A Study of Comparative Effects of Textual Enhancement Techniques on Iranian EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Noticing
Subject Areas : Research in English Language PedagogyReza Rezvani 1 * , Mohsen Khanzade 2
1 - Yasouj University
2 - Yasouj University
Keywords: Boldface, input enhancement, Vocabulary Noticing, textual enhancement, Emoji,
Abstract :
Research on second language acquisition generally suggests that input needs to be noticed before turning into the intake. Therefore, the current paper explored the comparative effects of textual enhancement on Iranian EFL learners’ vocabulary noticing. Thirty students from an intact class of general English course participated in this study. During the semester, an extended paragraph from which 18 target words were perceptually enhanced using boldfacing and Emoji stickers or were left untouched was distributed to the participants using the smartphone Telegram application. After 45 minutes, they received a set of post-reading vocabulary questions through Telegram and were asked to type the answers and send them back to the examiner. The results of Repeated Measures ANOVA indicated that both textual enhancement techniques had a significantly positive effect on their vocabulary noticing. The paper discusses the findings and implications for both EFL teachers and language learning materials developers.
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