Subject Areas :
1 - Depatment of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Arsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran
Keywords: Operating reserve, run-of the-river (ROR) power plants, spinning reserve, uncertainty, water flow, well-being approach,
Abstract :
Renewable energies, especially Run-Of the-River (ROR) power plants are increasingly used for the electricity generation in the power systems. The uncertain and intermittent nature of these plants arisen from variability of water flow, however, has led to some problems in their integration to power systems. Thus, the operating reserve requirement in a power system containing large ROR plants is a main challenge, which has to be addressed properly. In this way, this paper presents an analytical approach to determine the adequate spinning reserve based on the well-being approach during the system operation. For this purpose, a comprehensive reliability model of ROR units considering both associated components failure rates and uncertainty nature of the output power resulted from the variability in the water flow is developed and multi-state model for these resources is obtained based on the Fuzzy c-means clustering method (FCM) approach. This approach not only evaluates the interaction between these energies and conventional units but also determines the contribution that ROR power plants can make in load carrying capability of a power generating system. Two reliability test systems, i.e., RBTS and IEEE-RTS, have been examined to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed reliability model. Also, these two reliability test systems, utilized from water flow data of Sheshpir River in Pars Province of Iran, are examined to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model
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