Evaluation of physical and biological soil quality using spectroscopy in agricultural lands of Zanjan province
Subject Areas : Farm water management with the aim of improving irrigation management indicators
Mohammad Sadegh Askari
Golnaz Rostamkhani
Setareh Amanifar
Toraj Khoshzaman
1 - Assistant Prof., Dept. of Soil Science and Engineering, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran.
2 - Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zanjan
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zanjan
4 - Assistant Professor, Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center, Zanjan Province
Keywords: Multivariate analysis, Spectral data, agricultural land use, Soil management,
Abstract :
Developing a precise and rapid method for assessing the impact of farming operations on soil quality is important for sustainable resource management and monitoring management approaches in agricultural ecosystems. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of spectroscopy as a rapid and quantitative approach for monitoring physical and biological soil quality under agricultural management in Zanjan province. 77 soil samples were collected from the depth of 0-20 cm under irrigated and rain-fed agriculture. Important physical and biological properties, affecting soil quality in this province, were measured using standard methods. Then, soil spectral data were determined in VIS-NIR region and spectral models were calculated using partial least square regression. The average reflectance of soil spectra from 450 to 2450 nm, were significantly different (p < 0.05) between rain-fed and irrigated land uses. Moreover, land use type had a significant impact on most physical and biological properties, measured in this study. Spectral models with excellent accuracy(RPD>2.5 and R2>0.8) were noted for soil microbial respiration, clay content and soil organic content. The models with good accuracy (2<RPD0.76) for microbial carbon biomass, aggregate stability, sand content and with moderate accuracy (1.5<RPD0.65) for bulk density, hydraulic conductivity and silt content were obtained. However, sorptivity was not estimated with appropriate accuracy using spectral models. The effect of management operations under irrigated and rain-fed land use was detectable using soil reflectance spectral signature, and spectral data showed an overall good ability for evaluating physical and biological indicators of soil quality.
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