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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Periglacil environment and its lower border in sabalan mountain
        عبدالحمید Rajaei علی Dalal Oghli
        The sabalan periglacial environment is characterized by patterned ground and nivation,large phenomena obtained from mass movement such as rockylacier and solifluction,production of talus and breaking rock scarp. This zone extends into the glacier zone,too. Above the low More
        The sabalan periglacial environment is characterized by patterned ground and nivation,large phenomena obtained from mass movement such as rockylacier and solifluction,production of talus and breaking rock scarp. This zone extends into the glacier zone,too. Above the lower periglacial border the basic aspect of the vegetation cover is ofuro – siberian type. There are various methods to determine the periglacal lowerborder, and comparison of the results obtained by various methodes show that differenttechniques can give different results. The height of periglacial lower border obtainedby various methodes ranges from 2800 to 3655 m, but the lower limit of periglacialactivity with regard to MAAT of about 3000 m. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Karst geomorohology of the Khaviza Anticline (North east of Behbahan)
        M.R Sarvati Gh Oscani
        Idensification of geomorphological characteristics of Karst area which are formedmainly of soluble Carbonate stones such as limestone is form the point of view ofapplication are related to many human activities such as industry and agricultural dueto the water they prov More
        Idensification of geomorphological characteristics of Karst area which are formedmainly of soluble Carbonate stones such as limestone is form the point of view ofapplication are related to many human activities such as industry and agricultural dueto the water they provide for thoese activities. The Khaviz anticline which is located inthe province Khoozestan and in folded Zagros, is studied in this trend. This anticline isdivided by Marun river in two western and eastern parts. The gurpi formation (latecretaceous), pabdeh formation (Eocene), asmari limestone (oligomiocene) andquartaermary alluvial materials are exposed in this anticline. Tectonic movements havecrushed the anticline and caused joint systems and 24 faults. The present climate issemiarid. Despite this climate there are different forms of karst features such as Lapies(german, karren), Dolines, uvalas, and karst vallies. These forms seems to belong tothe paleokarst. Geological structure and conditions of lithologhy has controlled thelater evolution of karst features dominantly. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The Importance (Significance) of Regionalism and its Role in Development
        عبدارضا Farajizadeh
        Today, the geographic factor of regional convergence has gained prominence in mostcountries of the word. Considering the globalization of the world economy and theneed for more economic and political convergence among countries of a region, thereis hardly any country in More
        Today, the geographic factor of regional convergence has gained prominence in mostcountries of the word. Considering the globalization of the world economy and theneed for more economic and political convergence among countries of a region, thereis hardly any country in the world that has not considered regional convergence in itsdevelopment plans.Countries located in a specific regional group can protect their interests eliminatetheir weaknesses and problems more easily.In Europe, regionalism has proven to be successful and many other areas of theworld are following its example. “Nafta” in North America, “Mercosur” in LatinAmerica, “Asean” in Southeast Asia, “SAARC” in South Asia, and a multitude ofother organizations all indicate countries’ interests in regionalism. Although in theregion of our country, there has been an organization for some time OPEC- it hasrarely met success since the member countries do not share common interests.With the recent events in the Persian Gulf during the past two years, commoninterests have arisen among the countries of this region-especially in the matter ofenergy. It seems that by reducing the former conflicts, if the necessary steps are takentowards economic and political convergence, regional and inter- regional co-operationwill be enhanced with organizations such as the world trade Organization in order toreach our goals. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Human Bioclimatical Analysis Of West Azarbayejan Provinc with Backer Index
        حسن Lashkari رضا Davari
        Backer index is one of index for studying human bioclimatical, that is considered forCold region. The assessments which have been done according to the Baker index onsever cold weather during at Least 5 mounth of year, that with considering thedifferenc between stations More
        Backer index is one of index for studying human bioclimatical, that is considered forCold region. The assessments which have been done according to the Baker index onsever cold weather during at Least 5 mounth of year, that with considering thedifferenc between stations these stations have had cold condition for 67% of year.There for providing rest condition for these station should be considered bygovernment by doing correct urban desiyning the most affectable factor inbioclimatical condition of these region is wind, that has an most affect than toporaphyand Geographical latitude .for this reason Tacab station has an very sever coldcondition in province. There for the wind direction should be considered for desiyningof building and etc. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Introdution of Rivas Martinez climatic classification Case study: Guillan and Khorasan province
        بهمن Ramezani
        Natural potential in per area related to factor and elements of climate, climatic systemscan be fomulated , for distinguish of similar climate.This article , introduce Rivas Martinez climatic classification with case study Guilanand Khrasan .Result of article representa More
        Natural potential in per area related to factor and elements of climate, climatic systemscan be fomulated , for distinguish of similar climate.This article , introduce Rivas Martinez climatic classification with case study Guilanand Khrasan .Result of article representation that this method better actual isolat climatesfrom Gussen , Koppen , De martone Amberger methods.It has suggestion with attention north and south coasal and continental plain , thismethod be use with longer time statistic for classification of Iran . Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Water balance of climatic and climatic types in kashf-roud basin
        هادی Ghanbarzadeh زین العابدین Jafarpour
        Kashf roud basin is a section of qara – quran basin which is located in the northeast ofkhorasan. Water balance and climatic type of this basin are to be analysed on the basisof hydroclimatic elements wite regard to water defesit in khorasan, research in thebalanc More
        Kashf roud basin is a section of qara – quran basin which is located in the northeast ofkhorasan. Water balance and climatic type of this basin are to be analysed on the basisof hydroclimatic elements wite regard to water defesit in khorasan, research in thebalance of water of the region becomes of great significance for the correct use of landand use of surface as well as ground water resources of the region.The present research aims at(1) the balance of climatic waters of the said baisin; and(2) at indentificatoin of climatic types of the area under in vestigation.Analysis of the water balance of the kashf roud basin demonstrates that alongside thereducation of rainfall evaporation strongly increases and result in the rise of need forwater in the warm seasons, to the extent that rate of evaporation during summermonths research 53.4 to 55.9 of the entir anume. Low quality of land for preservationsummer priod requires on efficient system of irrigation.According tornth wite the most important climatic types in the region are arid or semiarid with the objectives of this article arei) to calculate the water balance climatic water budget of the basin, and …ii) to show climatic types of the region.By analyzing the water balance in the kashaf rud Basin, whit the decrease ofprecipitation and in crease in temoerature, evaporation increases rapidly and aprofound shortage of water is expericnd during thewarmer months of the year. Thesummerrate of evaporation is between 53.4 to 55.9 percent of annual evaporation.Since the soil is deficient of water from late spring to early autumn, an efficientirrigation system is required.According to the “thornthwaite” method, the major climatic types in the basinare arid and semi-arid, with a scarce surplus of water.The results of the study of climatic water budget in kashaf rud basin have shownthat water-surplus is only during the cold months of the year and most of it is wasted.Considering the dry and semi-arid climate of the region, a comprehensive irrigationplan should be in the first priority of economic planning. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Detection of Local Climate Change by Studying of Freezing Days Fluctuations (Case Study Mashhad)
        علیرضا Shahabfar سهراب Mohammadnia محمد Motamedi
        In this paper, for the aim of local climatic change detection, fluctuations of freezingdays in Mashhad during 1951-2000 were studied.Primary investigations showed that annual mean and absolute temperature have anincreasing trend in the study period. It has a suitable ha More
        In this paper, for the aim of local climatic change detection, fluctuations of freezingdays in Mashhad during 1951-2000 were studied.Primary investigations showed that annual mean and absolute temperature have anincreasing trend in the study period. It has a suitable harmony to decreasing trend offreezing days. So, correlation equation between freezing days and statistical yearscalculated by this formula. Y=107.35X-0.53 which it was meaningful and shows –29.5 days changes in Annual freezing days in mentioned period. Using test of Mann-Kendal showed two decreasing and decreasing trend, which are significant. We canobserve a falling trend in number of freezing days after 1976.In next phase, for the purpose of fitting a suitable time series model on the data,which used in this research, the method of Box-Jenkins was applied. Finally after somestatistical works ARIMA (1,1,0) time series model was selected for the studied data.The model was able to predict the number of freezing days of Mashhad in the year2001 with an error about 3.3 percent. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Rural Tourism: A case study of regional planning in Taiwan
        van Ching نوذر Ghanbari
        Rural tourism has become a new type of agricultural management in Taiwan which helps farmers break through current management dufficulties for small farms. It has two major purposes. The firs is to provide leisure and recreation for the public. The second is to increase More
        Rural tourism has become a new type of agricultural management in Taiwan which helps farmers break through current management dufficulties for small farms. It has two major purposes. The firs is to provide leisure and recreation for the public. The second is to increase farmers incomes.This builders discuses rural tourism in Nantou County, located in the central part of Taiwan. in 1996, Nantou county completed its comprehensive plan proposed five major development projects in thirty- five potential tourism areas. Activities include the traditional chinese tea ceremony, digging for bamboo shoots, handiwork with bamboo, fruit piching, etc. Recreational activities ( such as visits to waterfalls and enjoying local foods) are integrated into the tourism program. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - The High Glacial (pre-LGM and LGM) glaciation of SE-Iranian mountains exemplified by Kuh- i -Jupar massif in The Zagros (Part two
        ماتیاس Koleh
        The three end moraine ramps are followed by outwash aprons (incline ation:7 to15 (Kْuhle 1984; 1989; 1990). In the farther piedmont area their material become moreand more sorted and layered (cf. Fig. 5). In the following text the whole form of afrontal moraine with its More
        The three end moraine ramps are followed by outwash aprons (incline ation:7 to15 (Kْuhle 1984; 1989; 1990). In the farther piedmont area their material become moreand more sorted and layered (cf. Fig. 5). In the following text the whole form of afrontal moraine with its Outwash apron is described as “Bortensander”, i. e. icemarginal ramp (IMR). It is marked by the change from polymict coarse bouldermaterial “floating” chaotically and isolated in a fine material matrix to a well-sortedglaciofluvial, steeply bedded gravel body (cf. Fig.5).Due to the fact that, in relation to the glacier feeding area in the interior of theKuh-i-Jupar massif, the piedmont glaciation of the northern mountain foreland (cf.Fig.7) is very extended (see 5.), the glacier margin did not react to minor fluctuationsof the snow line. So, an uplift of the ELA after the glacier advance only resulted in adecreasing thickness of the ice margin, but not in a glacier retreat. This is verifiable bythe truncation of frontal moraines (Fig.5B), which initially had been upthrusted by theadvancing ice margin (Fig. 5A). The advancing ice margin was inevitably- for this hascaused the advance- the thickest. With the then decreasing, thawing-out ice margin,the supraglacial meltwater, which first seeped through the frontal moraine (Fig.5A),finally removed it and displaced it glaciofluvial edimentis. Owing to this, a horizontalchange of material developed in the IMR. This process also led to the truncation of theprimarily steeper glaciofluvial layers in the distal area of the IMR and to the coveringof this unconformity by less inclined layers of gravel (Fig. 5B right half).In the area of the old moraines, up to three levels of the ice surface of thethawing-out piedmont glacier margin are verifiable by exposures in distal IMRsectionsof this kind (Fig. 6 and Photo 5).In the SW-slope of the Kuh-i-Jupar two glacier lobes reached down into theforeland (Fig. 7). A glacier flowed down from the Dare Balutschi and Dare Bidestan inthe E (Fig. 2), but no end moraine has been preserved to mark its lowest ice marginposition (Fig. 7). W of this valley exit a 30 to 40 m-high old end moraine ridge runs down to the southwestern foothill chain at 2’550 m (Fig. 4: southeastern most bolddrawnred moraine with IMR). There the piedmont lobe, which flowed down from thehigh summits of the Kuh-i-Jupar main ridge (Fig. 2 between No. 1 and 8) and met thefoothill chain, was diverted up to the end of this chain in a westward direction. Itstongue basib as well as its fringe were strongly reworked by glaciofluvial and fluvialmorphodynamics which, because of the diversion, were especially concentrated. Herein the W, the southwestern piedmont glacier of the Kuh-i-Jupar reached its lowest icemargin at c. 2’450 m a.s.l. during the Older Glaciation (Fig. 7). Manuscript profile