• parandavaji.naeime A study of evil figures of religious tradition in the poetry of Shathel Taqa in the light of expressive techniques [ Vol.10, Issue 40 - Spring Year 2021]
  • parsaee.hosein An Analysis of Sanai’s tendency to the mystical discourse in his Hadiqa al-haqiqa (The Garden of the Truth) from the perspective of Lucien Goldmann's formative constructivism [ Vol.10, Issue 37 - Summer Year 2020]
  • PAYRIZ ZANJANI.FAEZEH Characteristics of Lover and Beloved in the Odes of Attār and Mowlānā : A Comparative Study [ Vol.10, Issue 38 - Autumn Year 2020]
  • Pir.Hoda An Analysis of Sanai’s tendency to the mystical discourse in his Hadiqa al-haqiqa (The Garden of the Truth) from the perspective of Lucien Goldmann's formative constructivism [ Vol.10, Issue 37 - Summer Year 2020]