Presenting a Causal Model for Promoting Community Resilience with the Approach of Theme Analysis and Structural-Interpretive Modeling in Tabriz Metropolis
Subject Areas : Strategic Management Researchessaeid barzegar 1 , Yaghoub Alavi Matin 2 * , alireza bafandah 3 , morteza mahmodzadeh 4
1 - PhD student, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
4 - Associate Professor of Industrial Management, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: Structural-Interpretive Modeling, Theme Analysis, Community resilience,
Abstract :
One of the important issues that can be seen in most resilience methodologies is the relatively weak integration of resilience criteria in terms of physical infrastructure with social and economic systems. Based on this, the purpose of this article was to present a causal model of improving community resilience with the approach of theme analysis and structural-interpretive modeling in Tabriz metropolis. This research is applied-developmental from the point of view of the goal and it is considered to be exploratory from the point of view of the method of doing the work. The statistical population of this research is divided into two groups, including the group of experts and all the citizens of Tabriz city. Based on theoretical saturation, 12 experts have been used. Also, due to the unlimited statistical population of citizens, the number of samples has been determined based on the unlimited population of 384 people. To collect data, two questionnaires were used, which were distributed among the members of the statistical sample of the research after determining the validity and reliability. In order to analyze the data, theme analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural-interpretive modeling were used. The findings of the research in the theme analysis section show that the components of the causal model of improving community resilience in Tabriz metropolis are classified into eight main themes and thirty-three sub-themes. Also, the model fit values of the confirmatory models and their factor loadings indicate the appropriateness of sub-themes classification based on the main themes and the confirmation of the main themes based on the sample data. The results of structural-interpretive modeling also show that economic factors are the most influential component of the model of resilience promotion and learning capacity, the most influential component of the model of resilience promotion in Tabriz metropolis.
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