A view on the definition of the devilry in the Glorious Koran based on narratives and comments
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
Leyla Ghasemi
Babollah Mohammadi
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Keywords: قرآن کریم, تفاسیر, روایات, فتنه, امتحان الهى, عذاب الهى, The Glorious Koran, devilry, narrative’s, comments, God’s examination, God’s tribulation,
Abstract :
This article discusses the definition of devilry in the Glorious Koran. After defining the devilry in this article as regards to the Quranic verses, we have divided it in some secondary titles such as God’s examination, God’s tribulation, polytheismto God,, madnessandinsanity, Persecution of believers, weakness and tyranny acceptance (oppressive rule over the believers), big corruption, misdirection, cheating , excusing. Then, in each title, the related verses are discussed as regard to comments and somehow by using narratives. The most important examination and devilry for human being is his wealth and children. Sinceman’s attachment to them are more than every other thing.
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