• Parchekani.Fatemeh Dystopia in the ContemporaryArab City: A Reading of the Novel "Orwell in the SouthernSuburb" by FawziZebian [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Summer Year 2018]
  • Parsanasab.Mohammad Intertextual analysis of the tale "the porter with girls" in the Qajar Manuscript of Thousand and One Nights, based on the Bertrand WestphalGeocriticism [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Summer Year 2018]
  • Poorheshmati Dargah.Hamed Narrative of closed places in the poem of Mohammad Afifi Matar ( the cemetery and cafe for example) [ Vol.8, Issue 30 - Autumn Year 2018]
  • Poursaddami.Azadeh Feminist Criticism of Simin Daneshvar's Novels: 'Wander Island' and 'Wander Cameleer' [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Winter Year 2018]