• List of Articles "Tourism"

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The role of good governance in increasing tourism in Taleghan city
        Rassa Safari namin sayed abolghasem fazel chahar mahali mohammad shokriyan
             Today, tourism as a source of income and job creation at the local level can be an approach to economic development and has a potential role in the local economy. Attracting tourists and developing tourism in a place leads to currency exchange, More
             Today, tourism as a source of income and job creation at the local level can be an approach to economic development and has a potential role in the local economy. Attracting tourists and developing tourism in a place leads to currency exchange, increasing income and developing employment in that place. On the other hand, good urban governance and its indicators such as security and participation that were examined in this study have a significant role in providing the possibility of increasing tourism in this region and city. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the role of good governance in increasing tourism in Taleghan city. The research is descriptive and analytical and has been done in a library and field method using books, articles and questionnaires. Finally, it has been used by SPSS statistical analytical software and descriptive statistical indicators such as frequency, mean, standard deviation, correlation, regression, etc. The statistical population of the study was 384 people who were selected through random sampling. The results show that attracting tourists in a region separate from the existence of tourist attractions and potentials requires the existence of facilities for tourists. Because tourists, due to the nature of tourism and apart from it, are looking for fun and leisure with pleasure. An issue that good urban governance can address well. On the other hand, environmental security and its increase as well as public participation have a great contribution in increasing and attracting tourists to Taleghan city as a tourist destinationExtended AbstractIntroduction:The world today faces challenges that stem from the changes resulting from the advancement of science and technology and the emergence of new organizational and social needs. In today's changing world, governments and city managers alone will not be able to meet the new needs of their citizens. Use to maximize the production and delivery of public services. In the modern urban management system, several models have been presented to solve these problems and challenges in urban life, one of which is the dominant model in urban management, the model of urban governance. Governance is an issue that focuses on how governments and other social organizations interact with each other, how to communicate with citizens, and how to make decisions in a complex world, and is the process by which communities and organizations make and determine their decisions. Who is involved in this process and how to perform their duties. The urban environment is a complex, dynamic and diverse space and requires a high management capacity that good urban governance can provide. On the other hand, tourism has become one of the most important resources in the economy of countries, which has grown more than other economic sectors, and not only economically has created employment and income, etc., but also caused familiarity with cultures, increased The welfare of society, the fight against unemployment, social corruption and many other positive items. However, the flow of urban tourism can not be summarized only in the presence of natural, man-made and man-made attractions. So that tourism as a product of the entanglement of various factors, each of which has a significant impact on tourism. In addition, knowledge of tourism is also important in the field of urban tourism. Cities with high potentials play a role as the engine of economic and social development by creating jobs and coming up with ideas. Accordingly, in the present study, the role of indicators of good urban governance in increasing tourism in tourism destination cities will be investigated and evaluated.Methodology:The research method is descriptive-analytical in nature and survey research in terms of data collection. To collect the research, two methods of interviewing experts and a questionnaire were used. At first, in order to identify the governance indicators for the development of tourism in the studied city, by researching various sources and also interviewing some experts in the regional offices, some important indicators for the development of tourism in the region and the studied city were identified and collected. Then, in the second stage, the indicators were analyzed and evaluated in the framework of the questionnaire. The statistical population of the study was experts in regional offices and tourists entering the city. 384 people were randomly selected as the statistical population through a sampling and a questionnaire was distributed among them. Data were analyzed using statistical tests in SPSS software.Results and discussion:The significance level of research variables is more than 0.05, so the null statistical assumption that the desired distribution is normal is confirmed and all research variables have a normal distribution. The results of Pearson correlation coefficient test between variables indicate that among the 384 respondents studied, the correlation coefficient is 0.0206 with a significance level of 99%, since the significance level  Obtained (Sig), less than 01 /. We have enough evidence to reject our statistical null hypothesis. As a result, the statistical null hypothesis is rejected and the main hypothesis is confirmed. Therefore, there is a significant correlation between research variables (improving environmental security and increasing tourism destination selection). The coefficient of determination is equal to 0.043, ie the amount of variability in the dependent variable that can be explained by regression is equal to 0.043 units. Also, the standardized beta coefficient is equal to 0.0206, ie the market of one unit of change in the independent variable (environmental security improvement), changes of the dependent variable (increase of tourist destination selection) is equal to 0.0206 units, which due to the smaller level Significance (Sig) from 01 /. This effect is significant, therefore: improving environmental security has a positive and significant effect on increasing the choice of tourist destinations. The results obtained from Pearson correlation coefficient test between variables indicate that among the 384 respondents studied, the correlation coefficient is 0.258 with a significance level of 99%, since the significance level obtained (Sig) is less than 01 /. We have enough evidence to reject our statistical null hypothesis. As a result, the statistical null hypothesis is rejected and the main hypothesis is confirmed. Therefore, there is a significant correlation between research variables (attracting public participation and increasing tourism destination selection). The coefficient of determination is equal to 0.067, ie the amount of variability in the dependent variable that can be explained by regression is equal to 0.067 units. Also, the standardized beta coefficient is equal to 0.258, ie the market of a unit of change in the independent variable (attracting public participation), changes in the dependent variable (increasing the choice of tourist destination) Is equal to 0.258 units which is due to the fact that the significance level is smaller (Sig) than 0.01. This effect is significant, therefore: attracting public participation has a positive and significant effect on increasing the choice of tourist destination. Conclusion:      Today, tourism as an industry has been able to be one of the sources of income and job creation at the local level and an approach to economic development and has a potential role in the local economy. Attracting tourists and developing tourism in one place leads to currency exchange, increasing income and developing employment in that place, and especially when the profits of other economic sectors are declining, it is a good alternative for them. Tourism development and tourist attraction, in addition to economic aspects, also includes social and cultural aspects and is considered as a guide for rural development on the one hand, and new strategies for revitalization of rural areas through the creation of complementary activities or Transforming these areas according to their human and natural resources and also increases income and thus the well-being of the residents of these areas. On the other hand, it helps to rebuild rural areas because sustainable development calls for long-term growth in tourism without detrimental effects on natural ecosystems. Taleghan city has also shown a successful performance so far by benefiting from nature and many attractions in attracting tourists. On the other hand, good urban governance and its indicators such as security and participation that were examined in this study have a significant role in providing the possibility of increasing tourism in this region and city. In today's competitive tourism markets, trying to attract tourists by different destinations is considered as a strategic goal and one of the ways to attract tourists to the destination is to improve the quality of the environment. Because of the nature of tourism and apart from it, tourists are also looking for fun and leisure with fun, an issue that good urban governance can provide well. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Pathology of Iran's Tourism Industry Financing in the Capital Market (Case Study)
        Hasan ghalibafasl Masoumeh Naderi Gholamhaidar Ebrahimbai Salami Mir Feyz Fallahshams,
        The purpose of this research is to investigate the challenges and obstacles of financing projects of Iran's tourism industry through the capital market. The research paradigm is constructivism. considering that the purpose of this research; It is pathology, so its strat More
        The purpose of this research is to investigate the challenges and obstacles of financing projects of Iran's tourism industry through the capital market. The research paradigm is constructivism. considering that the purpose of this research; It is pathology, so its strategy is in the form of a case study and its approach is in the field of qualitative research. In this research method, the researcher for preliminary investigation; He has collected and reviewed all documents and scientific studies about the financing of the tourism industry, especially in the capital market, in order to identify its components, effective factors and consequences. Then, in order to confirm them, interviews were conducted with tourism industry, capital market, and university experts to achieve information saturation, and finally, to confirm the obtained information, a secondary focal interview was conducted again in the form of several group meetings.The results have shown that the main obstacles to the financing of this industry include the insufficient knowledge of the capital market and the tourism industry about each other, not having some necessary conditions to enter the capital market, the inherent characteristics of the projects, lack of desire and confidence to enter the capital market, the difference in the rate of return of the financial markets, the existence of multiple beneficiaries, the fact that most of the projects are not private, the existing laws and regulations, and some issues related to the financing system are among the main challenges for financing this industry using capital market capacities. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - A case study of the impact of tourism on the social capital of citizens in Kashan city
        mohsen niazi ali farhadian tahereh arabimaraghi fatemeh mazraatin
        The current article is done with the aim of investigating the effects of tourism on social capital. Today, tourism has become widespread and has become a science, and its widespread causes deep effects and problems. On the other hand, social capital is necessary for the More
        The current article is done with the aim of investigating the effects of tourism on social capital. Today, tourism has become widespread and has become a science, and its widespread causes deep effects and problems. On the other hand, social capital is necessary for the development of any country. Every country and society needs planning in the field of social capital in order to be able to follow the ways of cultural and economic development and evolution. Social capital is also affected by factors, one of which is tourism. In this research, a semi-guided interview method has been used. Our statistical population is the people of Shahr Kashan and our sample size is people aged 15-60 living or working in Fin and Vanyaser areas. The obtained results show that social capital and tourism have a significant relationship and social capital has been affected by tourism in some components. The current article Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Special Financial Institutions in Financing Projects of The Tourism Industry of Iran in The Capital Market
        Masoumeh naderi hasan Ghalibafasl Gholamhaidar Ebrahimbai Salami Mirfeiz Fallah Shams
        The purpose of the research is to examine special financial institutions; In the financing of tourism industry projects in Iran, it is based on the capital market. Based on the philosophical premise, this research is interpretive. Also, its paradigm is pragmatism and it More
        The purpose of the research is to examine special financial institutions; In the financing of tourism industry projects in Iran, it is based on the capital market. Based on the philosophical premise, this research is interpretive. Also, its paradigm is pragmatism and its approach in the field of mixed research. Here, there is a tendency towards the applicability of "what works" and solutions to problems. Therefore, the important dimensions of the research and its questions are emphasized, so no hypotheses are examined and its purpose is to answer the research questions. In this method, the researcher has compared and summarized the qualitative and quantitative results with the triangulation approach by reviewing the documents and asking the experts' opinions through preliminary semi-structured interviews and questionnaires using the Delphi method. The results have shown that real estate investment funds, project joint stock company, risk investment fund, tourism infrastructure investment fund, bond guarantee syndicate by the tourism development fund with banks, playing the role of reinsurer by the fund The development of tourism, the formation of a joint insurance association for the compensation of tourism projects has been agreed upon. Manuscript profile