Technology Strategic Planning Model in Petrochemical Industry Using the Network Analysis Process (Case Study: Iranian Petrochemical Industry)
Subject Areas : Strategic Management ResearchesYaghoub Rashnavadi 1 , Mohammad Ali Rouhollahi 2 *
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2 - MSc. in MBA, University of Economic Science
Keywords: Sensitivity analysis, Modeling, Analytical Network Process, Petrochemical Industry, Technology Strategic Planning,
Abstract :
Nowadays increasing importance role of technology in economic performance improvement and business success is known by managers; therefore, in order to create sustainable competitive advantage in modern management studies technology investment is required. In This regard, technology planning is essential to ensure the right choices and key technology development. The purpose of this study is to practice a technology strategic planning framework in order to invest in technology with overall objectives and strategies. For this purpose, analytical network process (ANP) and sensitivity analysis have been used. Previous studies applied analytical hierarchy process. Since this method is not suitable for study of mutual relations between criteria and alternatives, we used analytical network process instead. Through this process, objectives, strategies and technology alternatives find meaningful relation with ; their role were identified by sensitivity analysis, and finally scenarios for decision making were created. The proposed model is implemented in Iran petrochemical industry and as a result, improvement, development , localization of technology , process of Olefin and Paraffin production, Polymer Nano composites , Polymer membranes and Membranous and Hybrid bioreactors, Polyethylene terephthalate , Methanol synthesis and acetic acid synthesis catalysts were identified as petrochemical industry technology priorities.
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