Critique of the Functioning of Religion in the Politics of Pragmatism
Subject Areas : Iranian Political Research
Rashid Rekabian
Hasan Aliyari
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of political Studies, Ayatollah Boroujerdi University, Borujerd, Iran .
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Political Thought, Politics, Religion, Pragmatism school, Political Pragmatist, Pragmatism,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to investigate the position and relationships of religion and politics in the school of pragmatism. In this regard, first with a descriptive-analytical method, a thorough look at the foundations, basics, characteristics, and contexts of the emergence and formation of the Pragmatic School,then Pragmatists' views of politics and religion were then explained, and the implications and how interaction between religion and politics in the school of pragmatism were examined.The results showed,The pragmatic view of religion, derives from the humanist and pragmatic view of its thinkers.By virtually denying the origin of religion, it reduces religion to its practical functions and downgrades it to an instrumental, personal, and empirical point.It is interpreted in light of its application that may have individual, moral, and social benefits to human beings, and that religion is not allowed to interfere in politics. In addition, politics in this school is not an ideal mission, but only as a pragmatic philosophy.
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