essing the Capabilities and Challenges of Physical-Spatial Development of Religious City (Case Study: Karbala in the Contemporary Period)
Subject Areas : Urban Futurology
soheila Fathali
M. Alimardani
Alireza Estelaji
S. Piri
1 - Islamic Azad Uni.
2 - Assistant Profesoor of Urban Planing, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planing of Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran. (Coorosponding Author)
3 - Profesoor of Geography, Unit of Yadegare Emam, Azad University of ShahreRey
4 - Assistant Profesoor, Department of Architecture and Urban Planing, Unit of Hamedan, Azad Univercity of Hamedan.
Keywords: climate, Spatial Development, Religious Buildings, City of Karbala,
Abstract :
A city grows physically-spatially with the aim of creating an environment with a beautiful, familiar and legible identity. In religious cities, in addition to these goals, the approach of providing services to pilgrims and religious tourists can be effective in the economic growth of the city. This approach can provide economic and job prosperity and other facilities for residents in a way that they will be in perfect harmony with the sanctity and the existing building of religious cities. Economic adaptation in the spatial hierarchical system in the city must be in line with the urban context in order to be able to balance religion، housing and the economy. The emergence and formation of Karbala city shows that in recent years, urban planning and plans to align the growth of the city in accordance with the main element and index, called the Court and Shrine of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) has not been done. The use of the approved master plan of Karbala city has been able to pay partly attention to some dimensions and indicators of the city; and by emphasizing these factors can propose and design the development process of the city in accordance with the existing climate and conditions.The research method is applied in terms of purpose and "descriptive-analytical-historical" in terms of method and nature. Capabilities and challenges of spatial physical development of the city have been analyzed by Using library resources, documents, upstream plans, using geographical systems (GIS), remote sensing and interpretation of aerial and satellite maps and SWOT analysis method. Challenges have been identified using SWOT analysis method by observing the spatial hierarchy, passages and recognizing urban nodes.The results show that the main development strategy of Karbala city should be based on the application of economic and social development programs in different parts of the city. Through this, a suitable physical-spatial development that is the result of economic and social development of the city can be achieved and the best communication route between the central core and other parts of the city is established.