• A. Sharif.Mahboubeh Preparation of Mint essential oil and its encapsulation using Sodium Alginate, Starch and Maltodextrin Polymers [ Vol.8, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1397]
  • Abdolmohammadi.Samaneh Possibility replacement of peat - perlite - sand with Azolla compost in growing media (Pedilanthus tithymaloides) [ Vol.8, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1397]
  • Abdolmohammadi.Samaneh Evaluation of Salinity Stress Tolerance in (Matthiola incana L.) under Salicylic acid Treatment [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • aghaee.ُS.soheil Synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles with antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity against Klebsiella pneumonia [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • aghaee.ُS.soheil study the effect of silver nanoparticles against to biofilm in listeria monocytogenes [ Vol.8, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1397]
  • AGHAKHAH RAZLIGHI.ZAHRA SADAT Investigation of total phenolic and flavonoid contents, and evaluation of antioxidant activities of Verbascum cheiranthifolium Boiss. extract from Kolakchal region, Tehran Province [ Vol.8, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1397]
  • Ahmadi.Homa Preparation of Mint essential oil and its encapsulation using Sodium Alginate, Starch and Maltodextrin Polymers [ Vol.8, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1397]
  • ahmadi.maasome Immobilization of laccase in nafion and carbon nanotubes biocathode of Biofuel cells and Biosensors [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Spring Year 1397]
  • Ahmadi.Mahdi Study of contamination of total microbial count of industrial hamburgers during storage in unfavorable temperature conditions [ Vol.8, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1397]
  • Ahmadi.Sedigheh Investigation of essential oil analysis and antioxidant properties of Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Before and after seed cryopreservation. [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Spring Year 1397]
  • ahmadinasab.razieh Synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles with antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity against Klebsiella pneumonia [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • ahmadinasab.razieh study the effect of silver nanoparticles against to biofilm in listeria monocytogenes [ Vol.8, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1397]
  • akbary fazeli.nayerh Investigation of the Native Iranian probiotic effect on dermatophytosis consequent ‘Microsprum canis in male Wistar rats in vitro [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Spring Year 1397]
  • alami.mahsa Epigenetic study of lung cancer [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • Alijanianzadeh.Mahdi Carbonic anhydrase activity investigation in the present of Sodium oxalate and Ethylendiamine [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • azadegan.hamid Investigation of the Native Iranian probiotic effect on dermatophytosis consequent ‘Microsprum canis in male Wistar rats in vitro [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Spring Year 1397]
  • Azadikhah.Mona Investigation of NorA, norB, and norC efflux pumps in Staphylococcus aureus resistant to Fluoroquinolone Isolated from Urinary Tract Infection [ Vol.8, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1397]


  • Bakhshipour.Mehdi Possibility replacement of peat - perlite - sand with Azolla compost in growing media (Pedilanthus tithymaloides) [ Vol.8, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1397]


  • Deylami.Masoumeh Development of exosome based drug delivery system for cancer treatment: a comprehensive review [ Vol.8, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1397]
  • Deylami.Toktam Development of exosome based drug delivery system for cancer treatment: a comprehensive review [ Vol.8, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1397]
  • doudi.monir Evaluation of antibacterial properties of linen fibers coated with Zinc Oxide nanocomposite on resistant bacterials caused by Urinary Tract Infections. [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1397]


  • Fadaeian.Manocheh Evaluation of antioxidant properties of soxhlet extraction of Lavandula stoechas L. [ Vol.8, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1397]


  • Ghaderi.Fereshte Isolation and Screening of L-asparaginase Producing Strains from Nature and its Optimization [ Vol.8, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1397]
  • ghafari vosta.samaneh Study of drug resistance and TEM gene existence in clinical E.Coli isolates by PCR Method [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • Ghezelbash.Gholamreza Isolation and Screening of L-asparaginase Producing Strains from Nature and its Optimization [ Vol.8, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1397]
  • Ghiyasi.Meghdad Development of exosome based drug delivery system for cancer treatment: a comprehensive review [ Vol.8, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1397]


  • hassanpour asil.Moazzam Evaluation of Salinity Stress Tolerance in (Matthiola incana L.) under Salicylic acid Treatment [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • Hatamzadeh.Abdolah Evaluation of Salinity Stress Tolerance in (Matthiola incana L.) under Salicylic acid Treatment [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • Hekmat.Azadeh Carbonic anhydrase activity investigation in the present of Sodium oxalate and Ethylendiamine [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • Hoseini.Fateme Sadat Green Synthesis of zinc oxide Nanoparticles Using Apple Fruit and investigation its Antimicrobial Effects [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Spring Year 1397]
  • Hosseini nia fard.Rohollah Evaluation of antioxidant properties of soxhlet extraction of Lavandula stoechas L. [ Vol.8, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1397]


  • Jalilian.Hamidreza Physicochemical properties of tobacco seed oil from Iran [ Vol.8, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1397]
  • Jamallou.Fatemeh Investigation of essential oil analysis and antioxidant properties of Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Before and after seed cryopreservation. [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Spring Year 1397]
  • jamalou.fatemeh Naphtalene effect on Germination and growth factors of seedlings in Helianthus annus L. [ Vol.8, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1397]


  • Khalaj.Azam The effect of caloric restriction on reserpine-induced catalepsy in rats model of Parkinson's disease [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • khatibi.mohammad taghi Epigenetic study of lung cancer [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • kheirkhah.babak To evaluate the effect of iron nanoparticles on expression of TEM and SHV genes in Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from clinical samples using Real Time PCR [ Vol.8, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1397]
  • Khoshsokhan mozaffar.Maryam Naphtalene effect on Germination and growth factors of seedlings in Helianthus annus L. [ Vol.8, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1397]


  • larijani.kambiz Investigation of total phenolic and flavonoid contents, and evaluation of antioxidant activities of Verbascum cheiranthifolium Boiss. extract from Kolakchal region, Tehran Province [ Vol.8, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1397]
  • Larijani.Kambiz Carbonic anhydrase activity investigation in the present of Sodium oxalate and Ethylendiamine [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1397]


  • Masoumali Nejad.Zahra Identification of arsenic contamination from underground mine area, Sirjan, and removing them by biological absorption method [ Vol.8, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1397]
  • Mehrabi.Mohammad Reza The 3ʹ region length polymorphism of clfa gene in staphylococcus aureus clinical samples isolated from three hospitals in Qom city [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • Mehrpoor.Shahin Investigation of essential oil analysis and antioxidant properties of Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Before and after seed cryopreservation. [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Spring Year 1397]
  • memarian.banafsheh Naphtalene effect on Germination and growth factors of seedlings in Helianthus annus L. [ Vol.8, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1397]
  • meybodi.seyed mansour Identification of arsenic contamination from underground mine area, Sirjan, and removing them by biological absorption method [ Vol.8, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1397]
  • Mohammad Ali Gasemzadeh.Mohammad Ali Compare resistance and antifngal effects of Fluconazole, Itraconazole , Ketoconazole and nystatin on ( Candida albicans) isolated from Vulvovaginitis in Qom in 1395 [ Vol.8, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1397]
  • Mohammad Ali Gasemzadeh.Mohammad Ali Synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles with antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity against Klebsiella pneumonia [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • Mohammad Ali Gasemzadeh.Mohammad Ali study the effect of silver nanoparticles against to biofilm in listeria monocytogenes [ Vol.8, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1397]
  • Mohammad Salehi.Fatemeh The 3ʹ region length polymorphism of clfa gene in staphylococcus aureus clinical samples isolated from three hospitals in Qom city [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • momen.amirhosein Investigation of the Native Iranian probiotic effect on dermatophytosis consequent ‘Microsprum canis in male Wistar rats in vitro [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Spring Year 1397]
  • Momtaz.Hassan Determination of antibiotic resistance pattern in different serotypes of Klebsiella pneumoniae strains isolated from hospital infections in Zarinshahr [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Spring Year 1397]


  • Najafi.Gholam Reza Preparation of Mint essential oil and its encapsulation using Sodium Alginate, Starch and Maltodextrin Polymers [ Vol.8, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1397]
  • Najafi.Gholam Reza Evaluation of antioxidant properties of soxhlet extraction of Lavandula stoechas L. [ Vol.8, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1397]
  • nasoohi.nikoo Extraction and characterization of tyrosinase from banana wasted [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • Nasoohi.Nikoo Study Kalamin D and Benzocaien on Tirosinas enzyme activity by Lineviverberg [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • Nazari.Razieh Investigation of NorA, norB, and norC efflux pumps in Staphylococcus aureus resistant to Fluoroquinolone Isolated from Urinary Tract Infection [ Vol.8, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1397]


  • Paknejad.Zohreh Determination of antibiotic resistance pattern in different serotypes of Klebsiella pneumoniae strains isolated from hospital infections in Zarinshahr [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Spring Year 1397]


  • ranjbar.zahra Identification of arsenic contamination from underground mine area, Sirjan, and removing them by biological absorption method [ Vol.8, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1397]


  • Saghazadeh.Mojgan Isolation & Identification of toxigenic Aspergillus flavus, isolated from Rafsanjans, Pistachio by molecular study of nor-1 gene expression effective in the Aflatoxin biosynthetic pathway [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • sariri.reyhane Extraction and characterization of tyrosinase from banana wasted [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • sariri.reyhane Study Kalamin D and Benzocaien on Tirosinas enzyme activity by Lineviverberg [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • seyed mirzaei.seyed abbas Study of contamination of total microbial count of industrial hamburgers during storage in unfavorable temperature conditions [ Vol.8, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1397]
  • shafipour.shahram Epigenetic study of lung cancer [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • shahab movahed.Zahra Development of exosome based drug delivery system for cancer treatment: a comprehensive review [ Vol.8, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1397]
  • Sheykhpoor.Meysam Possibility replacement of peat - perlite - sand with Azolla compost in growing media (Pedilanthus tithymaloides) [ Vol.8, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1397]
  • Shobeiri.Tahreh sadat The effect of caloric restriction on reserpine-induced catalepsy in rats model of Parkinson's disease [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1397]


  • tahmasebi.najmeh To evaluate the effect of iron nanoparticles on expression of TEM and SHV genes in Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from clinical samples using Real Time PCR [ Vol.8, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1397]
  • Tajbakhsh.Elahe Determination of antibiotic resistance pattern in different serotypes of Klebsiella pneumoniae strains isolated from hospital infections in Zarinshahr [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Spring Year 1397]
  • talebian.nasrin Evaluation of antibacterial properties of linen fibers coated with Zinc Oxide nanocomposite on resistant bacterials caused by Urinary Tract Infections. [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • tayebi.mahdiye sadat Evaluation of antibacterial properties of linen fibers coated with Zinc Oxide nanocomposite on resistant bacterials caused by Urinary Tract Infections. [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • tohidi.ameneh Compare resistance and antifngal effects of Fluconazole, Itraconazole , Ketoconazole and nystatin on ( Candida albicans) isolated from Vulvovaginitis in Qom in 1395 [ Vol.8, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1397]
  • Toufigh.zeynab Isolation and molecular identification of Enterococci and detection of cytolysin (cyl) pathogenic gene from urine samples in Tehran [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Spring Year 1397]


  • Yari.Reza The 3ʹ region length polymorphism of clfa gene in staphylococcus aureus clinical samples isolated from three hospitals in Qom city [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • Yazdian.Mohammad-Reza The effect of caloric restriction on reserpine-induced catalepsy in rats model of Parkinson's disease [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • yousef amoli.shamseddin Development of exosome based drug delivery system for cancer treatment: a comprehensive review [ Vol.8, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1397]
  • Yousefian.Razieh Development of exosome based drug delivery system for cancer treatment: a comprehensive review [ Vol.8, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1397]


  • Zand monfared.Mohamad Reza Investigation of essential oil analysis and antioxidant properties of Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Before and after seed cryopreservation. [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Spring Year 1397]
  • Zargar.Mohsen Investigation of NorA, norB, and norC efflux pumps in Staphylococcus aureus resistant to Fluoroquinolone Isolated from Urinary Tract Infection [ Vol.8, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1397]
  • Zargar.Mohsen Isolation and molecular identification of Enterococci and detection of cytolysin (cyl) pathogenic gene from urine samples in Tehran [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Spring Year 1397]
  • zinatizadeh.mohammad reza Identification of arsenic contamination from underground mine area, Sirjan, and removing them by biological absorption method [ Vol.8, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1397]