Investigating the Level of Attention Paid to the Components of Educational Law in Social Studies Textbooks of the Second Grade of Elementary School
Subject Areas : EducationFatemeh Javanmard 1 * , Sedigheh GHoltash 2 , مهدی سپهری نیا 3
1 - Elementry school teacher, Ministry of Education, Sarchahan, Fars
2 - . Ministry of Education, Sarchahan, Elementary School, Sarchahan, Fars.
3 - معلم دوره ابتدایی، اداره آموزش وپرورش آباده، آباده، فارس
Keywords: Second Grade, Content Analysis, Social Studies, Educational Law,
Abstract :
Introduction: The purpose of this study was to investigate the level of attention paid to the components of educational law in social studies textbooks of the second grade of elementary school. The research method was quantitative content analysis and the unit of analysis was text, exercise and image. In this study, the components of educational rights include the right of access to education, the component of the right to access quality education and the component of respect for human rights. Research Methodology: The statistical population is the social studies textbooks of the second grade of elementary school and the sample size was considered equal to the statistical population. Descriptive statistics index was used to analyze the data. The findings indicated that the components of children's educational rights have been considered 42 times in the fourth grade social studies textbook, in the fifth grade 38 times and in the sixth grade 37 times. In the social studies textbook of the fourth grade, the most important component was the "right to quality education" with twenty-five times of repetition. In the fifth grade social studies textbook, the most important component was the "respect for human rights in education" component with twenty-six times of repetition. In the sixth grade social studies textbook, the most important component was the "respect for human rights in education" component with twenty-five times of repetition. Exploratory factor analysis, and the one-sample t-test), as well as SPSS and LISREL software were utilized. Findings: The results demonstrated that the school elements in creating social capital in students consisted of teachers (0.51), education (0.53), the curriculum (0.58), school principals (0.40), educational staff, and the school environment (0.51). In addition, the constituents of the students’ social capital included cognitive, communicational, and structural capitals. In this article extracted from the mentioned research, the ‘curriculum’ was addressed as the most influential factor, among school elements, in creating social capital in students.
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