Why do some students choose Library and Information Science as their field of study?
Subject Areas : Journal of Knowledge Studiesnadjla hariri 1 * , Mahin Bayat 2
1 - LIS Department, Islamic Azad University, Sciences and Research Branch, Tehran
2 - LIS graduated student, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch
Keywords: motivation, Attitude, field of study, Library and Information science, Expectancy, Under-graduate and postgraduate students,
Abstract :
Purpose: The present research was conducted to identify factors influencing some students to choose Library and Information Science (LIS) as their field of study. Methodology: The research method of this study was analytical survey and the statistical population was composed of undergraduate and postgraduate students of LIS at universities located in Tehran. A sample including 240 students was selected by stratified random sampling method. Research data were collected by the questionnaire composed of three factors motivation, attitude, and expectations. Findings: Considering findings of the research, 27.1 percents of the students identified this field accidentally and 26.3 percent by the university entrance exam guidebook. Obtaining an acceptable scientific and social position was the most important motivating factor to select LIS as their field. 82 percent of students became interested in LIS after coming to university. Conclusion: Overall, the field LIS was able to satisfy 39.6 percent of expectations of its students in a middle level.
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