Examining Two Decades of Intervention Approaches and Policies in Tehran's Dilapidated Urban Landscape Using Grounded Theory
Subject Areas : Urban Futurology
Rama Ghalambordezfooly
Maryam Hoseiny Moghadam
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Pardis Branch, Islamic Azad University, Pardis, Iran.
2 - Master in Urban Planning, Department of Urban Planning, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Urban planning, Dilapidated area, Urban Fabric, Grounded theory.,
Abstract :
Nowadays, the vulnerability of cities, especially old structures, to natural disasters such as earthquakes has become a global issue for experts in various fields. This issue has become more acute in recent decades for countries like Iran, which have natural and risky structures. The main question arises: which approaches and policies have been evaluated as successful in revitalizing worn-out and inefficient urban areas? Furthermore, what is the optimal policy for intervening in the renovation of Tehran's worn-out urban fabric? This research aims to determine the optimal policy and approach for intervening in Tehran's dilapidated urban areas based on experiences, with three sub-goals. The first sub-goal is to describe the indicators and criteria of the approaches and policies used in two decades of intervention in Tehran's dilapidated urban areas, including economic, physical, social, environmental dimensions, and significant thoughts and events. The second sub-goal involves explaining the indicators and criteria of the approaches and policies used in two decades of intervention, expanding upon the dimensions covered in the first sub-goal. Finally, the third sub-goal aims to elucidate the differences between the approaches and policies implemented in two decades of intervention in Tehran's dilapidated urban areas. The research method employed is descriptive-analytical, with grounded theory utilized throughout. This approach led to the formulation of a contextual theory for two decades of intervention in Tehran's dilapidated urban areas, comprising four causal conditions: background, continuity, and consequences. Each of these conditions includes subgroups that have direct or indirect effects.
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