• Abedi.Bahram The Effect of 8 Week of Resistance Training with Licorice and Boldenone Extract on Sperm Cells, Sertoli and Leydig Testicular Tissue of Male Rats [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Alavian.Firoozeh Protective Effects of Shallot Onion Against Stroke due to Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion in Male Wistar Rats [ Vol.15, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Alireza.Shirazi Immunogenical Evalution of PLGA Nanoparticles Contain Klebsiella pneumoniae K2O1 Detoxified Lipopolysaccharide Antigen in Pulmonary Infection Model of BALB/C Mice [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1400]
  • aminifar.samad The effect of eight weeks of increasing training with marjoram supplementation on muscle inflammatory indices in healthy rats [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Arabi.Mehran Collagen Turnover in Healing of Cutaneous Wounds by Aloe vera Fresh Gel in Mouse: Involvement of Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Arshadi.Sajad The Effect of 8 Week of Resistance Training with Licorice and Boldenone Extract on Sperm Cells, Sertoli and Leydig Testicular Tissue of Male Rats [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Arshadi.Sajad The effect of aerobic training and cinnamon extract gavage on adiponectin gene expression in liver and fat tissues of male rats fed by high fat diet [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Ashtari tavandashti.Takrokh Synergistic Effects of Noradrenalin, Serotonin, and Oxytocin with Nesfatin on Central Control of Food Intake in Broiler Chickens [ Vol.15, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1401]
  • aslerousta.masoumeh IInvestigation of Synergistic Effects of Corticotropin and Melanocortin receptors with Sub-Effective Dose of Phoenixin-14 on Food Intake in Neonatal Chickens [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1401]


  • Bagheri.Mohsen The Effect of Tamoxifen and Black Cohosh (Actaea racemosa) On The Changes In The Levels Of Sex Steroid Hormones And Oocytes Maturation Of Adult Female Gourami fish (Trichogaster trichopterus) from family (Osphronemidae) [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Barari.Alireza The effect of endurance training and consumption of nettle extract on the gene expression of BCL-2 and TNF-α in mice with melanoma [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1400]
  • behaeen.bahareh The effect of HIIT and thyme honey on gene expression of cardiac tissue apoptotic indices and insulin resistance index in type 2 diabetic rats [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Beheshti Dafchahi.Hadiseh Epigenetic effects of paraquat on development of preimplantation embryo [ Vol.15, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1401]


  • Daneshpazhouh.Hamed Comparative study of impact of docetaxel on the cytoskeleton of mouse oocytes after vitrification with two different cryopreservation solutions [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1400]
  • dehvari.maria The effect of aerobic training and cinnamon extract gavage on adiponectin gene expression in liver and fat tissues of male rats fed by high fat diet [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Dianatpour.Mehdi Comparative study of impact of docetaxel on the cytoskeleton of mouse oocytes after vitrification with two different cryopreservation solutions [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1400]


  • EBAD SICHANI.MOHAMMAD REZA The Effect of Uinoa Extract on Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Indices In Hamsters [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Edalatmanesh.Mohammad Amin Effect of Tilia platyphyllos L. extract on the sex hormones levels and histopathology index in varicocele-induced infertile rats [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Eidi.akram Effect of Tilia platyphyllos L. extract on the sex hormones levels and histopathology index in varicocele-induced infertile rats [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Eidi.Akram Effect of sodium molybdate on Cadmium Chloride-induced Infertility in adult male Wistar rats [ Vol.15, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Elahianfiroz.Zahra Isolation and identification of Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus coagulans from intestines of local chickens and its effect on ctxm and luxs gene expression in Escherichia coli pathogenic isolates [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1400]
  • eyvaz zadeh.mohsen The Effects of Common and Encapsulated Thyme Essential Oil with Fats on Blood and Immunity Parameters of Broilers with Diets Formulated with Normal and Low Crude Protein Levels [ Vol.15, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1401]


  • Faghani.Hamid Changes in Blood Parameters and Some Biochemical Factors of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Fed with Different Levels of Ginger Extract Zingiber officinale [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1400]


  • Ghaderinia.Parivash Immunogenical Evalution of PLGA Nanoparticles Contain Klebsiella pneumoniae K2O1 Detoxified Lipopolysaccharide Antigen in Pulmonary Infection Model of BALB/C Mice [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Ghalambor.Fatemeh Comparison the effect of one period of anaerobic and resistance training on some metalloproteins affecting heart fibrosis in elderly mice [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Ghane.Masoud Isolation and identification of Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus coagulans from intestines of local chickens and its effect on ctxm and luxs gene expression in Escherichia coli pathogenic isolates [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Ghasempour.nastaran Evaluation of Aqueous, Organic Extracts of Leaves and Roots Polygonum aviculare L. on Antibiotic-Resistant Pathogenic Bacteria Invitro and Invivo [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1400]
  • gholami.mandana Comparison the effect of one period of anaerobic and resistance training on some metalloproteins affecting heart fibrosis in elderly mice [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1401]


  • hasanpoor solimani.samira The effect of six weeks of aerobic exercise on the expression of genes involved in aortic tissue pyroptosis of healthy and diabetic male mice [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1400]
  • hassanpour.shahin IInvestigation of Synergistic Effects of Corticotropin and Melanocortin receptors with Sub-Effective Dose of Phoenixin-14 on Food Intake in Neonatal Chickens [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Hayati.Nasim Comparative study of impact of docetaxel on the cytoskeleton of mouse oocytes after vitrification with two different cryopreservation solutions [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Horri.Mohammad Frequency of qnrA and sul1 genes in Escherichia coli isolated from pericarditis and perihepatitis lesions of broilers in Isfahan province [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Hosseinzade sahafi.Homayoun The Effect of Tamoxifen and Black Cohosh (Actaea racemosa) On The Changes In The Levels Of Sex Steroid Hormones And Oocytes Maturation Of Adult Female Gourami fish (Trichogaster trichopterus) from family (Osphronemidae) [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1401]


  • jannatifar.rahil Evaluation of human sperm parameters after cryopreservation process with myoinositol antioxidant treatment in asthenoteratozoospermia patients [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1400]


  • Khani.Anita The detection of virulence genes of shigatoxin and intimin from Escherichia coli isolated from a pigeon with gastrointestinal symptoms: a case report [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Khodabandeh.Zahra Comparative study of impact of docetaxel on the cytoskeleton of mouse oocytes after vitrification with two different cryopreservation solutions [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Khorami.Hormat Effect of sodium molybdate on Cadmium Chloride-induced Infertility in adult male Wistar rats [ Vol.15, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1401]


  • moein.hamid The effect of eight weeks of increasing training with marjoram supplementation on muscle inflammatory indices in healthy rats [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Mohammadi.Forough The evaluation and comparison of metabolic and oxidative stress status in dairy cows before and after parturition [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Mohebali.Reihaneh Effect of Tilia platyphyllos L. extract on the sex hormones levels and histopathology index in varicocele-induced infertile rats [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Moradi Gharkhloo.mohammad Evaluation of Embryonic Development in Yellow Ground Squirrels (Spermophilus fulvus) and Electrophoresis Comparison of Serum and Cytogenetic Proteins of TheseSquirrels with Gray Squirrels (Spermophilus xanthoprymnus) (Mammalia: Rodentia) in Iran [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Mortazavi.Pejman Effect of Tilia platyphyllos L. extract on the sex hormones levels and histopathology index in varicocele-induced infertile rats [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1400]
  • moshashaei.Maryamsadaat Effects of Hydro alcoholic Extract of Ferulago angulataon Glucose, Lipid Profile and Liver enzymes in Male Rats on High-fat Diet [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1400]


  • nagsh.nooshin Green synthesis of zinc nanoparticles and investigation of changes in some biochemical parameters of blood and its effect on wound healing caused by burns in laboratory Wistar male rats [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • narimanirad.mohammad The effect of eight weeks of increasing training with marjoram supplementation on muscle inflammatory indices in healthy rats [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Nobakht.Ali The Effects of Common and Encapsulated Thyme Essential Oil with Fats on Blood and Immunity Parameters of Broilers with Diets Formulated with Normal and Low Crude Protein Levels [ Vol.15, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1401]


  • Ostadpour.mehrdad The detection of virulence genes of shigatoxin and intimin from Escherichia coli isolated from a pigeon with gastrointestinal symptoms: a case report [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1401]


  • Payez.Atefeh The effect of intraperitoneal injection of hydroalcoholic extract of flaxseed on biochemical, hematological and liver enzymes in rats [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Payez.Atefeh Protective Effects of Shallot Onion Against Stroke due to Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion in Male Wistar Rats [ Vol.15, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1401]
  • piroozmanesh.hamid Evaluation of human sperm parameters after cryopreservation process with myoinositol antioxidant treatment in asthenoteratozoospermia patients [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1400]
  • POURHADI.PARNIA The Effect of Uinoa Extract on Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Indices In Hamsters [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1400]
  • pourzal.parisa The effect of the combination of black seed and honey (ducin) on level of sex steroids and spermatogenesis following induction of hypothyroidism in adult male rats [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1401]


  • Rahimi Pordanjany.Hossein Evaluating the efficacy of benzocaine and the effects of anesthesia with it on the blood factors of goldfish (Carassius auratus) [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Rahnema.Mehdi Synergistic Effects of Noradrenalin, Serotonin, and Oxytocin with Nesfatin on Central Control of Food Intake in Broiler Chickens [ Vol.15, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Rahnema.Mehdi IInvestigation of Synergistic Effects of Corticotropin and Melanocortin receptors with Sub-Effective Dose of Phoenixin-14 on Food Intake in Neonatal Chickens [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • rajaei.sahar IInvestigation of Synergistic Effects of Corticotropin and Melanocortin receptors with Sub-Effective Dose of Phoenixin-14 on Food Intake in Neonatal Chickens [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • ranji.najmeh Epigenetic effects of paraquat on development of preimplantation embryo [ Vol.15, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Rezaei.Farid Contamination of Dog Hair with Toxocara spp. Eggs in Kermanshah City and Associated Risk Factors [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1400]
  • rokhsartalab azar.Shadi Intestinal histopathological investigation and microbial population diversity in rats consuming malt beverage and Rye-based beverage containing microencapsulated Lactobacillus casei [ Vol.15, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Rostamizadeh.Kobra Immunogenical Evalution of PLGA Nanoparticles Contain Klebsiella pneumoniae K2O1 Detoxified Lipopolysaccharide Antigen in Pulmonary Infection Model of BALB/C Mice [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1400]


  • Sahraein.Mohammad Reza Comparison of cartilage and bone staining methods based on using acid and acid-free protocols for study of ontogeny in common Bream (Abramis brama) [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Shahrokhian Kermani.Mahnaz The Effect of 8 Week of Resistance Training with Licorice and Boldenone Extract on Sperm Cells, Sertoli and Leydig Testicular Tissue of Male Rats [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Shapouri.Reza Immunogenical Evalution of PLGA Nanoparticles Contain Klebsiella pneumoniae K2O1 Detoxified Lipopolysaccharide Antigen in Pulmonary Infection Model of BALB/C Mice [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Shariati.Mehrdad The effect of the combination of black seed and honey (ducin) on level of sex steroids and spermatogenesis following induction of hypothyroidism in adult male rats [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1401]


  • Tahamtani.Yaser Comparative study of impact of docetaxel on the cytoskeleton of mouse oocytes after vitrification with two different cryopreservation solutions [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1400]


  • Vakili Nezami.Parastoo Epigenetic effects of paraquat on development of preimplantation embryo [ Vol.15, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1401]


  • Zafari.Ardeshir The effect of aerobic training and cinnamon extract gavage on adiponectin gene expression in liver and fat tissues of male rats fed by high fat diet [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Zendehdel.Morteza IInvestigation of Synergistic Effects of Corticotropin and Melanocortin receptors with Sub-Effective Dose of Phoenixin-14 on Food Intake in Neonatal Chickens [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Zendehdel.Morteza Synergistic Effects of Noradrenalin, Serotonin, and Oxytocin with Nesfatin on Central Control of Food Intake in Broiler Chickens [ Vol.15, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Zibaee.Arash Comparison of cartilage and bone staining methods based on using acid and acid-free protocols for study of ontogeny in common Bream (Abramis brama) [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • zilaei bouri.shirin The effect of six weeks of aerobic exercise on the expression of genes involved in aortic tissue pyroptosis of healthy and diabetic male mice [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1400]