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      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Virtues of Ahl al-Bait (AS) in Tafsir Al-Mizan
        Mohammad reza Aram
        Assistant Professor of Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran Among the various interpretations of the Quran, Al-Mizan fi Tafsir al-Quran, the precious book of contemporary scholar, Tabatabaee, Undoubtedly, is one of the best interpretations of the Quran. More
        Assistant Professor of Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran Among the various interpretations of the Quran, Al-Mizan fi Tafsir al-Quran, the precious book of contemporary scholar, Tabatabaee, Undoubtedly, is one of the best interpretations of the Quran. Although its interpretation is based on the interpretation of Quran by Quran but according to the traditionary sources of both Shiite and Sunni in interpretation of Quran especially in explaining of high position of Ahl Al-Bait, has removed this interpretation from the being only interpretation of Quran by Quran, and for relying on the narrative and use of traditionary resources, it has been considered as the rate and pattern in the interpretation of Quran. On this basis, this study attempts to explain the virtues and positions of Ahl Al-Bait on the opinios and ideas of AllamehTabatabaee in Al- Mizan and to study its how and its quality.To do so, after explaining “the concept of Ahl Al-Bait”and its application in the Quran,the necessity of recognizingAhl Al-Bait and their status and prestige in the Quran and Hadith has been described. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The concept of “byword” in the Glorious Quran
        Soosan Ale Rasool Parvin Bardabard
        Quranic terminology is of the knowledge thatto deal with it in a scientific correct waycan be very useful in the Qur’an science and its interpretation.For this purpose, wehave selected the word “byword”that is very used in The Holy Quran More
        Quranic terminology is of the knowledge thatto deal with it in a scientific correct waycan be very useful in the Qur’an science and its interpretation.For this purpose, wehave selected the word “byword”that is very used in The Holy Quran and in the infallibletradition, peace be upon them.The reasonfor thischoice is the divine mandatetothe peoplein different words and phrases.The certitude and thecontemplationthat arehiddenin theQuranicversesare only revealedand fall in theheart of wise men by learning from them.The present article is a result of the researchon this term andinaddition tothe extraction ofits meaningfrom the Quranicand the Arabicdictionariesitssemantic domain amongits similar wordsand itsapplicationin thestyleof verseshas been studied. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The concept of confidentiality in the early works of mystical literature(Referring to the verses and hadiths)
        Mahdi Shariati Nastaran Zareh
        “Secret" and its equivalent "mystery" are of the major issues addressed in mystical literature. In the "Masnavi", "Straw," is the "secret" that Rumi deals without introduction. Although the word "secret" is not separately mentioned in any of the sev More
        “Secret" and its equivalent "mystery" are of the major issues addressed in mystical literature. In the "Masnavi", "Straw," is the "secret" that Rumi deals without introduction. Although the word "secret" is not separately mentioned in any of the seven Sufism statuses or in none of the ten states, what comes back from the tenor of the words of mystics, is representative of that "knowing the secrets " and "secrecy" is considered of the most important terms of mystic conduct. Sanaee as a pioneer and leader of Attar and Rumi has references to the "Secret", "knowing the secrets " and "secrecy" that shows, up to Rumi, this "Wise behind the scene" how has organized his intuitive receipts in the form of poetry and has has enriched the mystical verses. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - AlastiTestamentfrom the perspective ofthe Holy Quranand Infallibles’ Narratives, peace be upon them
        Mahdi Momtahen Akhtar Soltani Maryam Khosravani
        Faculty member of Islamic Azad University, Eslamabad branch, Iran There aredifferent opinions aboutthe testament that Godhas withhis creatures. Infallibles’ Narratives, peace be upon them, has confirmed “Alasti testament”, and the exit o More
        Faculty member of Islamic Azad University, Eslamabad branch, Iran There aredifferent opinions aboutthe testament that Godhas withhis creatures. Infallibles’ Narratives, peace be upon them, has confirmed “Alasti testament”, and the exit of Adam’s generation in the world ofscatteringand taking their agreement on divinity, prophecy and pontificate by God are also distinguished.Even its location is specified in the narrative,too.Relying on strong and successive narratives,and as a obedient of Muslim Sharia, there is no doubt on the correctness and authenticity of Alasti Testament;but a group are of the opinionthat Alasti verse is an aspect of allegory.Another group alsobelieve in obtaining the agreement of the spirits in the world of spirits.This paper deals with the lexical and idiomatic meaning of the Testament,the verses and Hadith about itand the analysis of reasonsforboth groups. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - A view on the definition of the devilry in the Glorious Koran based on narratives and comments
        Leyla Ghasemi Babollah Mohammadi
        This article discusses the definition of devilry in the Glorious Koran. After defining the devilry in this article as regards to the Quranic verses, we have divided it in some secondary titles such as God’s examination, God’s tribulation, poly More
        This article discusses the definition of devilry in the Glorious Koran. After defining the devilry in this article as regards to the Quranic verses, we have divided it in some secondary titles such as God’s examination, God’s tribulation, polytheismto God,, madnessandinsanity, Persecution of believers, weakness and tyranny acceptance (oppressive rule over the believers), big corruption, misdirection, cheating , excusing. Then, in each title, the related verses are discussed as regard to comments and somehow by using narratives. The most important examination and devilry for human being is his wealth and children. Sinceman’s attachment to them are more than every other thing. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - The Definition of the philosophy of Islamic cities based on five principles of Islam
        Seyed Mohammar reza Talakesh Mahdi Jamalinezhad Jamal Mohammadi
        Today in the Muslim world, most urban residents are Muslim.Sharp class differences, social damage,disturbance of communities and so is indicative of this issue.And this is because of non-performance of the Islamic pure principles and alsothe surrounding c More
        Today in the Muslim world, most urban residents are Muslim.Sharp class differences, social damage,disturbance of communities and so is indicative of this issue.And this is because of non-performance of the Islamic pure principles and alsothe surrounding culture of West onMuslims’ lives.Islamhasprinciples that is the basis of every movement in the Islamic world.These principles are:Prophecy, Leadership, Justice,Monotheism, and Resurrection; that can be used to achieve a reliable framework;whilein today’s Islamic world cities,principles of urban planning is mostly derived from Western culture. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Wisdom of Diversity Day from the viewpoint of the Qur’an
        Mohmmad Ali Mahdavi Rad Mahid Abdollahi poor
        Undoubtedlyone of themost importanthumanneeds, is the need forprovisions. For this reason, God to Whom be ascribed all perfection and majesty, Who is aware of everything,has undertaken provisionsand has promised in the Quran the assurance of provisions;On More
        Undoubtedlyone of themost importanthumanneeds, is the need forprovisions. For this reason, God to Whom be ascribed all perfection and majesty, Who is aware of everything,has undertaken provisionsand has promised in the Quran the assurance of provisions;On the other hand,reflection in the lives of relatives and our other fellowmen,reveals this factthat among them there is an inequality in the enjoyment of the provision, the issue thatifits existentialphilosophy remains unknown,it causes doubts and uncertainties in some people’s mind and it has made the foundations of faith in divine justice shakein this group.In this paper, in addition tothe expressionof the provisionand providing the correct interpretation of vouching it,variety of philosophies of the provision and its compatibility with the concept of divine justiceare studied,too. And finally,the wisdom of inequalities of the provision on the behalf of Godis analyzed. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Comparative study of moral virtues and vices in the four Gospels and the Holy Koran
        Delara Nemati Pir Ali Gholam Reza Abbasi Valadi
        Ethic instructions necessary for human evolutionhas been givento themanby the carriersof revelationandits most important rules have been presentedin religious scriptures.Referring to thedivine books and comparative study of their moral teachingsis necessa More
        Ethic instructions necessary for human evolutionhas been givento themanby the carriersof revelationandits most important rules have been presentedin religious scriptures.Referring to thedivine books and comparative study of their moral teachingsis necessary to provethe fact that religions are alongside each other and that themost complete religion has presented the most complete teachings. Two ethical systems of Islam and Christianityare based on divine worldview. Commonmoral in Four Gospels and the Quran represents thatthe issuance of their moral teachingsis the same. But differencesinexpressing moralvirtuesandvices in ethic instructions of thesetexts can be seen that prove the comprehensiveness of the Holy Quran and the superiority of its teachings. Manuscript profile