The features of and the reasons behind state - oriented political culture
Subject Areas : Iranian Political Research
mohammadreza sayad
mohammadali khosravi
Ali Shirkhani
malektaj khosravibabanari
1 - Ph.D. student of Political Sociology, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Branch
2 - Assistant Professor of Political Science Islamic Azad University, Tehran Branch
3 - Associate Professor. Islamic Azad University of Qom
4 - Assistant Professor of Political Science Islamic Azad University, Tehran Branch
Keywords: State-Politics, Rancer, Distress State, Patrimonialism, Political Culture,
Abstract :
A state-political political culture is a kind of political culture in which people, departing from the realm of political and social activities, assign their duties and powers to the state in public, and the political elites, by accepting these duties and powers, expect more and more expectations from governments For this purpose, the purpose of this research is to use a descriptive and analytical method to find an answer to the question: what factors lead to the formation of a state-owned culture, and how this kind of political culture affects the patterns of political and social behavior Communities? In response to this question, the following hypothesis is tested: the nature of the state rentier - the long history of tyranny of the kingdom and the continuation of the patrimonial culture are the most important factors in the formation of a state-political political culture, and this kind of cultural culture causes people to depend on the state. The results of the research, while confirming the hypothesis above, indicate that the political culture of the state has caused the attachment of people to the state due to the characteristics of estrangement and the culture of citizenship-distrust of state-responsibility and myths and myths in the pattern of social and political behavior of these societies.
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