Structural equations the effect of customer relationship management on the performance of the public libraries of South Khorasan province
Subject Areas : Journal of Knowledge Studies
HamidReza Mahmoodi
Nazila Mehrabi
1 - department of Knowledge and Information Science/ Faculty of Management and Economics/ Tarbiat Modares University/Tehran/Iran
2 - Department of Information and Science of the Faculty of Management and Economics of Tarbiat Modares University
Keywords: Customer Relationship, CRM, Management, Public Library, structural equation modeling,
Abstract :
Attracting new customers and retaining existing customers are among the most important goals of service organizations. The Public Library, as a service organization, seeks to establish a strong and long-term relationship with users and non-users in order to improve its performance. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of customer relationship management on the performance of public libraries in South Khorasan Province. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of data collection. The statistical population of this research consists of librarians of public libraries in South Khorasan province. The sample of this study was estimated based on Krejcie and Morgan table of 73 people who were selected by simple random sampling. Library method and questionnaire were used to collect data. The result of analyzing the collected data is a model of structural equations. Customer relationship management variable with a beta value of 0.78 has a significant effect on public library performance. Components of information technology, knowledge management application, focus on key customer, and CRM system also have a significant impact on public library performance. Among the variable components of customer relationship management, the knowledge management component with an impact intensity of 0.811 has the highest impact, and the information technology component with an impact intensity of 0.356 has the least impact on public library performance. The impact of customer relationship management on public library performance has not been studied in the field of knowledge and information science.