List of Articles neuroticism Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - Relationship between neuroticism, agreeableness and social conscientiousness with job burnout by moderating role of psychological hardiness in satellite staff of National Iranian Drilling Company. Raziyeh Zabolzadeh bagheban somayeh esmaeliy Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - The Role of Neuroticism, Sensation Seeking and Self-control in Predicting the Tendency to Criminal Behavior in Criminals Living in Homeless Shelters mohsen mirzaei ilnaz sajjadian Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - A study of the relationship between personality characteristics and petrochemical corporation personnels’ job satisfaction in Tabriz Rahmatallah Nouranipour Hasan Akbarzadeh Abdoljabar Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - Explaining the Appropriate Model of Investors Risk Power Based on Personality Characteristics سید پوریا میربزرگی محمود همت فر محمدحسن جنانی 10.30495/faar.2022.691690 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 5 - The impact of extroversion and neuroticism on the attitude and perception of risk and investors' return expectations with the moderating role of financial literacy Rahman Khanigonbad Mansour Garkaz khadije Eslami alireza maetoofi ali khozain Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 6 - Comparison of Personality Traits and Emotional Intelligence in Internet-Dependent and Non-Dependent Individuals Based on Gender seyede Parisa Bagherian مالک میرهاشمی رحیم داوری