Fuzzy model of hesitance decision making in evaluating business plans under uncertainty: an approach to developing new products
Subject Areas :Amir Bahramipour 1 , Sadeghi Abedi 2 * , Alireza Irajpour 3
1 - دانشجوی دکتری، گروه مدیریت صنعتی، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، واحد قزوین، قزوین، ایران.
2 - Corresponding Author, Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Qazvin
Branch, Islamic Azad University, Email Address: abedi.sadegh@gmail.com.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Qazvin, Iran.
Keywords: New Products Development, Keyword: Business development, Dynamic systemic, Decision-making in hesitant atmosphere,
Abstract :
AbstractVarious researches have been done on the development of new products based oninnovation. There is also a significant increase in studies in which there is aconcept of "systemic approach". However, according to previous researches,decision-making in hesitant atmosphere to select exogenous variables of businessdevelopment model based on new product development was not observed. Themain issue in this research is to investigate and find the factors affecting thefeasibility of new product development plans and finally to obtain a method forevaluating new product development plans in industry. In evaluating economicplans, the parameters are usually considered definite, but the study of uncertaintyis important considerably. The results show that 6 exogenous variables wereselected as key variables in the selection and development of a new product in theorganization. The weighted importance of variables is the share of new productacceptance in the market (0.275), new product development investmentconfidence (0.239), new product development strategy (0.209), level of passingstandards and requirements (0.136), attracting development research fundingProduct (0.077) and Applied Research Fundraising (0.061). The dynamic productdevelopment model is designed based on the cause-and-effect relationship and infuture studies needs to test the simulation performance of present and futuredecision making
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-Conforto, E. C., Salum, F., Amaral, D. C., da Silva, S. L., and deAlmeida, L. F. M.,
2014.Can Agile Project Management be Adopted byIndustries Other than Software
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-Edwards, K., Cooper, R. G., Vedsmand, T., andNardelli, G. ,2014. Evaluating the Agile-
Stage-Gate Hybrid Model: Experiences FromThree SME Manufacturing Firms,Int. J.
Innov. Technol. Manag.,vol. 16, 08, 194-210.
-Florén, H., Frishammar, J., Parida, V., and Wincent, J. ,2018.Criticalsuccess factors in
early new product development: a review and aconceptual model,Int. Entrep. Manag. J.,
vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 411–427.
-Fontana, F., Klahn, C., and Meboldt, M., 2019.Value-driven clustering of industrial
additive manufacturing applications,J. Manuf. Technol.Manag., vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 366–
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construction of complex products and systems. Res. Policy 29, 955–972.
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trends and benchmarking best practices. J. Prod. Innov. Manag. 14, 429–458.
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international joint ventures. Acad. Manag. Rev. 22, 177–202.
-Jiang, R., Kleer, R., and Piller, F. T. 2017.Predicting the future ofadditive manufacturing:
A Delphi study on economic and societalimplications of 3D printing for
2030,Technol.Forecast. Soc.Change, vol. 117, pp. 84–97.
-Krishnan, V., Ulrich, K.T., 2014. Product development decisions: a review of the
literature. Manag. Sci. 47, 1–21.
62 / ...... ........... ........ . ارائ ه ی ک مد ل دینامیک ارزیاب ی طر حها ی کس ب و کا ر د ر شرای ط .. .
-Laine, T., Korhonen, T., Martinsuo, M., 2020. Managing program impacts in new
product development: an exploratory case study on overcoming uncertainties. Int. J. Proj.
Manag. 34, 717–733.
-Leffingwell, D. 2010. Agile software requirements: lean requirementspractices for teams,
programs, and the enterprise. Boston:Addison-Wesley, 23, 117–133.
-Melander, L., Lakemond, N., 2015. Governance of supplier collaboration in
technologically uncertain NPD projects. Ind. Mark. Manag. 49, 116–127.
-Milewski, J. O.Additive Manufacturing of Metals: FromFundamental Technology to
Rocket Nozzles, Medical Implants, andCustom Jewelry, vol. 258. Cham:Springer
International Publishing,2017.
-Montero, J., Weber, S., Bleckmann, M., Atzberger, A., Wirths, L.,and Paetzold, K.
2019.Spare part production in remote locations throughAdditive Manufacturing enhanced
by agile development principles,in2019 IEEE International Conference on Engineering,
Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), pp. 1–8.
-Nambi, S. S. and Herbert, G. M. J. 2018.Manufacturing of proto typewind turbine blades
using rapid prototype technology,Int. J. Mech.Prod. Eng. Res. Dev., vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 103–
-Niaki, M. K. and Nonino, F. 2017.Impact of additive manufacturing onbusiness
competitiveness: a multiple case study,J. Manuf. Technol.Manag., vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 56–
-Niesten, E., Jolink, A., 2012. Incentives, opportunism and behavioral uncertainty in
electricity industries. J. Bus. Res. 65, 1031–1039.
-Oh, J., Lee, S., and Yang, J. 2015.A collaboration model for new productdevelopment
through the integration of PLM and SCM in theelectronics industry,Comput. Ind., vol. 73,
pp. 82–92.
-Oliver Gretsch , Edmund Christian Salzmann and Alexander Kock, 2019. University
industry collaboration and frontend success: the moderating effects of innovativeness and
parallel cross firm collaboration, R&D Management, 49, 116–127.
-Padalkar, M., Gopinath, S., 2020. Are complexity and uncertainty distinct concepts in
project management? A taxonomical examination from literature. Int. J. Proj. Manag. 34,
-Park, J.-G., Lee, J., 2014. Knowledge sharing in information systems development
projects: explicating the role of dependence and trust. Int. J. Proj. Manag. 32, 153–165.
-Peng, D.X., Heim, G.R., Mallick, D.N., 2014. Collaborative product development: the
effect of project complexity on the use of information technology tools and new product
development practices. Prod. Oper.Manag. 23, 1421–1438.
-Qureshi, S.M., Kang, C., 2020. Analysing the organizational factors of project
complexity using structural equation modelling. Int. J. Proj. Manag. 33, 165–176.
-Schuh, G., Salmen, M., Kelzenberg, C., and de Lange, J. 2014.Integrationof Tool Making
into Agile Product Development using Industry 4.0 Technologies and Additive
Manufacturing Technologies, in2018Portland International Conference on Management
of Engineeringand Technology (PICMET),., pp. 1–9.
-Siebold, M. 2010.Additive Manufacturing for Serial Production of High-Performance
Metal Parts,Mech. Eng., vol.141, no. 05, pp. 49–50.
-Swink, M., 2009 Threats to new product manufacturability and the effects of
development team integration processes. J. Oper. Manag. 17, 691–709.
فصلنامه مطالعات کمی در مدیریت............................................................ / 63
-Tang, F., Mu, J., Thomas, E., 2015. Who knows what in NPD teams: communication
context, mode, and task contingencies. J. Prod. Innov. Manag. 32, 404–423.
-Tatikonda, M.V., Montoya-Weiss, M.M., 2011. Integrating operations and marketing
perspectives of product innovation: the influence of organizational process factors and
capabilities on development performance. Manag.Sci. 47, 151–172.
-Tatikonda, M.V., Rosenthal, S.R., 2012. Technology novelty, project complexity, and
product development project execution success: a deeper look at task uncertainty in
product innovation. IEEE Trans. Eng. Manag. 47, 74–87.
-Vickery, S.K., Koufteros, X., Drge, C., Calantone, R., 2016. Product modularity, process
modularity, and new product introduction performance: does complexity matter? Prod.
Oper. Manag. 25, 751–770.
-Wynstra, F., Corswant, F.V., Wetzels, M., 2010. In chains? An empirical study of
antecedents of supplier product development activity in the automotive industry. J. Prod.
Innov. Manag. 27, 625–639.
-Yan Chen,Partial adjustment toward target R&D intensity,2018. R&D Management. 48,
-Yan, T., Dooley, K., 2020. Buyer-supplier collaboration quality in new product
development projects. J. Supply Chain Manag. 50, 59–83.
-Yan, T., Dooley, K.J., 2013. Communication intensity, goal congruence, and uncertainty
in buyer-supplier new product development. J. Oper. Manag. 31, 523–542.
-Yan, T., Wagner, S.M., 2021. Do what and with whom? Value creation and appropriation
in inter-organizational new product development projects. Int. J. Prod. Econ. 191, 1–14.
-Yang, Q., Lu, T., Yao, T., Zhang, B., 2014. The impact of uncertainty and ambiguity
related to iteration and overlapping on schedule of product development projects. Int. J.
Proj. Manag. 32, 827–837.