Comparing the effectiveness of the self assertiveness training and problem solving on the aggression and adaptation in students
Subject Areas : Journal of Educational Psychology
Javad Khalatbari
Shohreh Ghorbanshiroudi
Nafiseh Mobaleghi
1 - Assistant professor. Islamic Azad University. Tonekabon Branch
2 - Assistant professor. Islamic Azad University. Tonekabon Branch
3 - M.A Degree Psychology Field. IAU Tonekabon Branch.
Keywords: Adaptability, Assertive training, problem solving, aggression,
Abstract :
This study compared the effectiveness of the self assertiveness training and problem solving on the aggression and adaptation has been done. Method in this study, experimental design, pre-test, post-test and control groups respectively. The study of 500 from all girls’ students in first year high school that was 250 accidentally Ramsar city that who people from randomly selected fully Eysenck adaptation questionnaire responded. The 80 people who score high aggressive and maladapted are selected. Finally 45 people with high mark have been completely random in three 15-man group that had a pilot training program and problem solving an assertive training in six 90-minute session to receive a workshop style sessions. And at the end of sessions from three groups the post test was performed. Data collected for testing hypotheses of this study, using multivariate analysis of variance statistical test was analysis Theory analysis showed : The effect of self-assertiveness training and problem solving on adaptation and aggression isn't different. Problem solving skills training is effective in reducing of aggression Problem solving skills training is effective on increasing the adaptation Self-assertiveness training is effective in reducing highaggression Self- assertiveness training is effective on increasing of adaptation. In general, effectiveness of self-assertiveness & problem-solving on aggressiveness is more of adaptation.