List of Articles معماری معاصر ایران Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - Iran contemporary architecture and the problem of identity (a realistic representation of the post-modernism critical reading in architecture) Amir Davood Maslahatjoo Maryam Ghasemi Sichani Vahid Ghobadian Biajn Abdolkarimi 10.71793/hoviatshahr.2023.792979 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Analytical-comparative analysis of organic architectural works in Iran (Second Pahlavi period) Alaleh Samir Maryam Cheshme Qassabani Hosein Karim Abadi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Explaining the Role of the Visual Arts Community in Shaping Contemporary Residential Architecture in the (1) Region; Tehran City (From 2008 to 2018) Mahdieh Shahparvari Behrouz Mansouri Iraj Etesam 10.30486/PIA.2023.1999949.1065 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - Identifying and prioritizing the role of judging components of architectural competitions in the promotion of contemporary Iranian architecture Seyyed mohammad Soghrati Heydar Jahanbakhsh Hossein Safari 10.71882/jisaud.2024.977657 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 5 - From shape to design Explaining the pattern of contemporary Iranian memorial architecture using shape grammar Kianoush Hasani