Biological Contamination and Physicochemical Quality of Swimming Pools Water
Subject Areas : microbiology
Elham Damani
Rezvaneh Javanmard
Parisa Sharifzadeh
Ali khosroshiri
Nasrin Rezaei
1 - MSc of Health Education, Iranshahr University of Medical Sciences, Iranshahr, Iran
2 - Master of Community Health Education Reproductive Health, Iranshahr University of Medical Sciences, Iranshahr, Iran
3 - Master of Community Health Education Reproductive Health, Iranshahr University of Medical Sciences, Iranshahr, Iran
4 - Master of Health Education, Iranshahr University of Medical Sciences, Iranshahr, Iran.
5 - Master of Parasitology, Iranshahr University of Medical Sciences, Iranshahr, Iran.
Keywords: Swimming Pool, pollution, microbial, Physicochemical parameters, fungal,
Abstract :
Background and Objectives: Health perspective, swimming pools must have appropriate physical, chemical, and microbial properties and must be desirably maintained. In this research, physicochemical parameters, microbial, and fungal contamination of swimming pools have been examinedMaterials and methods: In this study, 11 active covered swimming pools were sampled as census. samples were, This cross-sectional study was carried out. Microbial, and fungal contamination and temperature, free residual chlorine, turbidity, oxidation and revival parameters were measured. analyzed with software SPSS V16 was used for statistical analysis.Results: The results showed that out of 27 water samples taken from the pools of Zahedan city in terms of the frequency of parasitic infection, no parasitic samples including worm eggs, trophozoites or intestinal protozoa of pathogenic and non-pathogenic intestinal protozoa were observed. Parasitic and fungal pathogens and the amount of physicochemical factors in the water of the pools were studied, which could be due to the knowledge and attitude of pool managers and managers to the importance of pool water quality to ensure the health of swimmers and monitoring to improve pool water quality (including proper chlorination).Conclusion: The results indicate the It is recommended to continuously disinfect the surrounding environment including the pools platforms. The overuse of chlorine will had a negative impact on the other parameters.
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Shields JM. Glemia ER. Prevalence of cryptosporidium spp.and Giardia intestinalis in swimming pools, Atlantia Georgia. Emerg Infec Dis. 2008; 14(6): 948-950.
APHA, WPCE. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water .16thed. USA: APHA, WPCE, 1985: 133-139, 974.
Verma A. Bolton FJ. Fifield D. An Out break Of E. Coli O157 associated with a swimming pool: An unusuall vehicle of transmission. J Epidemiol Infect. 2007; 135(6): 989-992.
Nourian AA. Badali H. Hamzhei H. Fungal contamination in indoor swimming pools in zanjan Iran. PakJ Bio Sci. 2006; 9(13): 2524-2527.
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Jafari Mansoorian H. Rajabizadeh A. Jafari M. Doulatshahi Sh & Hatami B. Water Health indices in kerman swimming pools in 2011. J of Health Development. 2013; 2(2):128-137. [In Persian]
Rafie AA. Fungal Contamination of Indoor public Swimming pools, Ahwaz, south- west of Iran. Iran J Public Health. 2010; 39: 124-128.
Jafari AA. Ghaneian MT. Ehrampoush M. Zarei S. Survey of fungal Contamination in surfaces of Yazd indoor swimming pools in 2011. J Tolooe Behdasht yazd. 2013; 12(2): 61-69. [In Persian]
Viegas C. Alves C. Carolino E. Assesment of fungal contamination in a group of lisbons Gymnosiums with a swimming pool. Italy J Occup Environ Hug. 2011; 2(1): 15-20.
_||_Maraghi SH, Jafar Zadeh N & Heidarinia A (2000). Microbial Fauna and flora in Ahvaz swimming pool. In: Proceedings of the 2nd National Environmental Health Seminar
(pp. 27-28). Summer. 2005-2006.
Buck JD. Bubacis BM. Membrane filter procedure for enumeration of candida albicans in natural waters. Appl Environ Microbiol. 1978; 35(2): 237-242.
Rabler PW. Water examination by membrane filter and MPN procedures. Am J Public Health. 1954; 44: 379.
Paul RA. An environmental model for swimming pool bacteriology. Am J Public Health. 1972; 62: 770-772.
Detandt M. Nolard N. Dermatophytes and swimming pools: Seasonal fluctuation. Mycoses. 1998; 31(10): 450-500.
Refeers J. Logier P. Mycoses despide. Scheeiz Rundschall Med. 1997; 63(28): 851-856.
Greenberg AE. Clesceri LS. Eaton AD. Standard methods for examination of water and wastewater.19th ed. Washington: APHA NW, 1995.
Kaewkleng Ch. Health risk assessment of swimming pool users in Hat yai city, Pub l. Environ. 1998; 10(329).
Hasanzadeh P. Manual of bacteriology laboratory.2nd ed. Shiraz: Shiraz University, Biology Dept. 1997.
Gabrielsen MA. Swimming pools. Acquire to their planning design and operation {4th} Champaign.
Salvato J. Environmental engineering. 5thed. New Jersey: John Wiley & sons. Inc, 2003; 1196.
Dingman J. Public pool disinfection. Journal of Environmental Health. 1990; 529: 341-343.
Shadzi Sh. Chadegani M. Study of fungal contamination of Public swimming pools, Isfehan. Water & Wastewater, 1998(10): 3-6. [In Persian]
Sorvillo FJ. Fujioka K. Nahlen B. Tormey MP. Kebabjian R & Mascola L. Swimming associated cryptosporidiosis. Am J Public Health. 1992; 82(5): 742.
Lika M. Dako A. Mece O. The microbial pollution in pools and diseases connected with them. Natura montenegrina podgoria. 2008; 9(3): 859-66.
Institute of Standard and Industerial Research of IR, Swimming pool water. Microbiological specifications. 1st ed. 2007. 9412 &11203.
Borgmann-Strahsen R. Comparative assessment of different biocides in swimming pool water. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 2003; 51: 291-97.
Magahazy SMN. Fungi in two swimming pools in Aussit town Egypt. Zentralbl Microbial. 1989; 144: 213-216.
Kraus H. TieFenbrunner F. Randomised investigation of some tyrolean swimming pools for presence of trichomonas vaginal is and pathogenic fungi. Zentralbl Bakteriol (Orig B). 1975; 160(3): 286-291.
Shields JM. Glemia ER. Prevalence of cryptosporidium spp.and Giardia intestinalis in swimming pools, Atlantia Georgia. Emerg Infec Dis. 2008; 14(6): 948-950.
APHA, WPCE. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water .16thed. USA: APHA, WPCE, 1985: 133-139, 974.
Verma A. Bolton FJ. Fifield D. An Out break Of E. Coli O157 associated with a swimming pool: An unusuall vehicle of transmission. J Epidemiol Infect. 2007; 135(6): 989-992.
Nourian AA. Badali H. Hamzhei H. Fungal contamination in indoor swimming pools in zanjan Iran. PakJ Bio Sci. 2006; 9(13): 2524-2527.
Barbot E. Moulin P. Swimming pool water treatment by ultrafiltration adsorption process. Jmemb Sci. 2008; 314: 50-57.
Jafari Mansoorian H. Rajabizadeh A. Jafari M. Doulatshahi Sh & Hatami B. Water Health indices in kerman swimming pools in 2011. J of Health Development. 2013; 2(2):128-137. [In Persian]
Rafie AA. Fungal Contamination of Indoor public Swimming pools, Ahwaz, south- west of Iran. Iran J Public Health. 2010; 39: 124-128.
Jafari AA. Ghaneian MT. Ehrampoush M. Zarei S. Survey of fungal Contamination in surfaces of Yazd indoor swimming pools in 2011. J Tolooe Behdasht yazd. 2013; 12(2): 61-69. [In Persian]
Viegas C. Alves C. Carolino E. Assesment of fungal contamination in a group of lisbons Gymnosiums with a swimming pool. Italy J Occup Environ Hug. 2011; 2(1): 15-20.