Effect of Organizational Structure on Organizational Agility with Mediating Role of Organizational Culture in Islamic Azad University Region 6 Khuzestan (from the Viewpoint of teachers)
Subject Areas : Social Sciences Quarterly
Keywords: Organizational Culture, Organizational Structure, Organizational Agility, Islamic Azad University Region 6 Khuzestan,
Abstract :
The main objective of this study was to investigate the impact of organizational structure on organizational agility with Mediating Role of Organizational Culture. Statistical Society of the Research teachers Islamic Azad University Region 6 Khuzestan, by Morgan and krejcie and Cluster sampling 280of them were selected. Present research method is empirical based on the target, and based on the method of data collection, is a descriptive research; terms of the relationship between variables is causal research and specifically, it is based on structural equation modeling. Questionnaires (organizational structure, organizational agility, Organizational Culture) and methods of statistical analysis using of SPSS and LISREL software is also used to measure the research variables. The results of the questionnaire analysis showed that the organizational structure and organizational culture affects on organizational agility. The results showed that the impact of organizational culture on organizational agility and impact of organizational culture on organizational agility and mediates between organizational structure.