Analysis of reading attributed to Imaam Sadeq from the second verse of “Maʿāriǧ”
Subject Areas : -
zahra zarei
Elaheh Shahpasand
1 - Quran Studies. QuranicSciences College of Mashhad . Universityof Qurani Sciences and Knowledge. Qom. Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor at University of Science and Education of the Holy Quran, Faculty of Quranic Sciences in Mashhad
Keywords: Maʿāriǧ&rdquo, readings akin to Imaams, dignity of descent, event of Ghadir, &ldquo, chapter,
Abstract :
Analysis of reading attributed to Imaam Sadeq from the second verse of “Maʿāriǧ”Some readings on formal volumes have a pure Shiite essence that led to accusations against shia toward interpolation of Quran. And this shows the importance of examination of these readings.This article does a case study on the reading akin to Imaam Sadeq from the second verse of “Maʿāriǧ” chapter that consists of the run-in term “Wilāya ʿAlī”.This research in two sections: a. Dating of narration based on “isnaad-qum-matn” analysis, b. Historical analysis of narration in order to finding the motivation of distribution, tends to study characteristics of this reading and concluded that distribution date of this reading is around year 148 of lunar calendar. Examining historical and disputation atmosphere of the era obtains that this reading distributed in the aura of political and cultural warfare against “ʿAbbāsiyān” house for improving vision of the society toward distinguish of the real instance of “Walī”.