The purpose and focus of the magazine Objectives and axes of the quarterly Quarterly Journal of Quantitative Studies in Management aims to provide a suitable platform for sharing and exchanging information in the field of management research in industrial, commercial and financial fields and sciences related to management in specialized fields among scientists, professors, students and professional managers in the field pursues academic, industrial and executive courses. These goals are preferably as follows. Objectives of the quarterly - Provision of scientific and information resources and sources necessary for quantitative studies in management - Providing suggestions and solutions based on studies and researches conducted in the field of central issues and basic and strategic needs of management. - Removing the weaknesses of the responsible institutions and providing solutions to the problems of companies and economic enterprises - Promoting and spreading the science of management and explaining its place in the national development of the country - Encouraging and persuading to conduct relevant research in the country - Creating a suitable scientific-research environment for the exchange of ideas and opinions of experts and practitioners - Establishing scientific-research interaction between the university and relevant executive bodies Priority areas for choosing quarterly articles Production and Operations Management Project Management Marketing and market management Financial Management Optimization of systems Operations Research and other topics related to quantitative management