Exploring the Position of the Doctrine of Difference in John Rawls's Theory of Justice And explaining the desirable society accordingly
Subject Areas : Iranian Political Researchhasan arayesh 1 * , seyedmasoud haselimofrad 2 , mohammad ali tavana 3
1 - PhD. student in Iranian issues Shiraz University, Iran.
2 - Master of Political Science, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Shiraz University, Iran.
Keywords: نظریه عدالت, جان رالز, John Rawls, آموزه تفاوت, The Doctrine of Difference, Theory of Justice,
Abstract :
The present paper seeks to answer the fundamental question of what are the philosophical implications of the "doctrine of difference" in John Rawls's theory of justice, and which doctrine draws the desired society? The methodology of this paper is analytical and descriptive, and the results show that the "doctrine of difference" in Rawls's theory of justice seeks to create the grounds for fundamental and equal liberty for all citizens, in a manner consistent with the realities of modern life. Rawls, therefore, conceives of humanity as an end in itself, preferring the right to the first priority in the status quo and seeking to create a coherent society based on accepting the principles of difference and plurality among all human beings. A desirable society commensurate with the doctrine of difference is a society based on the principles of liberal democracy, a market economy, and a welfare state in which human beings as citizens are treated politically with respect to the fundamentals of difference, and respect and respect one another's opinions.
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