The role of teachers in improving students' economic behaviors with an action research approach
Subject Areas : Education
Mahbobeh Montazer Ataei
Somayeh Shemshadi
Marzieh Shemshadi
1 - Assistant Prof. of Educational Management, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran. Corresponding Author:
2 - M.A of Educational Sciences, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran.
3 - M.A of Educational Sciences, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran.
Keywords: Economic behavior, prodigality, savings, action research,
Abstract :
Today, the economic behavior of children and adolescents is one of the most important issues in the field of education. All activities of individuals, including children and adults, are somehow related to economic knowledge and economic behavior. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of teachers in improving students' economic behaviors with an action research approach. The research method is mixed. In the qualitative part, action research and in the quantitative part, the survey method has been used. The statistical population is female elementary school students in the second grade of Mashhad city, which was selected by statistical judgment sampling method. The statistical sample of 36 students in Nasr non-governmental primary school in Mashhad was selected. Operational actions in this research have been performing various and attractive practical activities such as games, storytelling, poetry, practical assignments and scientific visits. In the data analysis method, the dependent sample t-test (pre-test and post-test) was used. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the study group before and after the action research. Also, the pleasure of earning money and being involved in seemingly small economic transactions has a great impact on improving their economic behavior. Also, informing children about economic issues has a scientific approach to economic activities in social life and in the macro debate can improve individual efficiency and productivity in society.
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- Arshadi, V., Naji Maidani, A., Salimifar, M. and Mahram, B. (2015). Explaining the factors filling the gap between opinion and practice in the economic behavior of the Muslim family. Journal of Islamic Economics,(15) 60, 144-113. [In Persian].
- Balali, E., Jafari, R., Pakseresht, S., Suleimanm, S. and Isazadeh, S. (2013). Study and analysis of economic socialization patterns of children in Hamadan. Social Studies and Research in Iran, (3) 2, 391-365. [In Persian].
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- Bourdieu, P. (2011). The forms of capital.(1986). Cultural theory: An anthology, 1, 81-93.
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- Ghasemi Pouya, I. (2002). Practical guide to research in practice. Education Research Institute Publications. [In Persian].
- Habibi, Samira, Haji Mullah, Darvish, Narges, Raghfar, Hossein. (1400). The effect of mental poverty on labor performance. Journal of Applied Theories of Economics, 8 (1), 165-184.
- Hadavi Nia, A.(2019). The model of economic man from the perspective of Islam; Journal of Islamic Economics; 19 (74), 63-35.
- Harbaugh, W. T., & Krause, K. (2000). Children's altruism in public good and dictator experiments. Economic Inquiry, 38(1), 95-109.
- Harbaugh, W. T., Krause, K., & Berry, T. R. (2001). GARP for kids: On the development of rational choice behavior. American Economic Review, 91(5), 1539-1545.
- Harbaugh, W. T., Krause, K., & Vesterlund, L. (2002). Risk attitudes of children and adults: Choices over small and large probability gains and losses. Experimental Economics, 5(1), 53-84.
- Harbaugh, W. T., Krause, K., & Vesterlund, L. (2007). Learning to bargain. Journal of Economic Psychology, 28(1), 127-142.
- Hawthorne, S., Rodgers, Y., & Wheeler, R. C. (2003). Economic Literacy Among Primary-Grade Students. Available at SSRN 433980.
- Heckman, J. J., Stixrud, J., & Urzua, S. (2006). The effects of cognitive and noncognitive abilities on labor market outcomes and social behavior. Journal of Labor economics, 24(3), 411-482.
- Imam Jome, F. (2010). Student Economic Knowledge Assessment. Journal of Social Science Education Growth, 13(46), 50-57. [In Persian].
- Jahanian, N. (2021). Economics of the endowment institution. Islamic Economics, 21 (81), 5-29
- Kautz, T., Heckman, J., Diris, R., Ter Weel, B., & Borghans, L. (2014). Fostering and measuring skills: Improving cognitive and non-cognitive skills to promote lifetime success. Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn.
- Leet, D. R., & Lopus, J. S. (2012). Tips for teaching the high school economics course. Social Studies Research and Practice, 7(1), 9-18.
- Movahedmanesh, S. Ghaffari Fard, M. & Sadeghi, Z. (2019). The people of Kabul believe in the recommended economic behaviors in the field of consumption in Islam. Quarterly Islamic Economics and Banking, 8 (29), 147-1
- Mulyani, R., Thomas, P., & Widiyanto, W. (2018). The influence of student consumption, social status of family, the economic parent status, and the economic education of family to consumption behavior. Journal of Economic Education, 7(1), 24-30.
- Musazadeh, Z., and Sanati, F. (2017). Explaining the components of economic education based on Islamic teachings. Islamic Education, 12 (24), 73-97.
- Obama, B. (2012). The economics of higher education, a report prepared by the department of the treasury with the department of education.
- Peighami, A. & Toorani, H. (2011). A study on the role of economy curriculum in formal and general curriculum of the world: An operational plan for a neglected curriculum Abstract. Quarterly Journal of Educational Innovations. 10(1), 31-52.
- Peiyghami, A. and Turani,H. (2010). The role of economics curriculum in the formal and general education curriculum of the world, presenting an action plan for a neglected curriculum., Quarterly Journal of Educational Innovations, 9 (37), 31-52.
- Porfaraj, A. gilak, M,T. Ansari, H.(2013). Religiosity and Behavioral Economics ,Laboratory economics methodology for the study of Islamic economics. Journal of Islamic Economics Studies ,(2) , 33-68. [in Persian]
- Qudusi.Z. (2016). The role of the family in the economic empowerment of children. Women's Research Studies, 3 (3), 91-112.
- Sherraden, M. S., Johnson, L., Guo, B., & Elliott, W. (2011). Financial capability in children: Effects of participation in a school-based financial education and savings program. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 32(3), 385-399.
- Sutter, M., Zoller, C., & Glätzle-Rützler, D. (2019). Economic behavior of children and adolescents–A first survey of experimental economics results. European Economic Review, 111, 98-121.
- Taheri, M., & Manzoor, D. (2013). Economic Rationality in the Critique of Behavioral Economics. Economic Research and Policies, 21(68), 159-174. [ in Persian]
- Toghyani, M. (2012). The effectiveness of quality of life therapy on mental health and mental well-being of male adolescents. Master Thesis in Clinical Psychology: University of Isfahan. . [in Persian]
- Yousefi, F. and Moghaddam, N. (2016). Applications of Skinner Theory, The First International Conference on New Research in the Field of Educational Sciences and Psychology and Social Studies, Iran, Qom, Permanent Secretariat of the Conference. [in Persian]
- Yousefzadeh, M. (2017). Explaining the position and principles of desirable economic behavior from the perspective of Imam Ali (AS). Nahj al-Balaghah Research Quarterly, (16) 4, 13-1.