The Explanation Of The Characteristics Of Interior Environments On Psychological Health And Occupational Behavior Of Employees In Office Spaces (Scope Of Analysis: Municipality Complex Of Tabriz Metropolitan City)
Subject Areas :
Mohammad Dabdabeh
Bita Bagheri Seygalani
Sara Pourmokhtar
1 - PhD Graduate, Architecture & Urban Planning Department, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor Of Architecture Department, Miyaneh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Miyaneh, Iran.
3 - PhD In Architecture, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.
Keywords: Interior Environments, Psychological Health, Office Spaces, Municipality Complex Of Tabriz, Tabriz Metropolitan City.,
Abstract :
Globally, the impact of interior environment characteristics on employees' psychological health and occupational behavior is a key topic in environmental and psychological research. Administrative employees spend much of their day in workspaces, making it crucial to provide a healthy and pleasant environment, both physically and psychologically. This study aims to explore the impact of interior environment characteristics on employees' psychological health and behavior in the office spaces of the Tabriz Municipality Complex and investigate how these factors influence work conditions. A mixed-methods approach combining quantitative and qualitative research methods was used, with a descriptive-analytical framework. The quantitative section involved employees of the Tabriz Metropolitan Municipality Complex. A random sample of 388 employees was selected using the "COCHRAN", formula, and a questionnaire was distributed. In the qualitative section, insights from interdisciplinary experts were gathered. The collected data were analyzed using "SPSS", software, with the "PEARSON", correlation coefficient applied. Finally, "AMOS", software was used for data processing. The results indicate a positive relationship between the qualitative characteristics of interior environments and employees' psychological health and behavior. Ignoring environmental needs negatively affects employee behavior and motivation. This study aims to provide a deeper understanding of the role of interior environments in improving psychological health and job satisfaction among employees at the Tabriz Municipality Complex. Proper design principles in workspaces can enhance productivity, improve work-life quality, and empower human resources, ultimately improving overall organizational performance.
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