Transcendent education in the light of the mental model of individual excellence of teachers
Subject Areas : Education
Meysam Ghavidel
Mahbobeh Montazer Ataei
1 - Graduate of Educational Management Department, Neishabour Branch, Islamic Azad University, Neishabour, Iran
2 - Assistant Prof. of Educational Management, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran. Corresponding Author:
Keywords: Individual Excellence, Q method, excellence,
Abstract :
The aim of the present study is transcendent education in the light of the mental model of individual excellence of teachers. The research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive in terms of method and exploratory mixed in terms of analyzed data. Since the goal is to know the mental patterns of teachers in relation to individual excellence, the Q method has been used in the qualitative part. Participants in the quality section were 10 professors of the faculties of educational sciences, successful principals and deputies of schools in Khorasan Razavi province who were selected by purposive sampling. The participants completing the Q tables are 12 prominent education teachers with a brilliant record who were provided with the tables. In this study, prolonged engagement has been used for credibility in the qualitative part. To assess the validity of the data collection tool in the quantitative part, face validity was used and the researcher made the managers and officials of the company to endorse the Q options. For the reliability of the research tool, Cronbach's alpha method is used which shows the high reliability of Q expressions and their sorting results in Q diagram. The results showed that the highest consensus was on factor one (individual capabilities) as 15,994 and the lowest consensus was on factor three (professional capabilities) as 13,079. It should be noted that psychological capabilities ranked second in categorizing views.
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