "A Window of Freedom" and "One, for example". Considering the effect of Nima's poetry on the emergence of new sonnets and the Simin’s new rendition in this type of sonnet, Nima's influence on Simin’s poetry cannot be ignored. In this research, the author has employed a descriptive-analytical method and library materials to examine Simin Behbahani's attitude towards herself, others and her environment in modern Nimai lyric poems. By examining such poems by Simin, it is concluded that Simin’s modern sonnet has combined forms for the romantic expression of social issues. Simin, with her numerous poems, has proved that many of the principles of Nimaian poetry can be applied in sonnets; According to the principle of poetic self-examination, in Simin Behbahani's new sonnets, there is no distance between the poet and her poetry. She is a socialist poet and similar to Nima has addressed current current social issues in her poetry. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Western Teachings in the poems of Simin Behbahani
        masomeh salehi taregh ahmad zakeri
             “West and Westoxification “are words that intellectuals  and freethinkers  have used  in their  works following the colonization and exploitation of our country  the airm of which was to clarify  peopls More
             “West and Westoxification “are words that intellectuals  and freethinkers  have used  in their  works following the colonization and exploitation of our country  the airm of which was to clarify  peopls mindset  about this  ominous  phenomenon  of  the 20 century .The western  cultural imperialism becomes  more threatening when  the native  poets  and  writers become  their talking voice and out of the mouth  of the friends  the speech  and demands  of the enemy be heard.      By investigating  the  works of the contemporary  poets and  writers  we find that some poets  have deliberately   changed their  stylistic and ethical methods in favor of the Westerns and some  others have pursued western  patterns  unintentionally being  influenced by the  dominant social  priorities  .    Among  them  Forough  FARROkhzad  and Simin Behbahani  are among those  in whose  works  a combination  of these two methods can be found.    In this descriptive –analytic paper  we are to evaluate some of the western teachings pervading  the poems of these two poets . Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - An Applied Interpretation of Various Types of the Beloved One in Simin Behbahani’s Poetry Based on Erich Fromm’s Ideas (A Socio-Psychological Approach)
        zahra ghanbaralibaghni Shahin Ojaq-Alizadeh
        Simin Behbahani is the architect for Iranian contemporary lyrics, and her skillful artistry is creating labyrinth-like worlds for the lover and the beloved where none of which is opposite the other. According to Erich Fromm there would be no difference between diversity More
        Simin Behbahani is the architect for Iranian contemporary lyrics, and her skillful artistry is creating labyrinth-like worlds for the lover and the beloved where none of which is opposite the other. According to Erich Fromm there would be no difference between diversity forms of love; i.e. the essence of all loves is the same except for the subject of them, including a male-female love, a mother-child love, a man-God love, a brother-sister love or even a man-himself love. The present research is an attempt to interpret – through an analytical approach – different types of the beloved according to Fromm’s ideas and to find their examples in Behbahan’s poems. The findings of the research reveal a vast range of similarity between Behbahani and Fromm’s ideas about different beloveds – who are beautifully present in Behbahani’s poems Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - An Analysis of the Nature of Love in Simin Behbahani’s Poetry in the Light of Erich Fromm’s Theories
        Zahra Qanbarali Baqeni Shahin Ojaq Alizadeh
        The term love and its nature inSiminBehbahani's Divan are of a special place.Also, love is considered among the   main issues in modern psychology and a prominent psychologist like Erich Fromm discusses thenature of love and loving motives. In this study we at More
        The term love and its nature inSiminBehbahani's Divan are of a special place.Also, love is considered among the   main issues in modern psychology and a prominent psychologist like Erich Fromm discusses thenature of love and loving motives. In this study we attempt to investigate concepts and features of love nature and loving motivesin sonnets of Iranian lyric lady, based on theory of Erich Fromm. The main objective of this study is to investigate common nature of love and loving motivations in poems of SiminBehbahani, based on Erich Fromm's views. The study is based on descriptive and analytical method. As a result, this study suggests the idea of ​​Erich Fromm whoknows nature of love composed of respect and compassion, sense of responsibility, overcoming loneliness, sacrifice, courage and attempt to rejoin the beloved, promoting spirit of respect and loyalty, in many aspectsis matched with Behbahani’sviews on the nature of love and loving motivations.  Manuscript profile
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        15 - Synesthesia:The Study of Poems of SiminBehbahani and ForouqFarokhzad
        Maryam Sa'adzadeh Shahin Ojaq Alizadeh
        Synesthesiais one ofthe fictional figures which has hadmore frequencyin creation of contemporary poems compared to the past. For this, the author tries to analyze and revealhow this figure has been used inpoems of two prominent female poets "Forough" and "Simin" and use More
        Synesthesiais one ofthe fictional figures which has hadmore frequencyin creation of contemporary poems compared to the past. For this, the author tries to analyze and revealhow this figure has been used inpoems of two prominent female poets "Forough" and "Simin" and uses samples analysis and descriptive method through diagram and figures to evaluate this rhetorical element in their poems. It is concluded that using this artistic form for the two poets is significant in similarity in integrating senses and also senses frequency.ForoughFarokhzad has taken more advantageof synesthesia in contrast toSimin. Synesthesia was more frequent in the poetry of both poetsbased on the type (abstract to Sensory) compared to (Sensory to Sensory) one. Both poets have taken advantage of auditory and visual senses in way of integration of the senses.  Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Studying allegory and symbol in poems of Simin Behbahani
        Masoud Pakdel Azadeh Sotoodeh
        Allegory refers to a rational simile –compound- and lexically synonyms to allegory simile and proverbs that it is considered in rhetoric as allegory simile, allegory and proverb. In other words, some state that the base of Indian style is on the allegory, and symb More
        Allegory refers to a rational simile –compound- and lexically synonyms to allegory simile and proverbs that it is considered in rhetoric as allegory simile, allegory and proverb. In other words, some state that the base of Indian style is on the allegory, and symbol is a term associated to allegory. The scholars have studied imaginations in two forms, in fact they have considered it incompletely and didn't attempt to separate it from other elements or they only have studied details of imagination elements scientifically-unlike poem-. The aim of present study is to state allegory and symbol elements and consider them in poems of Simin Behbahani. It seems that poet used natural elements and her lifestyle emotions and body organs in allegories.    Manuscript profile
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        17 - The Influence of Romanticism on Imagery in Simin Behbahani’s Poetry: A case of A Line from Speed and Fire, Arzhan Plain, and A Window of Freedom
        homeira khanjani maryam mahmoodi Mortaza Rashidi
        Romanticism, one of the most complex and widespread literary schools, emerged as a groundbreaking phenomenon in the late eighteenth-century. The school developed in an era of outstanding scientific, social and political changes in Europe. In the same vein, Iranian const More
        Romanticism, one of the most complex and widespread literary schools, emerged as a groundbreaking phenomenon in the late eighteenth-century. The school developed in an era of outstanding scientific, social and political changes in Europe. In the same vein, Iranian constitutional movement introduced Romanticism as a novel intellectual approach in Persian literature. Although Simin Behbahani cannot be regarded as a follower of this literary school, many of her poetic imageries enjoy attributes associated with imagery employed in Romantic poetry. Her poems are similarly replete with imagery which express the poet’s attitude and vision and outstandingly convey her emotions.This article takes a descriptive-analytical approach to Simin Behbahani’s poetry in her three outstanding collection of poems: A case of A Line from Speed and Fire, Arzhan Plain, and A Window of Freedom. The article is an endeavor to study some attributes of romanticism in Simin’s poetry as transformation of nature, individualism, ambiguity in imageries, dynamics of language and transcendence of the images, and melancholy.Ambiguous combinations and imageries, implied meaning and expressions of feelings, transcendence of nature, individual and social melancholy, and personalization of various symbols are amongst attributes which reveal Simin’s poetry to bear influences of romanticism.The findings yield significant implications on Simin Behbahani’s poetry with regards to Persian modifications introduced to romanticism which most visibly concentrate on transcendence of nature and individualism. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Simin Behbahani and innovation in poetic imagery
        fateme yusefpur seyfi
        Simin Behbahani is one of her contemporary modern lyricists. Simin has been considered Nimas of ghazal (Nimaye Ghazal) due to his innovations in the metre of Ghazal. The most important aspect of Simin's innovation is the metre of the sonnet(ghazal). However, Simin is a More
        Simin Behbahani is one of her contemporary modern lyricists. Simin has been considered Nimas of ghazal (Nimaye Ghazal) due to his innovations in the metre of Ghazal. The most important aspect of Simin's innovation is the metre of the sonnet(ghazal). However, Simin is a innovator poet in other aspects of the art of poetry. You can see especially her innovation and her effort to the innovation of poetic imagery. she has tried to use images in his poetry that are the result of individual vision, personal experiences, relying on objectivity and individualism, in accordance with the approach of imagery innovation in poetry. Based on this, he depicted as he saw and avoided clichés and repetitions as much as possible. Modern elements and contemporary phenomena in accordance with this individual vision and empiricism have a prominent place in his imagery and are considered one of the main origins of the poet's imagery innovation. The current research has tried to examine and analyze the dimensions of this imagery innovation and reveal the results of this new look and attitude in imagegry. The research findings prove the emphasis on innovation in imagery in Simin's poetry. Manuscript profile
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        19 - تبیین عشق و انواع آن در اشعار سیمین بهبهانی و عالمتاج (ژاله) قائم مقامی بر مبنای نظریۀ مثلث عشق استرنبرگ
        وجیهه ترکمانی باراندوزی فاطمه بهار احمد کریمی کورس کریم پسندی
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        20 - The Reflection of Female Loneliness in the Patriarchal Society in the Poetry of Simin Behbahani and Fatemah Na'out
        Rouhollah Mahdian Torghabeh Ali Heydari
        The aim of the present study was to investigate the issue of female loneliness in the shadow of patriarchy and its reflection in the poems of Simin Behbahaani and Fatemah Na'out. The research statistical universe subsumed Simin Behbahani's collected poems and "My Name i More
        The aim of the present study was to investigate the issue of female loneliness in the shadow of patriarchy and its reflection in the poems of Simin Behbahaani and Fatemah Na'out. The research statistical universe subsumed Simin Behbahani's collected poems and "My Name is not Dificult" by Fatemah Na'out. The studied sample included the poems of Simin Behbahaani and Na'out which refer to the subject of loneliness. The research was based on a descriptive-analytical method. The analysis was done by extracting the most obvious manifestations from the reflection of the loneliness problem in the poetry of Simin Behbahaani and Fatemah Na'out and through analyzing and comparison of these feminine and poetic soliloquies. The results showed that what made the common themes more noteworthy in the works of these two poets was living in a more or less similar environment, with limitations and old traditions, and misogyny caused by patriarchy culture that the two Iranian and Egyptian traditional community suffering from. The results also indicated that the isolation of women, their limitations in establishing social relations, deprivation from respect and proper status and the dominance of patriarchy in all relations of family and social life, formed a major part of the concerns of both poets which caused a considerable part of the poems of these two ladies to be dedicated to the representation of female loneliness in the patriarchal society. Manuscript profile
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        21 - A Feminist Critical Approach to the Sonnets of Simin Behbahani
        ساره Tarbiat
        Feminism has been a social movement that, like other developing schools in the West, first took shape in arts and literature, and it then contributed to the social and political issues through literary works. Therefore the concentration on the role of women has turned i More
        Feminism has been a social movement that, like other developing schools in the West, first took shape in arts and literature, and it then contributed to the social and political issues through literary works. Therefore the concentration on the role of women has turned into one of the most serious subjects in the contemporary poetry. Within this context a sonneteer like Simin Behbahani emerged in the contemporary literature and changed the attitude of the society towards women, and depicted women in a way that it had never been noticed in the preceding Persian sonnets. The most important works Behbahani has done is that she has presented women in a way that they would talk for themselves and gain the power of expression.Thus an attempt is made in this article by the author to analyze few important sonnets of the above-mentioned poet in order to display women’s role in the social life. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Iranian Woman’s Position in Contemporary Poetic Works
        عیسی Darabpour
        After the Constitutional Revolution Period (Mashrouteh) with regard to the progress in developed countries and the Iranian society, the women also entered the realm of overt social relations and became aware of their social and humanitarian values and portrayed their so More
        After the Constitutional Revolution Period (Mashrouteh) with regard to the progress in developed countries and the Iranian society, the women also entered the realm of overt social relations and became aware of their social and humanitarian values and portrayed their social identity by their writings. To emancipate Iranian women and achieving equality of women’s and men’s rights, they stressed on the presence of women on different social and cultural circumstances. The poetess expressed their ideas by means of poem regarding women status in Iranian society. Among the entire contemporary Iranian poetess, Jaleh Ghaemmaghami, Parvin Etesami and Simin Behbahani attained a deeper view with respect to woman’s position and had attended to the agenda. Therefore we purposed to investigate the dimensions of the subject by emphasizing on the above mentioned three poetesses’ poetic works. Manuscript profile
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        23 - A Comparative Criticism of Women's Freedom in poetry of Soad Al-Sabah and Simin Behbehani
        Mohsen Saifi Ali Asdipour Sajad Ismaeli
        Freedom, women's rights has been an important issue in the last seventy years that was implicated more than ever in much of the literature, especially poetry of such a period. Simin Behbehani, the Iranian poet, concerned the issue of women and women's rights anywhere in More
        Freedom, women's rights has been an important issue in the last seventy years that was implicated more than ever in much of the literature, especially poetry of such a period. Simin Behbehani, the Iranian poet, concerned the issue of women and women's rights anywhere in his poems .On the other hand, Soad Al-Sabah the Kuwaiti renowned poet, was one of the vanguards of women's rights in the East of the seventies. This study intended to review the feminine expressions of Soad Al-Sabah and Simin Behbehani poems via implementing a critique comparative approach. Both the poems considered the traditional attitudes of the men, and some other social problems and constraints as obstacles of women freedom. Both the poems were so dissatisfied of in and out house division of labor and sex discrimination. They also declared the right to express love sentiment, playing training and educating roles and … as demonstrating indices of women freedom.  Manuscript profile
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        24 - Feminist Attitude in Simin Behbahani's Poetry
        مختار Ebrahimi
        Schematization of women’s issues and psychic and psychological atypical situation are significantissues that are manifested in Simin Behbahani’s poetries. In this contemporary poet’s thoughtwomen’s issues have been expressed in a way that can sho More
        Schematization of women’s issues and psychic and psychological atypical situation are significantissues that are manifested in Simin Behbahani’s poetries. In this contemporary poet’s thoughtwomen’s issues have been expressed in a way that can show some kind of feminist attitudes andtrends. In other words, psychic and psychological situations of women, even their physical situationsare known as results of the men’s atypical behaviors. In terms of plotting of women issue andthe solution of their psychic and spiritual problems, she expresses the issue of men’s behavioralreformation. Although she does not recommend directly how men should behave , she portraysfalse behaviors of men in order to focused on the reverse of those behaviors . Therefore, SiminBehbahani’s feminism wants a moderate style for social reformation of both men and women. Manuscript profile
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        25 - The semiotics of "snake" in the poem "I was saying that day ..." by Simin Behbahani, emphasizing Michael Rifater's theory
        maryam arjomandi mehdi zerafatkar
        Every glorious poem has a dominant idea that overshadows the whole work. The poet hides this idea in the form and structure of a sentence or a word. He then artistically marks some words so that the audience can identify the dominant idea through them. Has Simin Behbaha More
        Every glorious poem has a dominant idea that overshadows the whole work. The poet hides this idea in the form and structure of a sentence or a word. He then artistically marks some words so that the audience can identify the dominant idea through them. Has Simin Behbahani used this artistic function in the poem "I was that day ..."? It seems; To get the right answer, the benefit of Michael Rifater's theory of semiotics is more than any suitable theory. Due to this similarity, the present article has examined Simin's poetry based on the semiotic theory of this thinker and with a descriptive-analytical method. After examining the non-prescriptive elements, the results indicate that there are accumulations with the meanings of "snake", "laughter" and "fear" with a high frequency in the poem. After examining the descriptive systems with the approach of metaphorical clusters and with the nuclei of "traditional society", "demonic temperament" and "quasi-modern society", the hypograms of poetry were identified, the most important of which were: the symbol snake The demonic temperament of human beings and in patriarchal systems is most manifested in the existence of the male sex. Also, the comparison of accumulations, descriptive systems, and hypograms with the intertextual approach created the following structural matrix in the minds of the authors: The demonic temperament of a patriarchal system in traditional societies through folk games, oppression. It inspires girls. In a quasi-modern society, the teaching of oppression continues with modern methodses Manuscript profile
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        26 - The semiotics of "snake" in the poem "I was saying that day ..." by Simin Behbahani, emphasizing Michael Rifater's theory
        maryam arjomandi mehdi zerafatkar
        Every glorious poem has a dominant idea that overshadows the whole work. The poet hides this idea in the form and structure of a sentence or a word. He then artistically marks some words so that the audience can identify the dominant idea through them. Has Simin Behbaha More
        Every glorious poem has a dominant idea that overshadows the whole work. The poet hides this idea in the form and structure of a sentence or a word. He then artistically marks some words so that the audience can identify the dominant idea through them. Has Simin Behbahani used this artistic function in the poem "I was that day ..."? It seems; To get the right answer, the benefit of Michael Rifater's theory of semiotics is more than any suitable theory. Due to this similarity, the present article has examined Simin's poetry based on the semiotic theory of this thinker and with a descriptive-analytical method. After examining the non-prescriptive elements, the results indicate that there are accumulations with the meanings of "snake", "laughter" and "fear" with a high frequency in the poem. After examining the descriptive systems with the approach of metaphorical clusters and with the nuclei of "traditional society", "demonic temperament" and "quasi-modern society", the hypograms of poetry were identified, the most important of which were: the symbol snake The demonic temperament of human beings and in patriarchal systems is most manifested in the existence of the male sex. Also, the comparison of accumulations, descriptive systems, and hypograms with the intertextual approach created the following structural matrix in the minds of the authors: The demonic temperament of a patriarchal system in traditional societies through folk games, oppression. It inspires girls. In a quasi-modern society, the teaching of oppression continues with modern methodses Manuscript profile
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        27 - The concept of hope in the poems of Simin Behbahani on the Basis of Erich Fromm
        Zahra Ghanbar Ali Baghnei Shahin Ojagh Alizadeh
        In recent years, psychologists have seriously studied the role of hope in human life. Utilizing a hopeful attitude in literature, while making a targeted effort in humans, will ensure its mental health. In the Collection of poems Shimin Behbahani, there are many promisi More
        In recent years, psychologists have seriously studied the role of hope in human life. Utilizing a hopeful attitude in literature, while making a targeted effort in humans, will ensure its mental health. In the Collection of poems Shimin Behbahani, there are many promising concepts such as life expectancy, hope for beloved joins, hope for salvation, joy, and passion. The purpose of this research is to examine the concept of hope and its influential factors, such as faith, expectation and instability in the Collection of poems Simin Behbahani, based on Erich Fromm 's ideas. The research method is based on description and analysis. The results of this research show that the first of the first poems by Simin Behbahani will be more intense, the hope will be more intense, and he shares much with Erich Fromm 's ideas. Manuscript profile
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        28 - Analysis of Music in Simin Behbahani, Hossein Monzavi and Mohammad Ali Bahmani’s Lyrics
        Fatemeh Modarresi Rogayyeh kazemzadeh
        The impact of a poem relies, to a great extent, on the music of the terminology used.In effect, repetition is what engenders music in poetic language. Musical group incorporates factors such as, measure,rhyme and rank which differentiate literary language from normal l More
        The impact of a poem relies, to a great extent, on the music of the terminology used.In effect, repetition is what engenders music in poetic language. Musical group incorporates factors such as, measure,rhyme and rank which differentiate literary language from normal language through  the  use  of  musicality  and  Assonance.  Simin  Behbahani, Hossein Monzavi and Mohammad Ali Bahmani among the Renowned Contemporary lyricists who have brought about fundamental changes in the Measure of modern lyric. In the Present Study, the Researcher is After Investigating not only the musical group in modern lyric but also the Aforesaid Transformations by Focusing on the works of these three lyricists. Manuscript profile
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        29 - Detection of carbonate formations in khaeez Anticlinebehbahan with PCA techniques and crosta method using ETM+ satellite images
        Hadi Tahmasebi Nejad Mahdi Momi pour
        Detection of carbonate formations, especially in area located next to clay formations is essential. Becausethe data set to estimate mining stocks and determinate of exploration programs are necessary. In thisstudy, for detection of carbonate formations and their separat More
        Detection of carbonate formations, especially in area located next to clay formations is essential. Becausethe data set to estimate mining stocks and determinate of exploration programs are necessary. In thisstudy, for detection of carbonate formations and their separation from clay formations, Imageclassification and principle component analysis (PCA) and Crosta techniques the help of ETM+ satelliteimages of Landsat 7 is used. For this purpose, several psedo-color composition of the Khaeez anticline ofBehbahan city located in geological zone of Zagross, has been created in ENVI software. Forclassification of satellite images of case study, maximum similarity method was used. Then, selecting aseries of known sample pixels and comparing their class with classification results and calculating Kappacoefficients, classification results were evaluated. These results indicate classification accuracy ofCarbonate formations is medium that may be a result of vegetation cover on these formations. Manuscript profile
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        30 - Investigating the anthropological foundations of the meaning of loneliness according to Simin Behbahani and Ervin Yalom
        Parnia Aman Hadi Heydariania Mahmoud Sadeghzadeh
         Existentialism is a fledgling philosophy that emerged from the end of the 19th century, and it is the cornerstone of this school's meaning therapy. Loneliness is one of Yalom's anthropological foundations regarding the meaning of life. Loneliness is one of the the More
         Existentialism is a fledgling philosophy that emerged from the end of the 19th century, and it is the cornerstone of this school's meaning therapy. Loneliness is one of Yalom's anthropological foundations regarding the meaning of life. Loneliness is one of the themes that humans have faced throughout history and it is a meaning and concept in various fields such as mysticism and Sufism, psychology, philosophy and love. According to Yalom, the four anxieties of freedom, loneliness, death and meaninglessness are rooted in the truth of human existence. Yalom believes that in order to get rid of these four concerns, a person must create meaning and realize the truth of life, which is actually serving creation, creation and self-fulfillment. Also, in Simin's poetry, loneliness is one of the colorful manifestations that dominates the atmosphere of his sonnets. In their works and writings, both Simin and Yalom believe in fundamental loneliness and tried to solve this kind of loneliness and each of them presented specific solutions. In this research, the author aims to investigate and compare the anthropological foundations of the meaning of loneliness in the opinion of Simin Behbahani and Ervin Yalom, using descriptive-analytical method and library tools, and answer the question whether the theme of loneliness in Simin's poetry is the same as the fundamental loneliness of Yalom? And what is the solution for these two to solve loneliness and get rid of anxiety and worry in life? Manuscript profile
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        31 - The study of Mahmood Afghan attack to Kohkiloyeh & Behbahan to Badaye Akhbar manuscript
        reza shabani jamshid ghayemi
        The topic of Mahmood Afghan attack to Isfahan and decline of 200 years safavid government is of topics that has been considered by many internal & external researchers who look at it in different views . Although we know that Afghans hit the last stroke to the Safav More
        The topic of Mahmood Afghan attack to Isfahan and decline of 200 years safavid government is of topics that has been considered by many internal & external researchers who look at it in different views . Although we know that Afghans hit the last stroke to the Safavid government which about  one century before that time had been fallen into the weakness & decline and also governed Iran about 7 years (1135 _ 1142) ; In spite of their efforts toward maintaining power and developing government ؛ They could'nt put in practice their dominance on noticeable regions of Iran ؛ resistance of cities Yazd ، Khansar and their useless efforts . Among these cities ، Behbahan and Kohkiloyeh didn't accept Afghan governance and resist against them ، but we have only few reference about that ( few lines are wrriten about that ) . Badaye Akhbar is an unique manuscript which was written by skilled writer known as Mirza Abdollah Nabi ، a Behbahan writer who wrote in detail the story of Behbahan people resistance and defence against Mahmood Afghan attack. No doubt ، if there wasn't an obligated historian like him , we haven't known about this attack and defence or in other words we haven't known about part of the history of that district. Severe defence of Behbahan people against Afghans which last about 36 days in 1136 led to failure of attackers reperformance one year later(1137).  Manuscript profile
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        32 - بررسی روحیه پایداری جوانان در اشعار شاعران زن معاصر (ژاله قائم مقامی و پروین اعتصامی و سیمین بهبهانی)
        مکرمه حمیدی حسینعلی پاشاپسندی حسین پارسایی
        پژوهش حاضر به منظور بررسی چگونگی ارتباط جوانان با مقوله‌ی مقاومت و پایداری در اشعار شاعران زن معاصر ایران؛ ژاله قائم مقامی، پروین اعتصامی و سیمین بهبهانی و تأثیر اشعار آنها بر اهداف و روحیات جوانان نگاشته شده است. در این پژوهش سعی شده تا دیدگاه‌های این شعرا را در مورد ج More
        پژوهش حاضر به منظور بررسی چگونگی ارتباط جوانان با مقوله‌ی مقاومت و پایداری در اشعار شاعران زن معاصر ایران؛ ژاله قائم مقامی، پروین اعتصامی و سیمین بهبهانی و تأثیر اشعار آنها بر اهداف و روحیات جوانان نگاشته شده است. در این پژوهش سعی شده تا دیدگاه‌های این شعرا را در مورد جوانان و پایداری مورد مطالعه قرار دهیم. لذا روشی که در این تحقیق به کار بستیم توصیفی - تحلیلی بوده و شیوه‌ی جمع‌آوری اطلاعات کتابخانه‌ای است که از کتاب، فیش، نرم‌افزارهای ادبی به عنوان ابزار این تحقیق استفاده شده است. نتایج این پژوهش نشان می‌دهد فضای اجتماعی دوران معاصر زمینه را برای خلق این اشعار از طرف شعرای زن معاصر بسیار مهیا کرده بود و بر روحیه‌ی ایستادگی جوانان مؤثر واقع گردیده بود. Manuscript profile
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        33 - تعامل و تقابل استعاره‌های مفهومی «زن» و «مرد» در شعر سیمین بهبهانی
        زهرا قاسمی محبوبه خراسانی
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        34 - Analyzing and Comparing the Prominent Elements Including Nature, Imagination and Freedom in Literary Works by Lord Byron and Simin Behbahani with a Focus on the Relationship between and among These Elements
        Farzad Rostami Morteza Rashidi
        Romanticism is an important move in the history of art and global thinking. In the present study, nature, imagination, and freedom have been selected from among the significant elements of romanticism based on the high frequency in the poems by Lord Byron and Simin Behb More
        Romanticism is an important move in the history of art and global thinking. In the present study, nature, imagination, and freedom have been selected from among the significant elements of romanticism based on the high frequency in the poems by Lord Byron and Simin Behbahani. Taking the relationship between and among these elements into account, it could be seen that the tendency towards nature, imagination and freedom play basic roles compared with the other elements of romanticism. The results of a comparative analysis of the aforementioned elements show that, although different in terms of geography, history, culture, and gender, these two poets have some things in common which stem from a common understanding of the nature of romanticism. The results of the present descriptive-analytic study indicated that imagination is a basic issue linked with other poetic elements. Unlike Byron who cannot literarily configure freedom as a specific issue despite his great efforts, freedom could be found in Behbahani’s poems admiring woman as a gender. However, the relationship between these elements in the poem of both poets similarly show that nature is an eternal source for imagination while showing freedom whereas the very imagination represents the freedom of soul and thought in romanticism. Manuscript profile
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        35 - «بررسی جلوه‌های آنیموس در اشعار فروغ فرخزاد، سیمین بهبهانی، و طاهره صفّارزاده»
        ملیحه علی نژاد محمدرضا صرفی محمود مدبری
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        36 - نقد نشانه- معناشناختی اشعار سیمین بهبهانی
        شیرزاد طایفی
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        37 - ارزیابی توانمندیهای ژئوتوریستی منطقۀ تشان شهرستان بهبهان براساس روش پرالونگ به منظور دستیابی به توسعۀ پایدار
        hamid babolimoakhar محمدحسین رامشت
        وجود مکانهای ویژۀ زمین­شناسی و ژئومورفولوژیکی و به تعبیری ژئوسایت و ژئومورفوسایت بسترهای لازم جهت توسعۀ ژئوتوریسم می­باشند. ژئومورفوسایت­ها به­­ خودی خود و یا در ترکیب با مواریث فرهنگی- تاریخی و اکولوژیکی توان­های بالقوه­ای را در راستای گردشگ More
        وجود مکانهای ویژۀ زمین­شناسی و ژئومورفولوژیکی و به تعبیری ژئوسایت و ژئومورفوسایت بسترهای لازم جهت توسعۀ ژئوتوریسم می­باشند. ژئومورفوسایت­ها به­­ خودی خود و یا در ترکیب با مواریث فرهنگی- تاریخی و اکولوژیکی توان­های بالقوه­ای را در راستای گردشگری عرضه می­دارند. توسعهگردشگریواستفادهازجاذبه‌هایمتعددطبیعیوتاریخیراهبردیاساسیجهت دستیابی بهتوسعهپایدارمی‌باشد.هدف از این پژوهش ارزیابی توانمندی­های ژئوتوریستی لندفرم­ها و آثار تاریخی منطقۀ تشان در استان خوزستان و تعیین جایگاه گردشگری آن بااستفاده از روش پرالونگ می­باشد. به­همین منظور از نقشه­های زمین­شناسی، توپوگرافی و همچنین بررسی اسناد، کتب تاریخی و مشاهدات میدانی استفاده و میزان توانمندی­های ژئوتوریستی منطقه مشخص شده است. نتایج ارزیابی­ها نشان می­دهد که محدودۀ تاریخی تشان (کلگه­زار) با کسب امتیاز 62/0 عیار گردشگری و 46/0 میانگین ارزش بهره­وری و به دلیل برخورداری از آثار باستانی و جایگاه ویژه تاریخی بیشترین پتانسیل جذب توریسم و گردشگر را در منطقه دارد. غار پاپری تشان با کسب امتیاز 54/0 عیار گرشگری و 40/0 میانگین ارزش بهره­وری در رتبۀ دوم می‌باشد. بر همین اساس محدودۀ تنگ بَن و همچنین چشمه و استخر طبیعی سرجوشر تشان به‌ترتیب در رتبه‌های بعدی قرار دارند. پتانسیل­هاوجاذبه­هایفراوانغارپاپرینشانمی­دهدکه­درصورتتوجهبیشتروایجادزیرساخت­هایمناسبدرآیندهازارزشبهره وریبهمراتببیشتربرخوردارشودوگردشگرانزیادی را بهخودجذبنماید. Manuscript profile
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        38 - The Study of the Effective Bioclimatic Indexes on Assessing Human Comfort (A Case Study of Behbahan)
        Reza Borna
        Recognition of natural potentials as the basis of human activities forms the foundation of the environmental planning and arrangement. In this regard the climate characteristics and its factors have an essential role in the spatial dispersion and forming environmental a More
        Recognition of natural potentials as the basis of human activities forms the foundation of the environmental planning and arrangement. In this regard the climate characteristics and its factors have an essential role in the spatial dispersion and forming environmental activities of human societies, as today's studies and surveys on human being are the bases of urban, developmental, residential, architecture, tourism planning. In this study, man’s comfort or discomfort in Behbahan has been studied based on the existing living climate models and bioclimatic indexes of Beiker, Terjong, stress  and TCI have all been studied using the statistical data during 20 years (1994 - 2013), and is the best time for doing  the  environmental  and  tourism  activities  in  this  city were determined. The results showed that wind chill index has not been based on the climatic activities. The other bioclimatic indexes which were used in the study were the ability of showing comfortable and discomfortable periods of Behbahan which in spite of few differences, they show the similar pictures of the city’s climate comfort .The study showed  that  Behbahan  with  bioclimatic variety  during  the year has both warm and very  cool weather. There is not good comfort in the last month of spring and during summer in this city. When autumn finishes and the weather becomes cool (November and December) or when later it starts to become warm (March), Behbahan has a more comfortable condition for people. Totally autumn and winter are suitable for environmental activities and touring in Behbahan. Manuscript profile
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        39 - اختلاف سیدعبدالله بهبهانی و شیخ فضل الله نوری
        دکتر امیرتیمور رفیعی دکتر کیوان لؤلوئی
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        40 - Explanations and analysis of local poems seyyed mohammad seyyed
        maryam taherzadeh
        Seyyed Mohammad Seyyed was a capable poet of Behbahan, his Persian poetries are mentioned with a serious tone in the book, "seyyed`s knapsack" and his humorous poems are in Behbahani's dialect compiled in a book called "seyyed`s words". This book of "seyyed`s words" amo More
        Seyyed Mohammad Seyyed was a capable poet of Behbahan, his Persian poetries are mentioned with a serious tone in the book, "seyyed`s knapsack" and his humorous poems are in Behbahani's dialect compiled in a book called "seyyed`s words". This book of "seyyed`s words" among the people of Behbahan has a privileged position. The poet in this book addressed the problems of the people and the city of Behbahan considering the local dialect and its satire language. Some of poetic themes of this book aren't limited to the Behbahan community in general and public affairs in this research. Several poems were selected from this book and after reading and analyzing their contents, these poems are examined from the viewpoint of social critiques. Based on the classification of research methods, this research was conducted using content analysis and library method. In the final section, conclusions and researcher's views are presented. Manuscript profile
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        41 - Behbahani, Dialect or Accent? (Analyzing Verb Conjugation in Behbahani as a Local Language)
        amin rasti behbehani
        In this study, it is tried to analyze Behbahani as a local Dialect to specify to which category, the dialect or the accent, belongs. Using related literature and findings, verb conjugation has been reviewed for different tenses in Behbahani to conduct the study. The res More
        In this study, it is tried to analyze Behbahani as a local Dialect to specify to which category, the dialect or the accent, belongs. Using related literature and findings, verb conjugation has been reviewed for different tenses in Behbahani to conduct the study. The results of the study revealed that, in spite of the similarities between standard Persian and Behbahani dialects in their sentence structure levels and patterns, Behbahani is unique and completely different from standard Persian in the verb conjugation level. Finally, it is concluded that Behbahni, linguistically, is categorized in dialects of Persian. Manuscript profile
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        42 - تبیین عوامل مؤثر بر خلق شهر شاد با رویکرد معادلات ساختاری (مطالعه موردی: شهر بهبهان)
        رحیم بردی آنامرادنژاد عبدالمطلب کریم زاده
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        43 - Validation of EC and TDS prediction model efficiency in Maroun River (case study: Behbahan station)
        Davoud Khodadadi Dehkordi
        Maroon River is one of the tributaries of Jarahi River and one of the important rivers of Khuzestan province. The importance of quality studies of Maroon River is clear from the fact that this river provides water for cities, villages and thousands of hectares of agricu More
        Maroon River is one of the tributaries of Jarahi River and one of the important rivers of Khuzestan province. The importance of quality studies of Maroon River is clear from the fact that this river provides water for cities, villages and thousands of hectares of agricultural lands and industrial factories and finally leads to Shadegan Wetland. Attention and importance to this river is one of the requirements for sustainable development and water quality study of this river is of special importance. Water quality is determined by some physical, chemical and biological characteristics. In this study, the models of the relationship between the two parameters of electrical conductivity (EC) and total soluble solids (TDS) during the years 1346 to 88 fit and the amount of TDS in the future is estimated and finally the validity of this prediction is calculated. The results show that in a sampling period from 1346 to 1388 in Behbahan station, the best fitting model between TDS and EC in this station is the exponential model with a correlation coefficient of 0.913. Having the EC value during the years 1389 to 1392, the amount of TDS in this period was estimated and to select the best model, the amount of EF (model efficiency) was calculated for 4 models and it was found that the exponential model with an efficiency of 99.72% is appropriate. The most common model for estimating the amount of TDS is linear, power and logarithmic models in the next priority ranks in Behbahan station. Manuscript profile
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        44 - Influence of location in terms of urban space in the power hierarchy of Behbahan families
        Abolhasan Difrahksh Esmail Jahanbahksh Shapour Behyan
        The power structure in the family is one of the issues that has aroused the sensitivity of researchers and thinkers in terms of the growing importance of the "family" in maintaining and sustaining societies as the most current perspectives on the study of family sociolo More
        The power structure in the family is one of the issues that has aroused the sensitivity of researchers and thinkers in terms of the growing importance of the "family" in maintaining and sustaining societies as the most current perspectives on the study of family sociology. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the sociological relationship between housing in terms of urbanity and position in the hierarchy of power in Behbahan families. This research is a quantitative and descriptive-analytical method and is considered practical in terms of purpose. The statistical population of the present study includes households living in Behbahan, which is a total of 36,245 households. Cochran's formula with an error coefficient of 4% was used to select the sample. 588 households were selected into two-stage clusters. The questionnaire is distributed among married heads of households. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire that the validity of the content was confirmed by a review of supervisors, consultants and some experts in this field. The reliability of the instrument was calculated and confirmed from Cronbach's alpha formula. Findings indicate that the hierarchy of authority (F = /14), the degree of unilateral power of the father (F = 50.125), the degree of unilateral power of the mother (F = 410/20) The structure of relative symmetric power (F = = 476/18) Women's access to power sources F (469/30)) varies according to the location of families in Behbahan. Manuscript profile
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        45 - گزارش گونه ی Bozorgniella qumiensis از سازند آسماری در برش علمدار، شمال شرق بهبهان
        جهانبخش دانشیان مهدی حسین زاده
      • Open Access Article

        46 - اگزیستانسیالیسم در اشعار سیمین بهبهانی بر پایۀ نظریّات اومانیستی اریک فروم
        زهرا قنبرعلی باغنی Shahin Ojaghali Zadeh Masoumeh sadeghi@iau
      • Open Access Article

        47 - تحلیل اشعار سیمین بهبهانی با رویکرد پدیدارشناسی
        ابراهیم ابراهیم تبار ناهید اکبری
      • Open Access Article

        48 - Simin Behbahani's lyric characteristics : Epic and Resistance
        Ja'far Mohammadi Arash Moshfaghi
        Abstract         Since resistance against ugliness and darkness imposes an obligation on poets during the war and oppression time, few ones can be named in these eras who have not shared their works in the field of resistance literatu More
        Abstract         Since resistance against ugliness and darkness imposes an obligation on poets during the war and oppression time, few ones can be named in these eras who have not shared their works in the field of resistance literature. Human nature does not tolerate evil; therefore, civil disobedience to tyranny and oppression arises in different forms. Revolutionary movements from 1978 to 1979 to some extent made openness and enlightenment speech possible for Iranian poets . Simin Behbahani is one of the contemporary ghazal poets who before the Islamic revolution explicitly stated the events that had significant impact on the formation of the revolution. Her Ghazals reflected the events of the day. Following that, Behbahani reflected other topics in the field of resistance literature and in this research the most important indicators of resistance literature in Simin Behbahani's ghazals during and post revolution periods, an during Iran and Iraq war, will be discussed. Manuscript profile
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        49 - The contexts and signs of Simin Behbahani's familiarity with Ferdowsi's Shahnameh and how he was influenced by it
        ghodrat allah zarouni
        Some classical texts are considered as supertexts and mother texts in Persian poetry, which more or less spread their shadow over other texts in all or most literary periods. Hakim Abulqasem Ferdowsi's Shahnameh is one of these hypertexts whose signs of its presence can More
        Some classical texts are considered as supertexts and mother texts in Persian poetry, which more or less spread their shadow over other texts in all or most literary periods. Hakim Abulqasem Ferdowsi's Shahnameh is one of these hypertexts whose signs of its presence can be traced in many subsequent texts, both epic and non-epic. In modern times, poets have been influenced by stories, characters, myths and other aspects of Shahnameh on various occasions.Simin Behbahani is one of the poets who, with a relatively good knowledge of the Shahnameh and its fictional world, has been able to create extensive intertextual interactions with the Shahnameh. In this research, with analytical-descriptive method, we have sought to analyze and examine the fields of familiarity and the amount of use of Simin and the quality and manner of these uses of the Shahnameh. The findings of this research show that Simin Behbahani, due to growing up in a scientific family and personal studies, had a relatively broad knowledge of the stories and influential characters of the Shahnameh, and was able to use the stories of the Shahnameh in various positions to arouse people's sense of love for Iran and also to remember the heroes. Taking refuge in the Shahnameh and its heroes in search of a savior, using lyrical dimensions and drawing the political-social atmosphere of the contemporary era are other factors that have led Simin to use the mythological stories of the Shahnameh. Manuscript profile