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        1 - دراسة مقارنة وانعکاس لمکونات الحداثة فی اشعار سیمین بهبهانی وبشری البستانی
        yahya marof somayeh bahktiary toraj zainivand ali salimi
        الحداثة بمعنى الابتکار والابداع و هی نقیض التقلید. سیمین بهبهانی وبشری البستانی هما من الشعراء الذین یعکسون فی قصائدهم وجهة نظر المجتمع التقلیدی والحدیث لشعبی إیران والعراق. فهما فضلا عن المیل نحو الحداثة، لاتبتعدان عن التقلید بل تهتمان بها بشکل خاص، ویمکن تقییم میلهما More
        الحداثة بمعنى الابتکار والابداع و هی نقیض التقلید. سیمین بهبهانی وبشری البستانی هما من الشعراء الذین یعکسون فی قصائدهم وجهة نظر المجتمع التقلیدی والحدیث لشعبی إیران والعراق. فهما فضلا عن المیل نحو الحداثة، لاتبتعدان عن التقلید بل تهتمان بها بشکل خاص، ویمکن تقییم میلهما فی الانتقال من العصور القدیمة إلى الحداثة على أنهما معتدلتان تماما.یستخدم هذا البحث المنهج الوصفی التحلیلی معتمداً على المدرسة الأمریکیة لدراسة وتحلیل موضوعات التقلید والحداثة فی أعمال شاعرتین. نتج عن هذا البحث تعامل الشاعرتین مع أوزان الشعر التقلیدی، من خلال تجنب الوزن والقافیة، وبما أن عقولهما متورطة بشکل کبیر فی الموضوعات الإنسانیة والاجتماعیة، فقد أصبح ثقل الشعر فی بعض الأحیان ضحیة للمحتوى والموضوع. السمة الممیزة لبهبهانی والبستانی هی الاتجاه نحو الحداثة وعدم الابتعاد عن التقالید، وبشکل عام یمکن اعتبار نهجهما وموقعهما فی استخدام معاییر وأسس التقالید والحداثة موقفاً لا یمکن الاستغناء عنه. لأنهما عانتا نوعا من الانهیار العاطفی فی حیاتهام الشخصیة أو الأسریة، فقد کرستا الکثیر من شعرهما للتعبیر عن المشاکل والقضایا التی تحیط بالمرأة فی مجتمعهما. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Defamiliarization in the structures of BoshraBostani’spoetry; A Case study (of Synesthesia)
        Ali Baqer Taherinia Hossein Elyasi
        Synesthesiais not solelygetting out of the standard and conventionallanguage, but the poet tries to get out of the standard language and break down the standard connectionbetweendifferentsenses in order to create an impressive and effective language.Synesthesia leads to More
        Synesthesiais not solelygetting out of the standard and conventionallanguage, but the poet tries to get out of the standard language and break down the standard connectionbetweendifferentsenses in order to create an impressive and effective language.Synesthesia leads to dynamism of poetic images and itenhances the conductivityof metaphor. It isconsidered as one of the most important basics of poetryornamentations. Ornamentation of expression isachievedwhwnexistdifferent indexes. Synesthesiais one of those indexes whichornamentspoetic expression. And apoemwiththisrichness of expression descends on souls of readers. This studyfocuses on importance of synesthesia in BoshraBostani’spoetry, and itstudies the role of synesthesia on the conductivity of poetic expression. This studyisbased on descriptive- analyticalmethod and appliessemioticsmethod in order to analyse evidences in twofields of sense and sign. Poetic conversation of BoshraBostaniis not a conversation of storytelling and conductivity of expression texture, but itis a conversation that breaks down the standard language in order to createpoeticornamentation and to increaseconductivity of meanings and finally to createwonders. Synesthesia in BoshraBostani’spoetryisconsidered as a languagetoolwhichissimplyapplied to create objectification. It alsohelps to show the patriarchal society and alsocreatehope to freedom and othermeanings. Results of thisstudy shows thatsynesthesiawasused more in visual- olfactoryaspects and also in abstract and olfactory aspects and the poetdid not use synesthesia in taste- tactile and olfactory- abstract aspects. Synesthesiaisapplied by breaking down standards of adjective and name, verb and subject, determinatum and determinant and in between, synesthesia in determinatumand determinantformsis more abundant. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - A Study of Mystical Themes in Sustainability Literature in Tahereh Saffarzadeh’s and Bashari Al-Bustani’s Poetry
        Behnam Feli Enayatolah Fatehinejhad Latifeh Salamat bavil
        Mysticism and Sufism are one of the Islamic schools that have their roots in Islam, have had many supporters throughout the history of Islam, and still own them, not only in thought but also in jihadist movements and stability and sometimes in the form of militant group More
        Mysticism and Sufism are one of the Islamic schools that have their roots in Islam, have had many supporters throughout the history of Islam, and still own them, not only in thought but also in jihadist movements and stability and sometimes in the form of militant groups. In contemporary Persian and Arabic literature, the components and characteristics of mystical literature and stability in the poetry of Bashari Al-Bustani and Tahereh Saffarzadeh are important models in combining these two literary fields. Bashari Al-Bustani is a contemporary Iraqi poet. Tahereh Saffarzadeh is one of the contemporary Iranian poets who, as a revolutionary poet, has devoted a large part of her poems to the concepts of mystical literature. This research uses a descriptive-analytical method to study and analyze the mystical components in the poetry of poets of sustainable literature such as Bashari Al-Bustani and Tahereh Saffarzadeh. Manuscript profile