The Role of Job Stress, Perceived Organizational Support, and Resilience in Predicting Teacher Burnout in the Covid-19 Pandemic
Subject Areas : Journal of Educational Psychology
Mehdi Shomaliahmadabadi
Atefeh Barkhordariahmadabadi
1 - PhD in Psychology, Education department, Ardakan, Yazd, Iran.
2 - M.A student, Department of psychology, Isfahan (Khorasgan) branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: Job Stress, resilience, job burnout, Perceived Organizational Support, Covid-19 pandemic,
Abstract :
The present study aimed to investigate the role of job stress, perceived organizational support and resilience in predictingteachers' burnout in the Covid-19 pandemic.This is a descriptive study and was performed by correlation method. Thestatistical population of the study consisted of all school teachers in Ardakan in the academic year 2021-2022. Samplingwas done using the voluntary method and 369 people were subjected to burnout questionnaires (Maslash and Jackson,1981), job stress (Elliott, 1994), perceived organizational support (Eisenberger et al., 1986), and resilience (Connor andDavidson). 2003) which was published online. The reliability of the questionnaires was determined through Cronbach'salpha coefficient for job satisfaction (0.83), job stress (0.74), perceived organizational support (0.81) and resilience (0.87).finally 330 data were statistically analyzed using Pearson correlation and multiple regression methods at the level of 0.05and SPSS26 software. The results showed there was a significant positive relationship between job stress and burnout ofteachers (P <0.001) and a significant negative relationship between organizational support and resilience with burnout ofteachers (P <0.001). Also, the results of multiple regression showed that the coefficients of job stress and perceivedorganizational support were significant (P <0.001, R2 = 0.318) and resilience did not have a significant share in the model(P <0.05). By reducing job stress and improving organizational support and resilience, teachers' burnout can be reduced inthe Covid-19 pandemic.