Environmental Scanning of Sections Quad Iran's Sports Based on Strategic Foresight and Analysis of Consequences by Future Wheel Method
Subject Areas : Strategic Management Researches
reza Farokhshahinia
Moslem Shirvani Naghani
ali hemati afif
1 - Assistant Prof., Department of Sport Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Prof., Department of Futures Studies, Imam Khomeini International University, Ghazvin, Iran
3 - Associate Prof., Department of Sports Science, Imam Khomeini International University, Ghazvin, Iran
Keywords: brainstorming, Strategic Foresight, STEEPELD, Environmental Scanning, Futures Wheel,
Abstract :
The general object of this study was the environmental scanning of Sections quad Iran's sports based on the STEEPELD model and analysis of key driving forces consequences by future wheel method. The present research is in terms of applied purpose, mixed in terms of nature, and in terms of implementation path, survey and brainstorming. The statistical population were faculty members of sports management with associate degrees and higher who were selected by combined sampling. To adjust the environmental factors and analyze their impact, a 61-item questionnaire with convergent validity (0.622) and composite reliability coefficient (0.868) was used, which was analyzed using Friedman test, structural equation modeling (PLS) and panel of experts. According to the research results, economic transparency and control in educational sport, economic stability and security in sport for all, infrastructure development in championship sport and international restrictions such as sanctions in professional sport, had the highest impact factor whose consequences were investigated with 24 components in the first, 22 components in the second and 19 components in the third place. Therefore, analyzing the impact of the identified key driving forces of the research can provide a more suitable image of the future of Iranian sports on the horizon of 2025 to eliminate, adjust or develop the strategies of sports organizations.
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