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    Azad law researches scientific quarterly

    According to the evaluation of scientific journals of Islamic Azad University, it has rank “A”

    The publication of the article is subject to the approval of the editorial board of the journal.

    Download the forms of commitment letter of the originality of the article and the conflict of interest form of the scientific journal "Azad law researches quarterly" by clicking on the relevant button: “Author / s commitment form & conflict of interest form

    The Scientific Quarterly of Azad Law Research observes scientific ethics and publishing under international copyright law and the International Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

    The Scientific Quarterly of Azad Law Research allows readers to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search and link the full text of articles, and readers are allowed to use them for any other legal purpose.

    The type of access to the articles of the scientific journal of Azad Law research is "open".

    General characteristics of the scientific quarterly of Azad Law research

    • Publisher: Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch Publications
    • Printed ISSN: 1634-2383
    • Electronic ISSN: 3661-2383
    • Access to articles status: open access
    • Print status: print and electronic
    • Article acceptance rate: 20%
    • Printing period: Quarterly
    • Quarterly Language: Persian (English Abstract)
    • Specialty: Law
    • Type of Quarterly: Islamic Azad University Scientific-Research
    • Type of judging: closed judging and at least 2 referees for each article
    • Average time interval of the arbitration process: at least 6 weeks
    • The average time interval of the initial review process: 7 days
    • Reference method: APA
    • Impact coefficient (ISC): -

    Address: Faculty of Law, Velayat University Complex, Shahid Sohani St., Artesh  Boulevard, Imam Ali Highway, Tehran.

    Phone number: 02122481626 / Postal code: 1955847781 / E-mail:

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    Number of Volumes 17
    Number of Issues 61
    Printed Articles 628
    Number of Authors 2700
    Article Views 122818
    Article Downloads 27177
    Number of Submitted Articles 1880
    Number of Rejected Articles 1057
    Number of Accepted Articles 682
    Acceptance 31 %
    Time to Accept(day) 129
    Reviewer Count 243
    Last Update 10/1/2024