Comparison of the Effectiveness of Computer Games with Traditional Iranian Games on Cognitive Flexibility and Response Inhibiting of Students with Mathematical Learning Disorder
Subject Areas : Journal of Educational Psychologymahsa sadati baladehi 1 * , beheshteh niusha 2
1 - Ph.D in Educational Psychology. Faculty of Humanities. Islamic Azad university. Saveh unit. Saveh. Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Islamic Azad University Saveh Branch. Saveh, Iran.
Keywords: cognitive flexibility, response inhibition, Computer plays, Iranian Traditional Games, Students with mathematical disorder,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of computer Games with traditional Iranian Games on cognitive flexibility and response inhibition of students with mathematical disabilities. The research method was quasi-experimental with pre-test and post-test design with control group. The statistical population consisted of all four to sixth grad elementary school students in Tehran who faced mathematical disability in the academic year of 2018-2019. A total of 30 subjects were selected through accessible and targeted sampling and then divided into 3 groups (a control group, a experimental group trained in traditional Games and one experimental group that was trained in Cognitive computer game as Captain’s Log). The research tools consisted of a revised Wechsler Vault Intelligence Test (WISC-R) (1974), K-Matt mathematical test (1976) for initial screening and a Wisconsin Card Classification Computer Test (1948). Finally, the data of each group were analyzed based on descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (Multivariate analysis of Manawa covariance). Based on the results, both traditional Iranian Games and computer Games have been effective in increasing the cognitive flexibility and response inhibition. The effectiveness of computer Games is more than Iranian traditional Games.