List of Articles range of motion Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - The effect of combined exercise training on Body composition, Upper limb Range of motion, Shoulder pain, and Glucose homeostasis in type II diabetic patients after breast cancer surgery maryam koulaei Nasibeh Ezeddin Anahita Shabani mona Mehdizadeh Haghighi Mohammad Hedayati Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - The influence of variable range of motion training on hormonal responses and muscle strength Reihaneh Esmaeeldokht Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Comparison effect of eight weeks' core with plyometric training on range of motion and power athletes with chronic ankle sprain Sajad Hamzeh Abdullah Albujasim Hamid Tabatabaei Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - The Effect of 8 Weeks of Barreausol Exercises on the Range of Motion, Muscular Strength, and lumbar lordosis Angle of female students Gity Hajimoradi Reza Mahdavi Nejad Reza Khazaei 10.83078/epp.2024.202501191196952