The Religious‐Text Features in Imam Khomeini’s Views and Their Influence on the Jurisprudential‐ Political Thought
Subject Areas : Iranian Political Research
1 - Ph.D. candidate of political science, and researcher in the Research Institute of the Islamic Sciences and Culture.
Keywords: systematic, امام خمینی, study of religious text, political‐jurisprudential thought, Imam Khomeini, Governmental Jurisprudence, comprehensiveness , فقه حکومتی, نص شناختی, اندیشه سیاسی-فقهی, نظام وار, جامع نگر,
Abstract :
The mechanism of Imam Khomeini’s dynamic ijtihad, besides developing a systematic relationship with the sources (the Qur’an, tradition, consensus and wisdom), enjoys a logical link with time and space and hence extracts the regulations for the political and social life out of them. Although the social structures of time and space limitthe juristswithin the context of the social environment and the realities of everyday political life (power relations), the only element for the jurist theoreticians to develop political thoughtsis "the legitimacy and supremacy of religious texts". The distinctive characteristic in Imam Khomeini’s Jurisprudential approach is its being based on religious texts. The present research assumes that Imam Khomeini’s social, systematic and comprehensive view toward the religious texts has caused his jurisprudential‐political deductions to be social, systematic and comprehensive, as well. For instance, he considers the governance as a component of religion and among the primary rules. The consequence of such a view is that Islam will be deficient without “the ruling of the religious leader”. This article is based on a holistic approach with reaches beyond the additive philosophy and it tries to extract the religious‐text features in Imam Khomeini’s view and study their influence on the political‐jurisprudential thoughts.