Providing a model of emotion management in Islamic Azad University
Subject Areas :Mirmajid Ghozati 1 , Roohallah Samiei 2 * , Abdolaziz Paghghe 3
1 - Department of Statistics, Aliabad Katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul, Iran
2 - . Department of Management, Aliabad Katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul, Iran (corsponding author)
3 - . Department of Management, Aliabad Katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul, Iran
Keywords: emotions, emotion management, university,
Abstract :
Background and purpose: Emotions are inside organizations and cannot be separated from the work environment, and it is important to pay attention to the management of emotions. The purpose of this research is to design a model of factors affecting emotion management in Islamic Azad University. Research method: The research method is exploratory in terms of objective and qualitative approach. In order to collect data and identify factors, content analysis method and interviews with 20 experts using theoretical sampling method were used to achieve theoretical saturation. Fuzzy Delphi technique was used to screen the factors, and to model and stratify the identified factors, interpretive structural modeling and Mick Mac analysis. Findings: The findings showed that the factors affecting emotion management include background factors, cognitive-social factors, structural factors, and behavioral factors. In leveling the factors, it was found that the background factors are in the third level and the most influential factor in emotion management Conclusion: In order to strengthen and improve emotion management in universities, the factors that affect this matter should be taken into consideration by managers. Background factors in the first degree, and structural factors and cognitive-social factors in the second degree have a higher priority.
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