Assessment of users' satisfaction of academic libraries (Case study: Tehran state universities)
Subject Areas : Journal of Knowledge Studiesfatemeh zandian 1 , fatemeh Naseri 2 , atefeh sharif 3 , HamidReza Mahmoodi 4 *
1 - Associate Professor - Department of knowledge and Information Science - Tarbiat Modares University - Tehran - Iran
2 - MSC Student in Knowledge and Information Science, Tarbiat Modares University
3 - Assistant Professor - Department of knowledge and Information Science - Tarbiat Modares University - Tehran - Iran
4 - MSC in Knowledge and Information Science, Tarbiat Modares University,
Keywords: Tehran, Satisfaction Measurement, Academic library, User,
Abstract :
Objective: User satisfaction in most organizations is the main component of its dynamics. This is doubly important in university libraries that meet the information needs of students and faculty. The purpose of this study is to achieve the level of user satisfaction with Academic libraries. Method: In terms of purpose, the present study is in the category of applied research and in terms of data collection method is in the category of library and descriptive-survey research. Data were collected by a questionnaire. Users of academic libraries of state universities in Tehran formed the statistical population of this study. For sampling, sequential integrated sampling method was used and 60 questionnaires were distributed among users. Descriptive statistics (mean and frequency) were used to answer the questions. SPSS software was used for descriptive analysis of data. Results: The findings showed that users are very little satisfied with the library resources. Users are also little satisfied with library buildings and equipment, library librarians, and library services. The findings also showed that there is a significant difference between the current situation and the desired situation of user satisfaction with resources, buildings and equipment, librarians, and academic library services Conclusion: In general, it can be argued that users are little satisfied with the academic library of state universities. Therefore, there is a need for a comprehensive change in order to upgrade and improve the condition of academic libraries. It seems that there is a significant difference between the current situation and the desired situation of user satisfaction with academic libraries in Tehran.
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